Energy: The Great Infinite Force ~ Part III
by Ernest L. Norman
Just what are these astral worlds, as man lives in his spiritual transcendency? There are various spiritual planes from which man functions in between his terrestrial experiences and are all reflected down into our everyday lives. It is up to us to decide whether we are to become seekers and doers or whether we become subservient to the negative forces which surround us. However, everything comes in its due course of time. I believe that if we really get these lessons, these principles, we will have actually made a big step in our progression.
Mr. Hayes, who was kind enough to bring this oscilloscope from some distance, is to demonstrate and explain the process of making the invisible energy rays entering the room into visible ones upon the television screen. This process of integration shall be explained to you. We shall show you how each one is a living, walking, breathing television set. In the struggle for wisdom and knowledge, man finds that science has achieved some very close approximations or parallels in developing scientific apparatus, such as the television set, that bear a remarkable similarity in many ways to our own processes of life.
I made the statement that man is like a walking, breathing television set. We can picture this parallelism a little better if we say that the Infinite Mind is the central transmitter. If we look for a moment at our own present television network strewn across the country, we find that we have programs which stem from New York and other centers about the country. It is much the same with us.
Through these great central vortexes, we begin with the Infinite, way out in the distance in one of these energy dimensions. This energy, this wisdom, extends down to us from innumerable expanding and contracting energy vortexes. So we are in ourselves, more or less related to all these dimensions; however, how much of the assimilation or the “taking in” of this Infinite wisdom and this energy which stems from the Infinite, depends upon each of us.
In the television we must have synchronization and amplification. We can see on the oscilloscope the sync pulses which are the impulses which are broadcast from the transmitter that locks the picture in, across the screen. The picture itself consists of the little lines which are quite visible as they write back and forth. There are 500 little lines from top to bottom on the screen and there is a spot of light which “writes” about 16,000 little spots per second. The screen itself has a coating of pure phosphorus. It has a certain persistence characteristic that retains the light impressions for a split second. The overall result creates something of an optical illusion.

Mr. Hayes speaking: “I can perhaps put it in a little different wording. What we see on this (or any other) oscilloscope is a voltage pulse. It is being impressed on a tube which changes it into light. In other words, the electrical pulse is being changed into light whereas the sound—for the voice—pulse changes the electrical pulse into sound. The speaker gives the sound; still it comes from electrical pulses. We can see the sound here. The speaker is merely a vibrating diaphragm of a paper substance with an electromagnet. That merely takes the electric impulses, and by changing the magnetic fluxes or densities (there is a little coil of wire on the end of that paper cone inside), the wire creates a vibration on the diaphragm.”
The energy pulses are modulated or the sync pulses are carried into them. We can regulate these adjustments to slow these sine waves down slower and even to stop them, so that they may be observed. One frame is one thirtieth; it is traveling across at the rate of 15,750 cycles per second. It is more or less the same as in the movies. It is partially an optical illusion. We are merely supporting this principle because we have light degenerators from the rods and cones of the retina of the eye. There are frames per second; the eye can only discern 20, so you do not see the gap in between.
In television there is also a horizontal pulse which is most important. Without it the picture would not lock in at all. It would be out of synchronization. The circuits are so integrated that they lock into these pulses. If your synchronization pulses are off then you are off the beam, or negative and manifest a confused life.
Q – How does one get back on?
A – Just like many other things we do; it’s just the knack of acquiring the ability, namely, keeping positive is the best assurance and protection.
This comparison is probably the most realistic approach to life that a student has ever studied. Now the pulse that is creeping across the scope looks like the teeth of a saw. The point is these wave forms all are intelligent. They portray certain meaning, a particular definition. They mean something to other integrated circuits in that set. And in correlation and synchronization, they come out as a picture. Just the same is true of us in our processes of life. This energy contains all the known and unknown ingredients of creation. We
can also get what we call the great Celestial Energy of the Infinite’s own Force. It is merely separated and manifested in different dimensions down on through. Our psychic body is a counterpart of our physical, except that it is in frequencies, or electricities, or wave forms, just the same as we have here in the scope and the television only in a vortex form. We must visualize them as pulsating, vibrating, contracting and expanding simultaneously. But each and every one of them is portraying its own particular wave form or I.Q.
Now these wave or sync pulses can and must be locked in; they are held right in a certain position. This is the same principle as a meshing of gears, or the same as using our perception. In perception, we are bringing together conglomerations of these wave forms as intelligences, whether they are positive or negative, resulting in the culmination of ideas or forms.
There is also the horizontal pulse; this is the pulse that gives the sweep at the rate of 15,000 cycles per second. We will not go into it too deeply as it would only tend to confuse you. I merely wanted you students to actually see, to visualize these energies so that you could better understand how it is that our psychic bodies function using the same principle.
The wave we are seeing is merely a phasing pulse which we use mainly in oscilloscopes. What this could mean would be the negative energies and experiences in our psychic body. It would repeat itself outwardly in the consciousness and would vaguely drag one down without a knowledge of the cause. The purpose of this part of the instrument is to act as a flywheel or stabilizer or governor.
Now if someone—say, back two or three hundred years ago—had shot you through the head or stabbed you in the heart, that wave form in a vortex, that governor or balancing energy would be just that way. It would be out of shape (such as you see these wobbly waves). You would perhaps wander about, going to doctors and psychiatrists to find out what was the trouble, and they could not tell you because it does not reside in the physical body at all; it is back in that wave form in the psychic self.
Q – These frequencies, etc., come within the range of our senses, do they not? And isn’t it true that the Universe is just full of an infinite number that do not come within the range of our senses?
A – Yes, that is true and a good point because we should get a relationship not only of the five senses, because they are only a product of our reactionary nature. The amount of intelligence which comes to us, comes from other forces and other dimensions and other realms. It enters through the hypothalamus or the pituitary glands at the base of the brain and through the solar plexus. These higher energies come also through what we call the intuitive processes of life. We have two intuitive centers.
This sync pulse on the television is the fastest used, or 15,750 cycles per second, and yet it is extremely slow as compared to the energies and wave forms which are used and come to us from the higher dimensions. These television waves are as a chunk of iron in comparison to our psychic self.
Nikola Tesla, around the turn of the 1900’s, very often used frequencies of hundreds of thousands, or millions of times per second. An ordinary television set, a station such as Channel 2, vibrates at 88 million times per second and this is slow motion in comparison to some of the super-sonic frequencies which reside in the spiritual or psychic dimensions. In the set are certain coils which are integrated with capacity and work through the tubes. This point is important here because if those coils are functioning in a broad band, you get a good clear picture and very fine definition. People are the very same way. If we, in going about, are functioning from a very high and broad spiritual band of frequencies we get a good picture of life; but on the other hand, if we say this is so and this can’t be so, etc., we are using a narrow way of thinking by putting our stamp of approval of the Infinite on everything we do, then we get way down here to one or two megacycles and the result is a bad picture and there are plenty of people who do just that. They exist only on the reactionary impingements from the structures of their own subconscious mind which in most cases, are very low frequency wave forms. People who do not have much in their psychic body are not going to get much out of it.
Now I am sure that every one of us here has gained a better concept of the Infinite after having seen this demonstration of the oscilloscope relating how energy comes into the television and forms the pictures, which is exactly as is done in our own bodies; we all see Infinity as energy moving about us constantly.
In the future days in going about, we will conceive our bodies as being millions and millions of tiny little planetary systems of pure energy, revolving and counter-revolving, expressing itself infinitely, beautifully and perfect in its continuity. We will begin to achieve that continuity in our own lives; we will surmount all of the imperfections and all the negations that come to us. Those things will cease to exist because now we have a place to put them; we can learn how to rise above them. We can circumvent them and turn them aside. Not only that, but we can learn to project understanding to others because it means life to them too; it is an infusion of the life principles into their concept of life. We have the power to project these things when we understand them properly. Just as when anyone thinks evilly of us, we can tune into that whether or not we are conscious of it. That does induce a definite effect into our bodies if the relationship is maintained and established. And so in the same process, a person can learn to heal and help another person, not through sympathy but through love and understanding and by projecting your own spiritual energy to that person from the Higher Self. It becomes a natural vital integrated principle from which all of you will function; you will relate yourself to it; you will use it every day of your life.
Excerpt from The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation
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