Choosing The Soul Pattern
Dear Human, do not consider the afterlife studies on the stars and planets as folklore nor as untruth. What is learned by the soul in each realm, each sojourn must be effectively constructed and expressed optimally through action on the earthen lifetimes. Soul growth must be demonstrated in thought and deed through successful manifestation of will into physical reality. The correct and most appropriate pattern must then be carefully selected from the innumerable arrangements of stars and planets, which represent soul patterns. The signs of the Zodiac are twelve fundamental patterns from which the soul chooses when coming into the earth plane for a new incarnation. They are patterns representing optimal temperament, personality, and mental attunement. The gender, race and physical body is also chosen as these are an objectification of the soul pattern, a reflection of the progressive “individuality of the soul” in the next planned earthen experience.
What we share herein has been known by many more advanced societies including those of Mu, the Atlantean Law of One, Egypt and Greece. After the emerging dominance and control of your fear-based patriarchal religions, the teachings went ‘underground’ so to speak, and were taught only within secretive enclaves. In your known history it was taught by Plato and Pythagoras. In more recent times by Edgar Cayce, who was indeed the reincarnation of Pythagoras, an aspect of the essence of the Egyptian Ra-Ta. As we have told you, the Earth plane is the University of Duality. The Earth realm is however, only a part of the course. There are other realms of the afterlife associated with your solar system that feed directly into the duality/free will experience of the physical realm. The duality Earth is uniquely and succinctly free will, and choices made by each individual entity are completely dominant in the manifestation and creatorship purposes of this cause and effect realm.
In the afterlife realms, some measure of guidance is available to each entity as progression is made. Such guidance is by teachers, some of whom you may think of as Ascended Masters and Angelics. This is chosen in free will with each of your higher aspects, the oversoul itself.
Those of you, who think the afterlife is without challenges, must think again. There is always effort required, but there are motivational forces innate within the nature of consciousness that allow for this advancement. You will in fact sense a powerful natural desire, a deep yearning for these teachings. The soul has a deep-seated wish to grow, and all souls are so driven, so inclined. It is an innate and natural part of the return to ‘All That Is”, to full creatorship…in this sense this movement is a programming that may be termed as the soul’s DNA.
We also wish to add that learning to fully and robustly experience the vibration of happiness, balance and well-being is an important aspect of completing the earth cycle. This is contained and taught within the vibration aspects of Venus. So please do not consider that the Earth-Cycle is ‘all work and no play’, so to speak. Expressing joy and feeling deep vibrations of love is vitally important. In fact approximately one out of four incarnations is chosen to focus on love, and such sojourns are often specifically designed to be spent among soul family with dedication to one another. Such lifetimes are deliberately interspersed with more difficult lifetimes in which more difficult challenges are scripted.
Mastery Guilds & Time Travelers
There are many ‘guilds’ of guides associated in the assistance of developing worlds, including your own. There are fully Ascended Souls that have completed the Earth-Cycle that choose to manifest bodies for specific purposes that include inserting scientific information, inventions, philosophies, government, literature, art and music at certain key intervals within linear time and space. These are highly developed, highly specialized Masters, beyond geniuses in your terms and include souls like Pythagoras, Tesla, Socrates, Plato, Isaac Newton and many others. They may enter in physical lives, with ‘normal’ birth with all of the ‘filters’ of biological existence that require these souls to experience all the ‘screens’ and challenges innate to physicality, or in very rare scenarios may directly manifest into physicality without birthing. In some cases they enter by agreement in the format you think of as ‘walk-ins’. But it should be noted that true walk-ins are very rare. Many humans who consider themselves ‘walk-ins’ have experienced a vast expansion, an internal quickening into a much higher state of Self, but no ‘external’ exchange with another entity actually occurred.
Those that specialize in influencing the flow of events may be termed as ‘Envoys from the Future’ and are Masters of Space-Time manipulation. These specialized masters enter to help navigate the course of ‘probable’ reality into manifest reality at key junctures of civilization.
Time on your planet occurs in hologramic programs. There are beings that are ‘Masters’ in your terms that have developed the specialized ability to enter in and out of space time, somewhat in the same manner as some of your sci-fi movies and television programs have depicted in ‘Quantum Leap’.
The Nature of Time & Space – Antimatter Stealth Energy
You must understand that in the Cosmos, physicality is the exception, and not the rule. Your own academics are aware to some degree that ‘dark matter’ and ‘dark energy’, (as you term them) make up over 95% of the Cosmos. Matter occurs in spectrums, as does light, so it may be difficult for you to grasp this concept. But these centers, while planetary, do not take up space in the way you think of space as being a place with a specific location. So as you develop spacecraft to physically explore some of these planets, they will appear quite lifeless to you. This is the result of your own misinterpretations of the spectral nature of reality.
These environments exist unperceived by you amid the physical world that you know of. Your physical perceptive mechanisms are simply not capable of tuning into their frequential ranges. Vastly more realities co-exist with your own. And at death, you enter into the ‘other side’ of the veil, the nonphysical side of the torus, and are automatically tuned into different fields, and react to other laws of physics pertinent to these other realities, realities that are unperceived with the very limited scope of physical sensory. However, from the other side, you can to some extent perceive back into physical reality, but not be physical. And as we have said, entries back into physical realms are at a different frequency, and you will be ghostly, in your terms. You would be quite invisible, unable to be seen, and unable to manipulate physical matter. There are energy fields and energetic barriers that do indeed separate you. There is a science to all of this, it is not magic! It is dimensional physics, which is a science matter understood by advanced societies of your past, but not yet understood in your present.
Completing The Earth-Cycle
Now, we wish to clarify, that reincarnation into the complete phases of the Earth-Cycle is necessary to complete the earth cycle. But there is the choice to exit into other realms of Mastery outside the Earth-Cycle.
If you have completed the earth cycle and mastered duality, you may choose to remain within the system as a teacher or guide. Or you may choose to move into a greater intensity and learn creatorship on a much much larger scale.
When the earth cycle is finished, the information, experience, and abilities you have so diligently garnered are available to you for other applications. Accordingly the options are far more diverse than those available to ‘undergraduate’ souls who must still reincarnate in earth cycle.
One-Ness With All That Is
There is the ultimate potential and goal to become ‘absorbed’ into, to join with the supreme consciousness of that you term God. In this sense you merge into plurality consciousness within ‘All That Is’. But even so, an aspect of your individuality, your memories, your lifetimes and various sojourns will be retained within a portion of you. Nothing disappears. Those personality aspects will still exist, in what may be thought of as living dynamic ongoing memory, in a different compartment, somewhat in the same way your computer stores data. In Avatar level, you are a composite of all levels of self you see. Once you obtain this ultimate level, there are opportunities, means in which to operate in Cosmic-scale Creatorship. The amount of knowledge and training necessary makes such an Elohim-Avatar communicator-career extremely demanding, but it is one of the ‘graduate courses’ available to you. The process of learning such information necessarily adds to the development and abilities of the soul. Once such a choice is made, training immediately begins, always under the leadership of a guild of Master Beings that from your perspective may be considered as Elohim or Archangels.
But again Cosmic Creatorship is a vastly complex subject, and advanced far above and beyond the level of earth-cycle where you are now. There are opportunities to become guides and teachers within your earth system. These include some advanced souls on the cusp of graduation, in their final reincarnations, and your system does of course contain other entities that have graduated earth cycle and have chosen to help those still within it. You will be afforded the opportunity to teach if you have the inclination and the light quotient requisite. But as we have stated multidimensional teaching is far more than teaching as you know it now, and it demands extremely rigorous training, that in your terms of time, takes eons upon eons. The pathway leads such a teacher into many realms of reality far more complex than those previously mastered in the earth cycle. In your contemporary religious terms, this would be explained as companioning with Creator God.
The Master Creator roles in One-ness with God can be quite specialized. Some as those of us in what may be termed a form that can be simplistically explained as ‘Laws of Physics, working to both formulate new dimensions of actuality, maintaining expansions within existing ones, using geometrics, sacred geometry, forming the base matrix of new worlds and imparting knowledge in as many forms as possible – and I do not mean physical forms. What you would call time is manipulated as an artist would use color. What you would call space is gathered together in extraordinary ways.
In Closing
Dear Ones, our subject matter may seem rather extraordinary and complex…even somber, but that is not our intent, nor should it be your reaction or conclusion after hearing our words. What lies before you is beautiful beyond your imagination, extraordinary in its magnificence. Words are inadequate to describe the utterly astonishing exquisite realms.
So we tell you to savor the time, seize the moments s of your life. Enjoy the beautiful aspects of your earth, for indeed the earth plane is truly extraordinary in its sublime beauty, and when you pass over you will have an immediate sense of exactly how astonishingly beautiful life is. You will be grateful for every precious breath you have taken. Even thought life will have challenges…at your time of transition, you will be bathed in a deep sense of appreciation. We of the Angelic realm are here to assist you. We are family members reaching out, offering you a hand. But we are not here to solve your problems for you. To do so would undermine your own growth on your path of Mastery. We ask you to take a moment and sense, really sense the magnificent light and energy of your being. And to recognize that life and death are part of the same process. The two are the facets of the same reality. You will live many many lives, and never be again, the exact personality, the exact expression that you are now, and yet it becomes part of the Integral Self that will never end, and you will always be a part of it. So remember to love yourself, and bask in joy, for it is available to you now…for you are a magnificent being, a divine aspect of All That Is. After passing, you can look back on your reincarnational lives, but they are only a part of the grand and grander YOU!
Life on Earth is a credential, a chosen course, it is not a punishment, not a fall from grace. It is an involution leading to a truly glorious evolution. When you leave the physical system after completing the Earth-Cycle and finish the cycle of physical reincarnation, you will have learned the lesson. And when this occurs and you are in a manner of speaking no longer a member of the ‘human’ race, you will have graduated the University of Duality. Yet that specialized aspect of your conscious-self remains within it just as other portions of your identity dwell there simultaneously. Therefore, the lessons, the experience are ever a part of you.
Please know your spirit merged into flesh by choice to master the incredible realm of duality, to learn Creatorship. And it is an extraordinary credential to experience such a world of incredible richness, to help create a reality of colors, music and of form. Your spirit was born into biology to enrich a marvelous area of sensory awareness, to feel energy made into physical form. You are here to use, enjoy, and express yourself through the body, mind and soul. These as a trinity interweave into One-ness. So we urge you to seize the day, find joy, discover well being, and know that every choice you make determines the life you live.
See Part I here.