Energy: The Great Infinite Force ~ Part II
by Dr. Ernest L. Norman
The cycle itself as we postulated this concept to you in the last lesson is the life cycle. In the life cycle resides the perfect concept which contains all of the elements of the Infinite. The Infinite is Infinite simply because It becomes finite in all things and in all expressions and in all dimensions. The Infinite is the ultimate, the perfect attainment, the realization, the perfection of all things. Within this life cycle are contained all these elements. In it are innumerable wave forms, gyrations, pulsations, and creations of the Infinite Self as it conceived these things in Its Own Infinite Mind.
It is the purpose of man in his evolution as a reincarnated being to come down through the terrestrial dimensions and through the astral worlds to gain for himself the individuality of the constructive experience. In reincarnation is found the exchange of polarities—God and man. As we would see in magnetic structures, they would stem out as vortexes around these various polarities and there would be an interchange of energy between these poles. So thus it is that man reincarnates; he comes into these lower terrestrial dimensions as a physical being and is supporting himself from the spiritual side of life through the psychic body. Here again
is the basic sine wave principle of life, the spiritual and the material. He is born into the world and he dies. He rises into the Spiritual dimensions of such astral worlds as are compatible to his understanding and to his ability to realize and conceive these things about him. In such dimensions he takes on a new personality, a new intelligent quotient and solves some of the unsolved riddles which he himself was unable to do in the terrestrial dimensions. Then when he has gained or acquired this useful knowledge, he wishes to put it to test, so he reincarnates into a terrestrial dimension. And so the progress of life continues as he relates himself time and time again to the experience of life into the accumulation of the value of these various experiences as a human being. Thus in the ultimate achievement from his beginning through the revolution of his complete cycles, he attains the infinite purpose and the ultimate concept of the Infinite. He becomes an individual god. He may even ultimately express in an individual way a personification of the Infinite God.
It was pointed out previously that when we assume the concept of the experiences, they are formed in the vortex fashion of the little pinwheel vortexes within the psychic self. Keep in mind that man is a creature of pure energy; energy which is gyrating, revolving around in dimensions within the psychic self. Each one as it exists in its various multiplicities of wave forms denotes its own particular experience its own psychic shock, its own relative, place of consequence.
Time means nothing, according to our Gregorian calendar. Time, according to that calendric system, is merely the passing of the event, the hours of the day. In our relationship to cyclic patterns, we come upon certain structures which are known as harmonic or chord structures. There is nothing in the Universe, either celestial, causal or terrestrial, which is not linked to itself through a series of cycles, a vast number of series of cycles, large ones, small ones, medium sizes and innumerable sizes like the wheels of a watch. They are all functioning according to a certain definite mathematical formula. We say that electricity which lights our
homes vibrates at 60 cycles per second. It has subharmonics 30 — 15 — 7 1/2 — and so on down; above this are over-harmonics of 120 — 240 — and so on. The re-generation of those cycles is the pulsation of electricity flowing through that wire which we see stemming out from this wire as certain lines of force called magnetic structures. These in turn regenerate themselves according to these mathematical formulas.
Our lives are just exactly this same way; there is no difference except that we are confining this dimensional frequency relationship within the realm of our own personal experience. Every thought that we think is a generic wave form; it is an energy.
It has been proved by the encephalograph that the mind functions on a certain level and frequency of energy. It is proven by various other scientific instruments in the world of science today. If it were not so, we would not be here; that is the proof and the truth. So basically as human beings, somewhere within this pattern of evolution as we proceed around the cycle of life, we are going to reincarnate according to basic fundamental cycles or basic harmonics. The basic fundamental frequency in the electric light is 60 cycles. Each of us has a basic fundamental frequency. We function from a certain spiritual plane. Although we may change from time to time, the changes which take place usually occur in the spiritual dimension; but at any particular given point, at any particular given moment, any human being can be said to be functioning from a certain spiritual level, a certain spiritual plane. This level is determined according to how he functions and how he progresses along his cycle of life according to this formula.
Roughly speaking, in reincarnating we would say that these cycles exist within the cycles and the fluctuations of frequency within the cycles. We may take fifty years as a short period or one hundred and fifty years as a longer period of a more fundamental frequency. Three hundred is still the closest approach to the life wave frequency in which most human beings establish their relationship and is erroneously called reincarnation, transmigration, metempsychosis, or other names. We call it regeneration; it is a truer word.
These cycles can, of course, extend outward to 450 or 600 years depending upon the laxity, but primarily upon the psychic shocks which occurred in the psychic centers. Those who commit suicide may not return to this “veil of tears” for perhaps two thousand years simply because certain psychic structures within the psychic body have been destroyed. The supporting elements of that person’s entire being and his individuality were destroyed by the act against himself. When they do come back into the earth plane, because they do not have these structures they find themselves disoriented. They wander; they are people who have no objectivism, libido or the drive. It takes them two or three more of these cycles (lives) before they catch up, to reconstruct their psychic selves so that it inflects and impinges into their consciousness and gives them a directive, dynamic force which is so necessary for everyday life.
Now we are beginning to get a little more of a factual picture of man as a pure product of Infinite Intelligent Creation. We are separating It from the old occultisms of the past — that which is unacceptable to modern science and which cannot be accepted either by science or the present-day modern student of metaphysics. These concepts reside where they should belong, where they have been taught before in the past ages, in these past dimensions of time.
When we become acquainted with these basic facts and put them clearly and firmly within the dimensions of our own minds (and I do not mean our physical mind only as a reactionary process but mean making them actual integral parts of our basic everyday philosophy), then we have separated ourselves, as is said, the sheep from the goats. We have arrived at some place — we have come to the fork in the road — where we can differentiate between the false beliefs and the constructive principles; we get to the point now where we do not need to take karma into our psychic self. Should unfortunate circumstances come our way and karma is inflicted (if we want to call it karma), it is an experience, a vortex of energy within the psychic self. Karma can be eradicated or eliminated, for above this psychic self as it functions in itself in several dimensions, are contained all of the elements for your own self-preservation.
You contain all the necessary ingredients of the Infinite Intelligence which can solve every one of your problems. As Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of Heaven, which is within,” and it is within. There’s nothing which remains unsolved or unsupported. You can tune into that vast tremendous power — that superintelligence within your own consciousness. Jesus did it and many of the Avatars who came to the earth at different times have demonstrated it very factually. It is our purpose as individuals, one and all, in our eventual evolution into the future of our history, or thousands of years hence, that we too will be doing these things when we get on the ground floor and understand what the Infinite is — the All-Pervading, the All-Permeating Force, the Omnipotent, the Omnipresent. The Infinite is energy, It is the atom, It is substance, form, everything which you care to name. We are going to take up these things in a more detailed form in the future.
Excerpt from The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation
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