Narrator – 800,000 B.C.
The crystal cities of Shamballa existed upon the earth plane for two-hundred thousand years!
With beauty and majesty, the upper echelon of creative Minds endowed man with the vast learnings of energetic virtue and wisdom.
The Higher Ones’ intelligence flowed like great rivers unto the lower basins where dwelt their primitive audience.
Like desert nomads, the peoples of Earth drank thirstily of the purest waters of Spirit
And quenched that thirst with the knowledge that their future was one of immense cellular growth.
They continually sought out the Illumined Ones for advice in the matters of everyday life,
And received great childlike pleasure in the surety that their questings proved to enhance the world about them with glorious abundance.
And the time came when great instruments of helping aids were given to the many thousands of planets for their future benefit.
They were instructed to use these wondrous devices to seek only greater Spiritual endowment,
And not to let these physical appurtenances become the all in their lives.
Many populated planets began to use the instruments for personal gain
And started to coerce the other earth planes to follow their dictatorship.
They changed the electronics constructed for inner attunement into instruments of war ~
As they secretly conceived a plan to become as the very Gods that brought such a paradise into their midst!
They perceived the reverence their fellow denizens gave to the compassionate Beings on the high crystal plateaus,
And desired above all else to emulate Them so that they also would be worshiped.
And abjured them to return to the upward ways of progression.
Yet their addiction to personal power overwhelmed them,
And so began invading other worlds with their war machines.
And beseeched them to abstain from their downward trail to oblivion.
They refused, wreaking even more devastation within the scope of their spaceships.
Thus, a titanic battle ensued between the Forces of Light and darkness!
After many hundreds of years of terror and searing destruction,
The deviant band of usurpers were finally enclosed in a vast web of Light, ending their reign of terror.
Many thousands, however, rather than to give up their fraudulent power, ended their own lives.
And when receiving these souls on the other side, encircled them with radiant healing vortexes of energies.
Still, the fierce ones denied assistance and struggled to release themselves from the extensive rings of Light entwining them.
So they were released to again incarnate upon one closely watched earth planet
And prevented from again attaining the use of the interdimensional energies and knowledge
Until a great period of time had passed, and they proved to the High Council of the Causal Domains
That this knowledge would not be used for destructive purposes.
So with a blinding flash of lightning and thunder, Shamballa literally tore from planet Earth,
And like some immense spaceship, flew into the sky away from the greedy grasp of the evil ones!
He collectively reverted to the aboriginal ways of barbarism and languished in mental torment,
Until it came to pass that they wept aloud in the astral underworld for relief from their wayward ways!
The Hierarchy, in great compassion, set in motion another plan to help extricate one and all from the downward trail to one of enlightenment and benevolence.
In which the restoration of the high ideals of Shamballa would bring unto mankind the renewal of infinite pursuits.
The abysmal state of these miserable peoples gradually began to be alleviated and for one-thousand years this great civilization flourished unabated.
Convulsed with rending, shuddering quakes, destroyed the culture of Yu on the Asian continent ~
And with her came the death of Yada (Michiel), her founder and principle lawgiver.
Excerpt above from The Epic as per this review, demonstrates the amazing clarity–a Poetic Masterpiece as channeled by Thomas Miller relating the rise and fall of civilizations on planet Earth through the various epochs of time. Its pages also reveal conversations between the Archangels through the millenia as it relates to the evolutions of man down to the most minute detail, yet in the most crystal clear understanding, but yet communicated in the most breathtaking style of a sing-song poetic form. Images by Affinity One.