Blending Patty Greer’s years of experiences in the UK Crop Circles with the research of Levengood and Penny, Crop Circle Diaries brings science & reality together into a story about the phenomenon that makes sense. Patty shares some of her strangest experiences in the UK Crop Circles while Penny grounds the stories with science and psychology. Soon you will understand what it feels like to be inside one of these grand geometric formations, and how truly life changing they can be. Patty believes that the Earth, Human Consciousness and ETs have been co-communicating through Crop Circle messages for centuries.
Patty Greer’s exceptional movies and talks are like a backstage pass to unraveling the multidimensional communications that have been left like sticky notes in farm fields around the world for these last many decades. Bridging the gap between metaphysics, ET technology and science, Levengood’s research has provided answers to many of Patty’s questions and ultra strange experiences and she hopes that her film will benefit you as well in understanding this strange, spell-bindingly beautiful phenomena.
Crop Circle Diaries is Patty Greer’s 8th and most important documentary film yet. Crop Circle Diaries received two EBE awards at the largest UFO film festival in the world, the International UFO Congress Film Festival for “Best UFO Feature Film 2017” and the “People’s Choice EBE Award 2017”.
Here are some amazing crop circles from just recent in 2018 (the phenomena hasn’t stopped!):