Huge Cities And Structures Captured On Venus

Cities-Captured-on-Venus-main-4-postby UFO Sightings Hotspot With Added Material

The Magellan probe sent to Venus that operated in the late 80s and 90s, collected an enormous amount of images that have finally been published by NASA in which huge cities, artificial structures and all kinds of elements that seem to obey constructions appear intelligent effected by some kind of alien race that inhabited or colonized the second planet in our solar system.

In the following video, we show those buildings that we have found and their interpretations in 3 dimension of them plus still images. (more…)

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Earth’s History of Interplanetary Travel

Earths-History-of-Interplanetary-Travel-mainGreetings again, my friends, and all my brothers and sisters on the earth plane. May I say first that I am very happy to be with you again and to thank you for the gracious way in which you received my brother during my enforced absence. I have decided that saucers-4-postinasmuch as you have begun to understand that the factors of energy and mass are but relative and that they depend primarily for expression upon the source or Fountainhead and that these equations of energy and mass are but the outward intelligence expressed from the Fountainhead, I have been very anxious that you understand this principle thoroughly. And it is partly because of this that I will discuss the topic of today which, although it does not necessarily pertain to the expression of life on Venus, is pertinent and vital for your understanding and peace of mind in the future generations of mankind upon the earth plane. Our topic today will deal with spacecraft and the historical background of the earth with regard to interplanetary travel. (more…)

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Visitation to Venus

Life-On-Venus-main-4-post“To the planet Venus I bid you welcome for my people and for myself. I am known as an Avatar and I would show you some of our ways of life and some of the wonders of the spiritual realms. But first in order tosoap-bubble-universes-4-post understand what might better be called a plane, or a dimension, as it is sometimes referred to by the people of the earth; we may liken these things to something similar to a large soap which is being blown by a child with the familiar bubble pipe and while the bubble is a thing beauty and glows with iridescent colors, yet if we were to examine it under a powerful magnifying glass would find it even more wonderful. For here are microscopic particles of water, each one rounded, and each one adheres to its neighbor by the law of adhesive relationship. And so likewise is the great cosmic universe about us and the many suns and planetary systems, each one adhering to the others through the laws of great universal magnetic structures or lines of force; and countless suns make one star cluster, which is known as a galaxy by your astronomers and each galaxy is but a pinpoint of light in the great Celestial Universe.

Yet there are universes beyond universes, each one occupying a relationship something similar to the water droplet in the soap bubble. And like the soap bubble, which represents an adhesive mass of particles, supported by other adhesive particles called the atmosphere. So likewise are the countless universes, which are strung out through what, you call space. They are likewise supported and maintain their relationship with what is called the material plane by other supporting structures, which can be called, for want of a better name, dimensions. If we look at the beam of a searchlight we will see that from the point of emergence from the lens as it progresses farther and farther away from its source it looses its brilliance and intensity. So likewise does your mind function. (more…)

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Our Infinite Self

Your-infinite-self-main“Here is a convenient bench, so let us sit awhile and enjoy the amazing beauty and splendor which you see about you; and while you are thus occupied I will go a little further into some of the numerous facets of your earth life evolutions. I might say before this, however, that there will be here in this temple, a ceremony in which one of our loved ones will leave our Venusian way of life to ascend closer to his ultimate Mastership. If you remember the tall brother wCycles-4-postho stood in the center of the semicircle at the birth of Orda. He is the one who is about to so ascend. But we do not measure our lives here by the matter of time as you know it on earth. Rather our lives here are measured as cycles. In fact when you begin to understand in a more abstract manner you will see that the Infinite Mind of God is always expressing Himself, both finite and infinite, in the manner of cycles or evolutions; and this is true, whether it is man or beast, fish or fowl, insect or plant. It is a constant succession of an infinite number of cycles. Energy or intelligence always stems away in a cycle or circular path from the Fountainhead. So it must return and then it will begin again. Yea, even unto eternity and beyond. (more…)

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Basic Human Instincts

basic-instincts-main-4-post“A pleasant day to you, Brother and Sister.

I will attempt to discuss in this transmission two basic and fundamental instincts of creation which have been implanted in the life expression of every living creature on your earth and other similar planets. These two instincts are self-preservation and sex. It is obvious, with a moment’s thought, that I could devote a whole volume to each instinct. It is these instincts which often, in a perverted Squirrel-4-postrelationship, cause mankind his greatest sorrows, likewise in a normal relationship his most joyous and useful expressions. Many species of plant, insect and animal life exhibit strong and normal relationships with these subconscious motivating factors.

The will to live and the desire to procreate are the basic elements which make life possible for all living things to survive and multiply. The tiny ant or the honey bee are familiar to you all. Likewise are the squirrels. They and many other creatures spend many hours in carefully storing a food supply against the time when there is no natural source. However these creatures seldom, if ever, die of conditions such as heart failure, stomach ulcers, hardening of the arteries and other diseases which man inflicts upon himself in his perverted anxiety and fear for his security. While these two instincts are distinct and separate, yet they are closely interwoven and are always found in close relationship. (more…)

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Self-Mastery: Transmission Given By Sha-Tok

Self-Mastery-Main“Good evening. I am known as Sha-Tok.

I will speak for Mal-Var as he will not be with you this evening. However, we all speak the same language and nothing will be lost. Mal-Var belongs to the council and is in the upper chamber this sha-tokevening. In the two previous talks by my worthy brother he discussed at some length some of the underlying principles in the construction of what is called matter, and while these discussions seemed rather lengthy, it is necessary to prepare you as otherwise the true meaning of much that will be described to you, or that you may see with your mind’s eye, may be lost. In passing in review what has been previously explained, I hope that by now you will have begun to understand just what is meant by the relationship of mass and energy,  and that mass and energy are all one and the same. The difference being in the way in which they are perceived, according to such dimensional factors as time and space. In the atom we find energy expressed in the relationshipatom of time and space in such a way that it is seemingly solid or as mass. The lightning which streaks through the sky, or the light from the sun, is somewhat the same energy expressed in a different way, with the factors of time and space.

Now that we have begun to understand the natural phenomena of energy either as a moving dynamic force, or as an apparently solid substance, we must not say that the expression or materialization of mass and energy is confined in what might be called the natural sequence of such manifestations as you are accustomed to in your daily lives. In other words you will find individually in your soul evolution your own particular cycle whereby you shall be enable to use and direct energy from a higher dimensional plane, through the channel of the mind and thought-creation-4-postwithout the use of the hands. In your earth life existence ideas are formed usually through the interrelative thought processes. In order to materialize such an idea it must be worked out with the various materialistic processes which you have evolved in your daily transmission of life.

The use of familiar everyday objects about you were all originally such ideas. The watch which you wear on your wrist or the machine you call the automobile are all products of countless ideas and were brought into materialization only through a great deal of work and experimentation. In a more highly evolved state of consciousness such an idea of materialization would of course seem very crude. Such negative qualities as fear, human error, tolerances and production failures do not enter in. Such a highly evolved mind conceives, visualizes and realizes the infinite perfection of universal energy which stems from the Fountainhead. (more…)

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Venus Transit of Sun Displays Transparent Venus!

Venus-mainTransits of Venus occur in a pattern that generally repeats every 243 years, with pairs of transits eight years apart separated by long gaps of 121.5 years and 105.5 years. The periodicity is a reflection of the fact that the orbital periods of Earth and Venus are close to 8:13 and 243:395 commensurabilities.

The last transit of Venus was on 5 and 6 June 2012, (Video) and was the last Venus transit of the 21st century; the prior transit took place on 8 June 2004. The previous pair of transits were in December 1874 and December 1882. The next transits of Venus will be 10–11 December 2117, and 8 December 2125.

Venus transits are historically of great scientific importance as they were used to gain the first realistic estimates of the size of the Solar System. Observations of the 1639 transit, combined with the principle of parallax, provided an estimate of the distance between the Sun and the Earth that was more accurate than any other up to that time. The 2012 transit provided scientists with a number of other research opportunities, particularly in the refinement of techniques to be used in the search for exoplanets. (more…)

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Suicides In The Afterlife

Suicide-in-the-Afterlife-main-2-4-post“A pleasant day to you, brother and sister!

Because of the length of our previous transcription I was forced to terminate our contact before the subject of suicide had been adequately covered. Because of the seriousness of this subject, and the large numbers of people who so terminate their lives, I believe it is well worth some additional time, using statistics which are currently available. It is said that in your America in the last year about 19,000 persons voluntarily concluded their own lives; more than 100,000 additional persons attempted self-conclusion, in which fortunately for them, they were not successful. (As of 2013 – 41,149 committed suicide and 494,169 attempted suicide). Many of these however will make future attempts as they were turned back into society without proper corrective therapy. (more…)

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Sleep Teaching

sleep-teaching-main“Our love to you again, brothers and sisters. It has suddenly occurred to me that I left you standing in one of the healing wards of our city of Azure while I have spent some time in a somewhat lengthy discourse. Yet if it seemed lengthy to you, may I say that I have touched upon a few of the more vital factors which relate to your very immediate future. By now you may be thinking that we here on Venus do nothing but heal the sick who have departed from your earth plane or to otherwise help them adjust themselves to their new spiritual home. This is not true. We have another very important element of work which may be more to your liking. But in order to visualize its nature we will again seek out another one of the great and mysterious rooms which compose this city.

Now let us enter into a room which is somewhat different from the two previously visited. As we step through the doorway you see, and I believe you are quite surprised to see, what apparently looks like a large number of your spiritual-classroom-4-postearth men and women, each sitting at what very obviously is a desk which is faintly familiar and reminiscent of your school days. There are, of course, outstanding differences, such as the dome-shaped crystalline roof structures which you have become familiar with, which seem to fill the room with some particularly bright shades of green. The desk-like furniture is also different from the old dark mahogany wood structures in your school inasmuch as they, too, are made of some brightly-glowing crystalline material. These people, too, are somewhat vaguely different from the earth people which you see about you every day, inasmuch as they seem to have a sort of transparency and that they assume or absorb somewhat the radiance which fills the room. Yes, these are people from the earth. They are the psychic bodies, the astral psychic selves, of real-life earth-people whose physical bodies are at this very moment in their respective homes, sound asleep. (more…)

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Our Inner Connection to The Infinite

Inner-connection-main-4-post“A pleasant day to you, brother and sister. Since terminating our last visit which took place high above the city on a balcony, there have been some new and important thought questions which I have intercepted and which I would like, if I can, to clear up for you. Some time after the close of this last visit some words were read from a magazine which dealt with relativity of various kinds of what the earth scientist calls factors. He has found that the speed of light and the pull of gravity, radio waves and such kindred and allied expressions have one common denominator, relative to their speed in their, shall I say expression or flow through his third dimension. (more…)

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Still Small Voice Within

Venus-Temple-main-1“Again we come with our love from the planet Venus. I believe we were discussing the topic of self-conclusion and we had been in the ward where you saw a few of those in the suspended state awaiting a new opportunity. So while we are still on this subject of nursing, let us go into another section where we can examine another type of self-destruction which is a form of partial spiritual suicide. We will re-enter the long corridor and pass over into the large doorway you see just before you; and while we are about to enter, may I say that you are quite likely to be reminded of some large healing-wards-venus-4-posthospital back on your earth-plane. There are, of course, no operating rooms where the physical bodies are dismembered and torn apart. Instead, we use our mind forces in directing radiant healing energies; but see, you are in the ward. I see you are very much amazed at the size and large numbers of what look somewhat like the familiar hospital beds in an earth hospital. But come, let us step closer to one of the nearby beds. Before you is a woman whom we shall call Susan. She passed from the earth life but a few weeks ago, and as you see, you would think her more dead then alive. In contrast to the pure psychic bodies of the suicides, the people in these many hundreds of beds have all retained the semblance of their physical form. This is because in their passing, which was quite normal in most cases, they have retained in a somewhat shell-like fashion the hard thought-form energies, the word “hard” being a relative term. Looking at Susan more closely, you will see she is apparently without life. Of course, she does not breathe because she needs no air in her astral form. You will notice also the grayish pallor-like color which makes her appear as if she were almost carved from stone. On earth Susan was what you might call an ordinary sophisticated, worldly woman. She had a business career; she smoked and attended cocktail parties and did numerous other things which are associated with the life one might normally find in a large city. (more…)

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Astral Worlds


“I would like to continue, if I may, with another discussion which is very closely related to the nature of things which were previously discussed – that of astral worlds. Every person on the pathway would like to know where he is going when he leaves the earth plane and that is only a natural attitude which is born out of the desire for security; therefore, a greater degree of faith could be expressed in each individual if he knew something of the place where he is going when he leaves this physical body. You earth people have numerous, rather vague ideas and explanations of these places. You may call them astral worlds, summerlands, or even heaven and hell, or purgatory. Other people have some vague idea that an astral world is something like a big shelf or flat place floating out there in space somewhere. If you remember, your history books tell you that a few hundred years ago people believed the earth was a large flat place which was pushed around the sun by an angel and that if you sailed a ship a little too far, you would fall off the edge. Of course such ideas are very infantile; likewise are many of the ideas of the earthman in regard to the dimensions which he calls astral worlds. (more…)

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Visit to Venus by T. Lobsang Rampa

This short excerpt from My Visit to Venus by T. Lobsang Rampa corroborates in many ways the relatings in The Voice of Venus  so is related herein:

venus-visit-3“The evening winds sighed gently through the trees of the Hidden Valley. There was an atmosphere of peace, of harmony, of Beings working for good. We lay by the side of our camp fire, the Lama Mingyar Dondup and three companions, five of us in all. We had journeyed far from Lhasa, from the frozen slopes of mountains and barren land. Now there were but five of us though eleven of us had started out. Our companions had fallen by the wayside, victims of avalanches, victims of privation and of the bitter, freezing cold.

Now, though, in the warmth of this Hidden Valley we lay at peace. Marvels had indeed befallen us since we had first communed with the Gods from other worlds, the Gods who looked after the Earth and kept it from self-destruction. Tonight, we thought, we will retire early. We had earned our sleep, our rest, for throughout the day we had been seeing the secrets of the immense city which was half buried in the glacier. We had learned much but; we were to learn more.

We looked at each other, wondering who was speaking, because a gentle but insistent thought kept coming into our minds. “Brothers, brothers, come this way for we are waiting.” (more…)

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A Visit to The Inner Plane of Azure

Excerpt from The Voice of Venus:

“The goodness of the evening to you, brother, and as you seem a little surprised to find yourself back sitting beside the lake where we left off this morning, may I say that I took the liberty to set you back in this same spoLight-Beingt after receiving the impulses from your mind. I believe we were discussing matters pertaining to the emergence, or shall I use the word birth, into our planetary way of life. There are also other aspects which relate to the absorption of radiant energies into our bodies which replace your familiar intestinal tract. Of course by now you will have begun to cast about you and have found many heretofore seemingly unnoticed examples which are in every sense just as miraculous. Each tiny leaf and blade of grass carries on this radiant energy process. Your own bodies, using the lower orders of intestinal absorption, could not do so without the direct interpolation of this intelligent radiant energy; and while all of these things have been almost unnoticed, nonetheless, each and everything about you and within you carries its own message of its conception from the Infinite Fountainhead. But come, let us walk toward the mountain which you see in the distance; and do not be surprised if your walking has lost the laborious physical effort or that you seem to float. As you are somewhat used to astral flights, however, I do not feel you will find any great difficulty in adjusting yourself.

While we are progressing toward the city, may I say that you will quite likely see things which may stretch to the utmost your powers of conception. all things on Venus, including the substructures which compose the planet itself as I have said, in their own spectra, have a relationship to the sourceGemstones of Fountainhead which is much closer, or shall I say in a higher stage of evolution. Therefore, those elemental substances, as you will see, will reflect in consequence an outward expression which has a great deal more perfection and beauty. On your earth you have similar examples of this evolution. The soft black carbon in a higher state becomes the sparkling diamond. Likewise, many of the darkened masses of metal may enter, in an oxide form, into some other siliceous material and give to it the radiant hue of the ruby or the blue cool depths of the aquamarine. In fact, your gems are direct transmutations of these lower orders of elemental substances into a higher frequency expression. (more…)

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