Earth’s History of Interplanetary Travel
Greetings again, my friends, and all my brothers and sisters on the earth plane. May I say first that I am very happy to be with you again and to thank you for the gracious way in which you received my brother during my enforced absence. I have decided that
inasmuch as you have begun to understand that the factors of energy and mass are but relative and that they depend primarily for expression upon the source or Fountainhead and that these equations of energy and mass are but the outward intelligence expressed from the Fountainhead, I have been very anxious that you understand this principle thoroughly. And it is partly because of this that I will discuss the topic of today which, although it does not necessarily pertain to the expression of life on Venus, is pertinent and vital for your understanding and peace of mind in the future generations of mankind upon the earth plane. Our topic today will deal with spacecraft and the historical background of the earth with regard to interplanetary travel.
When your scientists touched off the first atom bomb it had an immediate and far reaching effect into many of the astral worlds and in some of the dimensions which are more closely related to the earth. About five planets including Venus were immediately startled, and gravely concerned with what might be the misuse of atomic power. Clarion, another planet, not generally known to the earth people, was another one so concerned; likewise Mars. Eros also was alerted and was swung into an orbit which would bring it in close conjunction with the earth. These planets all sent out space craft or used other means to explore the earth to find out all possible ramifications which might be involved in these atomic explosions.
The people of the earth during the following years were tremendously excited by the appearance and strange behavior of these various types of craft. One type in particular which you call flying saucers has caused the greatest consternation and conjecture particularly to the earth scientist. He is at a loss to explain the sudden appearance and disappearance of these craft. Also he is flabbergasted with the tremendous speeds which they can attain and which he can only track on his radar screen. He is also bewildered by their appearance of being at a white-hot heat or cooling to a dull cherry red. To interject a little mystery here, let me say there is no heat produced in the use of these craft. But first I must digress to explain to you some of the historical background which is necessary to understand your present situation.
About 500,000 years ago, the people of Mars were commuting regularly to the earth by spacecraft. They had established a colony on the southern edge of what is now called the Gobi desert at the foothills of the Himalayan mountains. They were however set upon from time to time by savage bands of native earth-men who roamed about the earth at that time. In the last of these forays a large group of Martians barely escaped with their lives into the nearby hills where they remained hidden and lost to their countrymen who finally abandoned the idea of colonization on the earth. They were a peace loving people and although they had weapons at their disposal that would have annihilated these savage earth men, yet they refused to use them; and so the earth swung in its orbit, unattended for several hundred thousand years until the coming of the Lemurians from the planet Lemuria which is about 700 light years (figured in our
planetary system of light measurement) away from our solar system. You may wonder how these, men traversed this vast distance without consuming the best part of their lives. It was through the principle of change of frequency relationship which enabled the spacecraft to travel through inner space at speeds approximately ten times that of your known speed of light (186,000 miles per second). Therefore the distance from Lemuria to our solar system could be traversed in a very small fraction of the time which you might assume would normally be necessary, in other words about 5 or 6 years. During this journey the ship was flown and controlled by a robot calculator. The eleven who occupied the ship remained in a state of suspended animation, something like a cataleptic hypnotic trance.
It was about 160,000 years ago in your earth time that the great spacecraft crashed on the Gobi desert very close to where the Martians formerly lived. Inside were these eleven men on this craft which had come, as you have been told, from a planet much closer to the central vortex of the material universe and our own solar system. This was the planet Lemuria, about three times the size of the earth and warmed by the rays of a huge brilliant copper colored sun to which it was fairly close. The people of this planet are, compared to your earth people, of a very large and tall stature. They are also advanced in their spiritual evolution to a point which is about one-half way between the scientific plane of Mars and the spiritual plane of Venus. We had long been in telepathic communication with these people and it had been their first attempt with spacecraft at such vast distances which had ended so disastrously on earth. It had not been their desire to land on earth but rather on Venus, but they had been deflected from their true course by the strong magnetic field of a huge sun they passed on their journey here.
You are all somewhat familiar with the story of Mu or Lemuria on your earth; and how the science of these eleven Masters or Supermen was handed down through the ages so that it became a vital science of that civilization you call Atlantea. It was the people of Atlantea who still used spacecraft and were, through the knowledge and use of the principle I have explained to you, able to float silently through the air in weightless craft which they propelled by using force beams or energy beams, using as their source of energy the magnetic fluxes which surround the earth. Near the close of this civilization there was a great deal of corruption which began to enter into a heretofore very wonderful way of life, and which was something like the Utopia which the philosophers are wont to talk about. It was at this time that an Avatar who was living on Venus, made a pilgrimage to Atlantea; and there, after proving his Mastership by placing the flame of life upon a crystal clear quartz block which he materialized from energy, he ruled for the space of 428 days, during which time he wrote a book about life and placed it beneath the flame. It was his warning when he left that nothing should be taken from or added to this book or else Atlantea would perish. Your history will tell you the sad tale. Sometime after the disappearance of the Avatar, whom you call Christ, a group of Atlantean men, women and children wishing to preserve their way of life, escaped in a space craft to Mars. It was the descendents of these people who were contacted by your earth-man named Fry,* as well as numerous others.
*Daniel W. Fry, author of The White Sands Incident.
I am bringing you this story so that I can show you how these craft or flying saucers work and which will also point out to your earth scientists the underlying principles which they are now hopelessly trying to duplicate. The trip the earth-man took in this flying saucer was quite real. However it did not take place in the dimension or realm with which he is familiar.
This saucer is guided by the mother ship which is a huge cigar shaped craft which usually hovers motionless out in space at about 10,000 miles distance from the surface. The craft is pilotless and is flown by a beam of energy which projects like an invisible searchlight from the mother ship. This beam is hollow like a tube, in the center of which the saucer always remains. The outer shell of this tube-like beam is a composite form of innumerable wave shapes or intelligences, which have been taken from a source coming from the Fountainhead; and through processes which are known to them as well as to ourselves these energies are so directed that they can change the relationship of the atomic structures which compose the metals of the ship and thus render it weightless, as it does not now, in this condition, reside in the spectra of atomic frequencies which are subject to the gravitational pull of the planet earth.
This gravitational field, by the way, is merely a highly charged field of force which has as its origin a condition caused by friction between the outer shell of the earth and the inner molten core. Now as I have told you, contrary to general belief, there is no heat involved in the glowing appearance of a flying saucer. This is caused simply by reflection and refraction similar to that principle which causes a rainbow. In other words, as the basic frequency relationships of the atoms composing the metals are changed these atoms will, in assuming their place in molecular structures, reproduce such reflection or refraction from various light sources, such as sunlight, daylight or moonlight. The sudden stopping and starting these strange craft is now likewise more easily understood.
If you have watched the pencil-like beam of a searchlight piercing the sky at night you will see its extreme tip move at a tremendous rate of speed across the sky, and yet if you are standing by the searchlight, you would see that it moves very slowly and but a few inches at a time. This is exactly how these saucers are operated. They are flown up and down, over and around, and in any direction the operator chooses by simply moving the searchlight beam projector. As I have explained, this beam is a hollow tube of energy and by the simple law of adhesive energy the saucer could not get out of this beam.
Now I see that your bodies are beginning to tire, although I know your minds are eager for more information. On my next visit I will give information which is more pertinent to life on Venus. I have brought you the topic of discussion today for several obvious reasons. Inasmuch as all of the underlying principles, as well as the motivating factors, are all interwoven they are of concern to all races or groups of people who are in a more advanced state of evolution than the earth peoples. I might add one thing more before I leave as I have heard you question the validity of flying saucer contacts or of other such similar appearances of spacecraft to seemingly obscure people. These are primarily somewhat in the nature of testings or psychological experiments, and have been meant in a mild way to shock the earth people from their ruts of materialistic complacency. You are right about one thing however. We, or any other advanced race, do not and would not seriously affect your own chosen way of life. It is the Infinite Wisdom of the God who created you in your finite way that you must find your way back to the Fountainhead by developing your own spiritual evolution. And so until such future time I will await your convenience.
Brother Mal Var
Excerpt from The Voice of Venus
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