Energy: The Great Infinite Force
Part I of Lesson 5: Energy: The Great Infinite Force…
Reincarnation…Causal Dimensions
by Ernest L. Norman
Greetings from UN.AR.I.U.S..
Taking up our lesson along the pathway toward Truth, we will be assisted tonight by Dr. Charles Pierce and Mme. Blavatsky. Several other wonderful and great minds are here and will be interjecting their mind forces and their intelligences along with the others. Tonight’s lesson deals with reincarnation and with frequency relationship. We have before us here, as you see, some scientific instrumentation with which we are going to explore and we shall thus see before our eyes how energy moves. However, before we do so, we shall establish some sort of continuity between this lesson and the last one.
It is to be assumed by now that we have all begun to form some sort of a definite relationship to the great world of Universal energy. It is hoped too, that all of you have established within your minds something of this great Universal God-force which we call energy, in whatever dimension or in whatever form this energy appears, whether it is pure energy which lights and heats our homes or whether it is the energy we see in the (so-called) solid atomic structures, it stems from the one great Infinite Source. We can also say that by now man himself becomes nothing more or less than a conglomerate mass of this energy, whether it is in the physical form of atomic structures or whether it resides in the realm of the psychic self and in the 4th dimension.
In order that you may better understand the transition of energy in the linkage of the Great Universal Infinite Mind in these numerous dimensions, it is necessary that you completely understand frequency relationship or harmonic structures. This understanding will also open up to you new horizons, new worlds in which you may better understand evolution of not only yourself but also that of your fellow man. The concept of the true reincarnation will open up to the scientist, the doctor, the psychiatrist in the world of today and tomorrow, new horizons whereby they will begin to understand the basic and factual causes of all of man’s diseases—diseases which have been, heretofore, classed as incurable. These diseases in themselves, as they reside in dimensions which are unknown to the savants of this time, will remain incurable until the learned men of tomorrow learn to bridge the gap into the realm of clairvoyance or into the spiritual dimensions.
We cannot assume or tolerate for one moment such a concept as would say merely that energy stemmed out from somewhere, from some huge hole, and precipitated itself downward like a shower of rain, or that it just happened to appear or to disappear. We must know and understand factually that these things relate themselves according to certain dimensions, spectrums within dimensions in everything, whether they are atomic substances or pure energy. They are as wave form structures, they possess a particular intelligence. I know that I have mentioned this fact several times previously, but it is of the utmost importance for the students to understand these concepts. We have rather loosely touched upon the fact that energy and its manifestation of wave forms or energy impulses, in whatever strata or structure or plateau in which they exist, assume a certain I.Q. or intelligence quotient, according to certain malformations of the basic sine wave frequency or the wave forms which were discussed in the last lesson.
In order to progress further in our hypothesis, we will begin to see now that the Universe and all the structures and surrounding things of which the Universe is composed, are the basic elements which are going through certain frequency transitions. This point was explained as we sketched for you previously the great vortexes of energy which we called the Universe, the cosmic or the Celestial Universes, and how they resolve themselves into such minute particles as atomic structures.
We can begin to say, first, that these principles are somewhat similar to the eighty-eight notes on the piano keyboard. Even though we are not musicians and cannot play the piano, we know that there are a definite number of octaves on the piano. There are a certain number of harmonic chord structures. All in all, the various total combinations which could be extracted from the piano keyboard would number many thousands.
To give you an idea of the infinite number of combinations which can be achieved from even a pack of playing cards, it is known that there are over 3 1/2 million different combinations and suits in a deck of 52 cards. If any one of you were to sit down and try to count to a million, although you spent eight or ten hours a day at it, it would take you several months. A million is a very large sum, and yet tonight we are going to explain frequency and energy to you in cycles or vibrations of literally hundreds of millions of times per second. These things are beyond the realm and the concept of any mortal mind. They must just be accepted verbatim on the basis of which we know them to exist.
We can begin by saying for instance, that in the television set we have the channels which are numbered from 1 to 13. We have about 6 or 7 active channels in this area. They begin with 88 megacycles and extend to about 108 megacycles. A megacycle is one million cycles. Therefore, even the lowest, the #2 channel, vibrates something like 88 million times per second to 108 million times per second on its basic sine wave frequency as it is energized from the transmitter. Is this correct Mr. Hayes? “Yes, that is true.”
**The present existing high frequency channels, 28 to 83, oscillate in a band of frequencies 200 to 400 million times per second. The Laser beam oscillates at frequencies of 750 million, million cycles per second.
We have with us another electronic technician who is going to assist with the oscilloscope and the television apparatus, giving you visual demonstrations of how energy (the picture) must first exist as an energy wave form. The pulsations or vibrations, as they vibrate into the room, are picked up by the two rods and are brought to the front end of the television set. There they are tuned to their basic fundamental frequency and separated from other wave form structures. They are further amplified by a cascade amplification system of tuned coils, capacity and tube elements. These things all resonate themselves according to the fundamental laws of frequency relationship.

We pointed out in the last lesson that although we have the physical body and physical man, yet this physical body and physical man must be supported from the psychic man and psychic body. The physical self is merely a by-product. It is a relationship and is a creation of the psychic self because in the psychic self are contained all of the elements of individuality. These individual elements of personality are combined as wave forms and whether we find them in one shape or whether we find them in another makes little difference. These things reside as tiny vortexes of energy, just as the energies within the atom reside in the terrestrial dimension as tiny gyrations or convolutions of energy; likewise in the same manner these same intelligences stem from the psychic body. As far as the subject of reincarnation itself is concerned, it is one which is subject to a wide variance and to a large degree some fallacy, as many conceive it.
In the Orient, particularly in India, we find stemming out of these countries a rather peculiar idea of reincarnation, or the life cycle of man. It is the ambition among some of the adherents of Jainism, one of the Hindu philosophies, to become a “sacred cow”. In the cities of India we see many of these sacred cows wandering about the streets eating vegetables and fruits in the marketplaces, freely and uninhibited. It is quite natural that one looking upon the way of life of the holy cow of India might like to assume such a life, as it appears to be one which is casual and free. It does not have the burden of man in his carnal self. However such states of consciousness are unrealistic and not factual. It is entirely within the bounds of reason and logic to assume, with what we know of the creation of vortexes or mind forces within the psychic self, that such an individual could create for himself a thought-form body of such obsessive qualities that when he found himself shed of the mortal coil of flesh, he would wish with the intensities of mind energies of the psychic self, to overshadow or to inhabit a sacred cow, that he could do so.
Likewise, many people inhabit the terrestrial dimensions of consciousness long after they have passed from the flesh. They are what is termed earthbound simply because they have created these strong psychic or thought-form bodies within the dimension of the psychic self.
Excerpt from The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation
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