Dear Human, life never ends! There is no death in the manner you may think. Consciousness is eternal.
Many of you fear your death, more than you may wish to admit. Whether or not you spend much time contemplating life after death, all of you at some point in your life will question what will happen when you die, and what will be waiting for you on the ‘other side’. Even those who have determined that nothing exists after physical life have ironically given it much thought.
The Death Experience
Your current patriarchal religions tell you that at death there is either heaven or hell. We would tell you otherwise. Dear Ones, there is no fatalistic end, with a final judgment resulting in eternal reward or eternal punishment. In fact there is ‘no end’. Life is ever expanding.
Death is not a fearful experience to dread. What you term as ‘Death’ is a rebirth into your greater reality and in many ways is quite an exquisite beautiful awakening. In truth, birth into the physical realm is far more traumatic than the return to the ‘angelic realm’. Indeed the passing from physical may be appropriately described as ‘coming home’. Certain extraordinary expansions of reality are innate to being in a far wider horizon, one that offers much greater sensitivity and understandings.
At the moment of your passing, your spiritual essence exits the physical body and in some circumstances you will actually float above your physical body and view the room below you. All of you have experienced death on many more occasions than you may realize [as in past lives].
Your consciousness leaves the physical organism in various ways, according to the myriad conditions of transition, whether it is by illness, senility or a sudden death such as an automobile accident. In cases such as senility, severe coma and Alzheimer disease, consciousness may pass entirely into the afterlife realm even though the physical biology remains alive. Physical death can also occur in a graduated process. For those that pass over at the end of an illness, the passing process will often occur in an intermittent lapsing, a fragmented, staged transfer of consciousness, in which transits out of and back into the physical body may ensue for a period of a few days before the final exit. In these graduated processes of passing the person is in a heightened state and will often see angels, guides and loved ones who have already passed over.
This process is often chosen in order to remove fear of dying. In a manner of speaking this allows for a series of reconnaissance sorties, of brief ‘near death’ exploratory forays to allow the transitioning person to release trepidation and realize there is nothing to dread. Those who have had ‘near death’ experiences generally find that these provide not only a great sense of peace, but an environ of such light and blissful well being that there is a reluctance to return to the physical realm.
Once that threshold is crossed, an automatic transition occurs, and one rises into a higher state. And the higher states have many levels that correspond to dimensional fields. After death dimensions are essence frequencial barriers that are perhaps better understood as differing vibrational intensities of psychological states.
Most of you will immediately realize the transition of your passing. You will be quite delighted to realize you are still conscious, even though dead in physical terms. Many of you will be overjoyed to comprehend that you are still ‘you’. Your inner narrator and of observer of experience will be the same one you had in the recently completed physical sojourn. You will retain the full cognizance of your lifetime and these memories will be focal and immediately accessible for a period of time. You will be able to communicate with others that were important in the completed lifetime.
You will of course realize you are no longer in your physical body. You will find yourself in another form, an image that will appear physical to you too, but you will quickly learn that you cannot operate within the physical system with it in the same way you did while living. The differences between it and the physical body will become obvious, as you are not seen by the living, and are able to pass through physical matter. You may have to re-learn certain laws of behavior, for you may not immediately realize the creative potency and locomotive attributes of your thoughts or emotions in the new environ. You may be astounded to find yourself in five different environments simultaneously with no idea, at first, of the reason behind the situation.
In the beginning, you may see no sequential continuity to movement and feel flung from one place to another with no rhyme or reason; quite literally shifting from one experience to another. You may not initially realize that your thoughts are propelling you as fast as you think them. So immediately following death, there are stages of re-learning navigation and adjusting to a new set of ‘mental’ physics.
There will be a phase in which you closely review the fabric of the recently completed physical experience. However after this review you will find another natural expansion occurs, a gradual soul meld ensues in which you become integrated with your other lifetimes, and with other aspects of not only your earthly sojourns, but of other realities.
When this expansion transpires, the soul identity will naturally become greater and your etheric form will shift. You may choose an appearance that correlates to a different lifetime, or a soul ‘body’ framework that encompasses all of your experiences.
Now, there are rare circumstances in which one may die in a sudden unexpected circumstance such as an accident in which death occurs so abruptly that there is a very brief period of confusion. However this is infrequent and usually only occurs if the person is overly attached to the physical life and cannot let go.
Generally this is in lesser developed souls who feel they did not complete their goals or souls who become so attached to their particular lifetime for various reasons that they cannot accept the transition. In very rare cases, one may after death so firmly refuse to accept that death has occurred that they desperately focus emotional energy toward re-entering the physical form. In other similar scenarios one who has been obsessed with a particular goal or ongoing uncompleted project for example, may try to complete it, for a time before they accept that their earthly sojourn has ended. So even in such cases, the obvious eventually becomes quite clear. And also be aware that there are indeed guides to help each of you fully understand your situation in passing. But most of you will enter in clarity. And when one enters without disorientation you are very often greeted by family and friends who have passed over before you. There is a sense of comfort and a euphoric recognition of this realm that exudes a sense of well being. You will be able to rest, if rest is desired or required. The resting phase is one of great expansion in which an ambiance of ecstasy occurs. Often there is a feeling of floating in a field of bright white light lined with extraordinary vivid colors. In this phase you will be in a blissful state and adapt more easily into the understanding of the separation that has occurred. But you will still be able to focus thought to the earth plane. You will discover that thought takes you quickly to whomever and wherever you focus.
You may visit with friends and relatives, revisit the past, greet childhood friends and travel seamlessly through space and time. You may revisit your childhood; view yourself as a young child surrounded by family at Christmas, or walk down the halls of your high school as it existed sixty years earlier. You will realize that there is no ‘lag-time’ between the manifestations of any idea or thought and its initial conception as there is in physical life. You will delightfully explore this ‘dream-like’ phenomena, but in real validity, clear lucidity. There are other ways to become familiar with the realities and dimensions of the afterlife while you are living on the earth plane. This will be briefly discussed in this sharing.
Now, it is important for you to understand that no one dies without choosing to do so. The higher self ever makes the decision. Therefore no one ‘dies before their time’, yet there can be the sense of an ‘unfinished life’, so to speak, when the chosen ‘life lessons’ selected by you were for one reason or another, not completed.
Continual Growth
Dear Ones, the descriptions of the after-death experience are indeed varied….varied somewhat according to each individual’s system of belief and light quotient. These may seem very complicated, particularly if you have been used to a dogmatic belief in eternal paradise, hell or heaven, or an eternal rest. In truth, those with a strong belief in religious teachings will often initially create an immediate imagery of saints and white light that corresponds with their spiritual programming. Interestingly this allows for a smoother transition in comparison to one who does not for example, believe in an afterlife.
But to be clear, death is not an eternal resting place. There is not a heaven with streets of gold, or a demonic torment of a lake of fire, and there is no infinite void….although you may briefly experience hallucinations of these if you strongly believe in them. Even so these will be short-lived visions, and as we have stated, there are guides and guardians, an ‘Orientation Team’ in a manner of speaking, to assist those that need helpful instruction and direction in adapting to the afterlife. The ‘Orientation’ entourage are advanced souls that are both living and dead. Those members that are still in physical life perform this service in “out-of-body” phase while the physical body sleeps. They are adept with the trans-dimensional projection processes of consciousness.
The ‘assisting guides’ that are still living in earthly sojourns are particularly helpful because they have a more immediate understanding of the feelings and emotions of the current time and of the current earth realities that the departed soul just exited. Such persons may or may not have a memory of their nightly activities. These guides understand the many sensations involved, and they aid in the orientation of those who are initially confused in the immediate phases of passing over. Generally speaking, an ‘old soul’ (in your terms), one that has experienced many levels of consciousness training and a higher number of earthen lifetimes will not be confused or disoriented in the transition from physical to nonphysical.
Preparatory Exercises
There are activities that you can undertake while living in physical that will prepare you for the realms of the afterlife. Accordingly, those of you who have made concerted efforts in the physical plane to learn out-of-body projections through meditation, fasting, vision questing, lucid dreaming, yogic practices and shamanic journeying will be more familiar with the afterlife environ.
Such experiences with consciousness expansion into multidimensional realms are therefore quite beneficial in preparation for the physical death transition. All of you in physical life can consciously learn to navigate multi-dimensionality in these disciplines, and learn the nuances of the after-death realms. This can be very helpful in preparation for passing over. You will know what to expect as you will better understand the conditions of timelessness and thought navigation. With a bit of effort each of you willing to take the time to self program can learn to have lucid dreams. By self programming we mean simply that. Create the intent to remember your dreams. Focally meditate toward it before you sleep, giving yourself the willful and persistent suggestion. You will be amazed at the result.
Now, separation from the physical as we have said, does vary to some degree with the individual, but there are certain commonalities that all of you will encounter. There is an enhanced ability and freedom to more fully understand your own reality, to develop your abilities further, and to feel more deeply, and indeed clearly comprehend the nature of your own multidimensional existence as a part of All That Is.
Reviewing What Happens At Death
We will now review in greater detail certain important talking points, some of which were touched upon earlier in this channel, but are worthy of re-mentioning and quite important for you to comprehend.
At the point of your transition from physical, you will exit the corporeal body, and you will discover yourself to be in the same ‘etheric form’ in which you travel in dreams and in out-of-body projections. It will feel quite comfortable and indeed familiar to you, because in truth each of you leaves the physical body each night during sleep. This body may seem physical, but you will quickly realize your new ‘after death’ body offers many more attributes in its new environ.
Most of you will choose initially to appear as you did in physical life, but in a more robust format. Most select to appear as they did in their peak physical years. You will travel instantly, timelessly by thought. For example if you think of a loved one in Virginia, you will immediately be in their presence. You will be able to communicate with them telepathically. However, they will not be, in most cases, capable of seeing you or of physically ‘hearing you’. They will receive the communication subconsciously and may or may not recognize the source of the thought transmission.
You will not be seen by those still in the physical body however. After death, when you project your consciousness by thought into the physical realm you will be in etheric form, ghostly, in your terms. But we will add as an item of interest, that many members of the Animal Kingdom, including any pets you may have had, will be able to see you quite clearly. You may in fact be given a very enthusiastic welcome by your dogs and cats as you enter the home in which your family and pets still reside on the earth plane.
This is, generally speaking, the phase in which you re-discover the amazing attributes of your new form and abilities of ‘thought movement’. You will delightfully find that you can do anything in mental process. You will be able to fly in the same way you fly in dream state. You will be able to easily pass through ‘solid’ objects, be this walls, buildings or mountains. You will move directly by your will, taking you from one location to another, to one person or another through thought. In this early phase you may even choose to explore the planet, both on the surface and through its interior! The Devic projections of the plant and mineral kingdom will be visible to you in the astral planes of the planet.
There is of course a dream-like quality to this process in the beginning. In most cases after death, people choose to remain rather closely connected to the earth plane for a few weeks after passing, before moving higher. In this ‘timing’ a completion of sorts occurs in which you choose to communicate with many of those who played important roles in your lifetime. Keep in mind that time as you think of it, does not exist in the nonphysical realm, so you will not be aware of the linear passing of time after death.
While most of the close association and direct contact to the earth plane immediately after death takes place in what would be measured on the earth as 4-6 weeks, you will be in ‘now’ time and totally oblivious to sequential chronology. In other words it will seem to you as very brief in a natural flow of thought and space in a timeless scenario. In this way, it is possible for certain individuals to remain in this state for months, even years, depending on their need for communication and completion, however this is not the norm.
It will not be a surprise to you to know that most of you will etherically attend your own wakes and funerals.
Many who have ‘Near Death’ experiences, and then return to physical life speak of their entire lives flashing before their eyes. This is something of a misunderstood translation between subconscious dream state and ego frontal brain interpretation. More accurately described, your physical life can indeed be observed on the other side of the veil from birth to old age, but this takes place in a carefully studied review, not in a rapid flash. This is a chosen review normally attended with the help of guides, on a higher plane than the one initially entered after death.
All of you will have this experience, but you will be able to choose the key parts in which to not only study, but to relive based on your discretion. In many cases the soul will select areas in which erroneous actions were taken. You will then be guided into reviewing alternative responses to understand what could have taken place and how it would have brought about an improved outcome. A deep learning occurs herein. This is what your religious texts refer to as ‘the judgment’. However, in this state there are not the emotions of guilt and torment, for on this level, you are above the personality as you think of it. You review these from a higher state of self, which is detached in a manner of speaking, almost as a 3rd person observing. This occurs in what may be considered as a training center. But to be clear it is a psychological dimension or state, not a ‘place’; in the way you think of space in the physical dimension.
Once you complete this phase you will have the choice of whether or not you choose to return, to reincarnate. There are many alternative choices available to you, if you choose not to reincarnate into the earth-cycle. There are myriad other universes and galaxies that offer incredible experiences of learning. Most are quite different than what you have experienced in the earth’s solar system. Very few of these are physical realities. Those of you in highly advanced states may connect to other realms including those of Arcturus, the Pleiades and the binary system of Sirius. The Cosmos is literally teeming with life, though the three just mentioned are in truth quite familiar to you, and have been closely involved since Mu and Atlantis with the Earth system and cycle. Many of you coexist within these in a higher stage of light format, in photonic life form.
You will then decide if you have completed duality or not, and those that have not will begin preparing for their return. Most souls have spacing between lives according to the reincarnational cycles of those whom they have past relationships. Generally speaking, a period of 20-40 years occurs here before the choice to reenter is fixed. But we must again clarify that time or timelessness on the other side is difficult for you to comprehend in physical senses that are attuned to sequential linear time.
Your ‘timing’ of return is based to no small degree on the return choices of those you wish to interact with on the earth plane. In this process a plurality state of communication occurs in which agreements and intricate planning takes place. Herein there is recognition of other souls and soul groups in duality for whom relationships are chosen to be completed, or balanced, as well as the choosing of family and the choice of lessons for growth. You will select the astrological patterning that will best allow you to grow. Those souls who have chosen to return to duality will absolutely spend ‘training-time’ in the nonphysical frequencies of the ‘other planets’ within your solar system. The soul journey on the earth plane is the ‘testing’ ground or University of duality, but it is only a part of the soul completion. Each of you will spend time on all of the spheres in your chosen solar system curriculum. This usually occurs in the afterlife in preparation for the next stage, the next level of reincarnation. However it may also partially occur while in physical life during sleep. Each of you absolutely exit the body into what may be termed the afterlife state each night when you enter deeper stages of sleep, although very few of you retain lucid memory of this in waking state.
See Part II here.