Egypt On Mars: A Hidden Connection?
Compilation by Gloria Lynn
After many discoveries on Mars of Ancient Civilization artifacts there seems that more and more of these artifacts point to an Egyptian influence. Either from Earth to Mars or from Mars to Earth.
Either way presented are images and videos pointing to this astonishing connection.

Carvings And Statues
Posted in Other Topics, The Truth About Mars, True History of Manwith 2 comments.
What was the source of the two inset photos right ABOVE the section captioned “Carving and Statues” that you compare to the limestone blocks of the Hawara Pyramid? I am unable to find these in a Google Image search except on your website. I haven’t found them in HIRISE or Curiosity Rover photos, for instance. They look like two closeups from a larger photo.
Hi Russell,
The source was the web at the time. It may be that the original images were removed. I searched google images found it there. Thanks for your interest and am sorry I did not get to your question sooner.