Unariun Wisdom

ET’s And The Gift Of Free Energy ~ Part II


ET's-And-The-Gift-Of-Free-Energy-Part-II-main-4-postby Preston Dennett

In 1960, Jim Kuebelbeck was an ambitious young man. At age twenty-one, he had just joined the Navy and was assigned aboard the USS Valley Forge as an aviation electronics technician. He was a helicopter crew-member of the HS-3, or the hunter-killer anti-submarine squadron. It was their job to find and track unidentified submarines. Although he was still very young, Kuebelbeck was already highly trained. As he says, “In the course of our training we were constantly tested on our ability to quickly recognize types and purposes of all flying aircraft that might be encountered on the high seas or near foreign shores. For what it’s worth, many of us prided ourselves on the expertise we had developed.”

He served about one year aboard the ship. And while it was an exciting time, the most memorable event of the entire year was one particular incident that occurred during their return voyage to the United States from the Mediterranean Sea.

The ordeal began when Kuebelbeck had gone up on the flight deck late one evening to enjoy the view and smoke a cigarette. He was outside for about ten minutes when he suddenly noticed a group of strange-looking, bright lights in the distance off the starboard bow. There were four or five of them, bunched together randomly, seemingly on the horizon. They were reddish-orange in color and pulsated both in size and brightness.

As a trained observer, he made several instant assessments. First of all, the objects appeared to be about thirty miles distant, as they were very near the horizon line. If his estimate of the distance was correct, then the objects themselves had to be at least a few hundred feet in diameter. He also concluded that the objects were airborne as they appeared at different elevations from each other.

Realizing how unusual the lights were, Kuebelbeck went below deck to retrieve his binoculars and find some more witnesses to look at the lights with him.

Says Kuebelbeck, “We looked at them and we just couldn’t believe what we were seeing. We couldn’t. There was no way of telling what they were, but they were absolutely huge.”

The men watched the strange lights for several minutes, even calling the bridge to alert them. Shortly later, the ship made a ninety-degree turn to port.

The maneuver put the lights directly behind the ship. At this point, the lights disappeared. Says Jim, “Suddenly the lights randomly and slowly pulsed out, and they were gone. No burst of speed, no fiery trail, no blinding flash. They just silently disappeared. So everybody is just baffled. We couldn’t believe it. We’re looking at each other like, ‘What in the hell is this?’ We were taught to identify aircraft and that kind of stuff, but these were not aircraft.”

Everyone seemed mesmerized. There was little talk about the incident. Instead they all returned below deck and to their respective stations.

The next day, Kuebelbeck was shocked to discover that some of the witnesses didn’t even remember the sighting. There was no mention in the Valley Forge’s daily news-sheet. And when he called the bridge, they denied any knowledge of the incident.

Jim thought about the experience all day. “Something was still bothering me, but I didn’t know what it was. As far as the lights were concerned, I concluded that even if I never was to discover what they were, it was still an experience I was glad to have had. At least no one could take that away from me. Still, there was something in the back of my mind that I couldn’t put my finger on.”

After completing his assigned duties, Jim had some free time before going to bed. He decided to go again on the flight deck. Who knows, he thought, maybe there will be a repeat performance. Unfortunately, the objects didn’t show up.

Disappointed, Jim returned to his bunk and decided that he would have to be satisfied without having any explanation for the weird events. At least, he thought, he would have an interesting story to tell his parents when he returned home.

Then, just as he was about to fall asleep, it happened: Jim had a sudden flashback to yesterday evening. Says Jim, “Just as I was dozing off, I jumped awake. I was suddenly aware of what had been bothering me all those last hours. It was my dream of the night before. I jumped up, got a pen and paper, and started to write everything I could remember. It had all been so real, and when it came back, it was so vivid that I remembered every detail and every word.”

This dream was unlike any other dream Jim has had before or since. He now speculates that the ETs were attempting to make contact, and decided to do it through the dream state. Or perhaps it was the memory of an actual encounter. What follows is Jim’s recollection of his “dream” as he wrote it down word-for-word:

“The ‘dream’ started by finding myself sitting with a group of older men, civilians, being asked what qualifications I had that allowed me to be there. I remember thinking that I had better pull a pretty good bluff because if I didn’t, they would dismiss me, and from the formulas on the blackboard I knew that the discussion about to start was one I didn’t want to miss. I felt like a spy.

“I quickly said that my greatest qualifications were that I think and dream about things that have not been dreamed of. If they had no room for that type of thinking, I said, I would be glad to leave.

“I held my breath, fearing that I had been discovered, but I was told to stay. I sat down. I felt good. At least sitting down, they couldn’t see my knees knocking! I had pulled it off. Now maybe I would find out what was going to be discussed before they discovered an impostor in their midst. I knew that either way, no matter what happened, I’d have one hell of a good story to tell sometime to a couple of guys in the squadron over a few beers.

“Only then did I realize that these men were actually civilians! Suddenly I wondered how I got there. Before I could stand up and leave, someone said, ‘Can you elaborate, Mr. Kuebelbeck?’

“Elaborate? I thought. I don’t even know what I’m doing here, and they want me to elaborate?! I was trapped, and they even knew my name. I remembered a discussion I had recently had with crew members, so I started to repeat it.

“I began, ‘If it had not been for the discovery of gasoline and the invention of the internal combustion engine, would the world be much different than it is today? Would we not have automobiles or locomotives or aircraft or other powered craft? We most certainly would because all inventions have been generated by need. The need existed to improve upon animal-drawn carts, and man has been endowed with the ability to improve upon anything. The steam-engine was just one step up, as was the gasoline engine, diesel engine, reciprocating aircraft engine, jet engine, electric motor, and so on. If none of these portable types of power sources had been discovered or invented, other sources of power would have been. Invention is the result of need. These other possible power sources might have been far superior to anything that has been invented. But man is slow to evolve, and instead of searching for superior discoveries, he strives to improve upon only what his fellow man has invented. Rather than dream, he accepts what already exists. If only man were taught to think for himself and learn to dream, his dreams could become reality. What man is capable of envisioning, even in abstract ways, can become concrete reality. Man is only limited by his own self-imposed limitations.’

“This was me speaking?! One of the group said, ‘But you are also limiting yourself in many ways by the very laws you adhere to.’

“’Well,’ I replied, ‘If you’re talking about power sources, there are obvious limitations. There is nothing in nature that is free. Everything in life is a trade-off. In chemistry or electricity or in anything else, everything is in balance, or strives to be.’

“’Unless it is a gift,’ they countered.

“’Like what?’ I asked.

“’Like a stream that turns a water wheel,’ they said. ‘Much more energy is expended by the water than can be recovered by the work of the water wheel, but it doesn’t matter because there is more available for free.’

“’So,’ I said, ‘If there were floating streams everywhere, we’d have no problems. But such is not the case.’

“’They said I was contradicting myself already. I had just said that if other power sources had not been invented, then others would have been found. ‘You have momentum. There is the sun. Magnetism. Centrifugal force. There are an endless number of forces. Do not limit yourself by what you have been told. Such limitations are negative in nature. If you think something will work, it will work.’

“I replied, ‘If that were true, then all things are possible. But to change man’s concept of limitations would take thousands of years. Many of the people I’ve met can hardly handle intelligent discussion, and now you say they have to change their thinking!’

“’You can do your part. Everyone can change the world in some way. Everything affects everything. Remember that. So it’s a slow process. It makes no difference. Five minutes is like 5,000 years.’

“’So I should invent a power source and change man’s thinking? Ha!’

“If you desire it, you can do it. What you have to do, you will do. You will have other priorities for a time but you will know when the time is right. The only limitations mankind has is what he has created in his mind,’ they continued. ‘His negative limitations and restrictions have been created by his own thought processes. There are some acceptable trade-offs. Gifts from God are boundless and limitless, never-ending. They can be used as power sources to generate whatever energy sources man desires or needs in any stage of evolution. The very problems you are talking about can be eliminated, and the very concepts you desire, you can achieve. Any problem you can visualize can also be non-visualized. Solve the problems as they arise. If man changes his concept of limitations, there will be no limitations. It’s that simple.’

“Suddenly I remembered once again that these people were civilians and that I was in the Navy. I was in civilian clothes, and I wondered where I was and how I was going to get back to the squadron. I felt as if I was about to be discovered when one of the speakers opened a door and said, ‘Look this over before you leave.’

“Without remembering getting up, I found myself immediately in the adjoining room with two men (in white coats, no less) standing next to a prototype of a vaguely familiar, experimental engine/motor. I suddenly remembered that in dreams I had had previously, I had discussed this concept of an invention. It also occurred to me that for some reason I had never remembered it upon awakening. Anyway, this invention was sitting there on the floor. ‘But it’s not connected to anything,’ I protested.

“’All you need is the concept,’ I was told. ‘You will do the rest. You mention friction, inertia and momentum as problems when in reality they may be assets. If man would use these forces to his advantage, he could invent a power source of which you speak. We also know that you once entertained the thought that everything that exists might simply be a concrete manifestation of creative thought. God has given all creation to mankind. Everything man needs is at his disposal, if only he seeks to use it.”

That was all Jim was able to remember. His mind swirled with all the strange ideas and concepts in the dream. As a scientist and electronics expert, the concept of the energy-free motor particularly intrigued him. However, life aboard the ship was busy and he was soon back to his old routine. The next few months passed quickly and before he knew it, he and his friends were being discharged from the Navy and sent home.

The last subject they discussed together was the strange lights they had seen. They all agreed that the lights were definitely unexplained. None could account for why they were the only ones to remember the encounter. At the last second, one of Jim’s friends pulled him aside and said, “I will never forget those lights, but you know, I sure had some weird dreams for a few nights after that!”

Jim looked at him in amazement. He had told nobody about his own dream. He wondered what his friend’s dream was, and if it was like his. Unfortunately, in the rush of their goodbyes, he forgot to ask, and they departed, never to meet again.

Jim later returned to home with his parents. At first he had been eager to tell them about his weird sighting. Now, however, he felt a strange desire to keep the whole experience a secret. In fact, he told no one.

Years passed. Jim moved to Minnesota, found employment, met his wife, married, had kids. From time to time, whenever he would relax and look at the starry night sky, he would think back and remember the night of that bizarre UFO sighting. But especially, he would think about the incredible “dream,” and in particular, the alleged energy-free motor. He often wondered if it was possible to build such a device. The people in his dream certainly seemed to think that he could.

One day he decided he could keep his secret no longer. He approached his wife and children and revealed the whole story, from the sighting, to the cover-up of the incident by the bridge officer, to the amnesia of his fellow shipmates, and finally the vivid “dream” encounter.

Jim was relieved to find that not only did his family believe him, they encouraged him to pursue and follow the instructions he had received. Jim hesitated, telling them that the idea was probably not feasible.

But his family believed in him, and advised him to at least draw a rough sketch of the device.

For the first time, Jim thought seriously about the project. The machine would be relatively inexpensive and easy to build. It had few moving parts, no piston-motion, no fossil fuels. Nor would it create any noise or air pollution. He decided to go for it.

As he says, “I decided that at the very least I could try to find out if what I had been thinking about had any merit. Maybe then I would be satisfied and would be able to forget it. So I went out and I purchased some parts and I began my ‘dream project.’ I felt like a mad scientist as I collected all my junk parts in my garage, being careful that no one saw me!”

Over a period of a few months, using parts that can be found in any hardware store, Jim slowly built the device that he had envisioned in his “dream.” Before long, the machine was completed. But would it work?

Says Jim, “Some weeks later, I had the crudest, weirdest bicycle wheel you’ve ever seen, mounted on a board in my workshop. And damn it all, it was turning! My contact switched, acquired from an old pinball machine, left much to be desired. But still the damn wheel turned…click, click, click…for days on end. My daughters were impressed. But what next? Much research. I had to gain RPM [revolutions per minute] to thousands. Maybe it can’t be done. I’m sure an electronics engineer would get one hell of a laugh out of what I had put together! Nevertheless, the concept is there. My concept seems plausible—if not in my lifetime, maybe someone else’s. Maybe it can’t work with the technology available today, but the concept so intrigues me that maybe, ‘If what one can envision can indeed become a reality at some point in time,’ my sharing it with someone will someday have some benefit.”

For now, the invention has been put away. Today Jim lives quietly with his wife.

Jim only came forward with his story because he felt that it was important to have it recorded for posterity. He’s not interested in trying to prove anything to anybody. He just felt that the truth should be told. As he says, “I just never shared this with anyone, because nobody wants to ridiculed. But I know what I saw. The sighting of the lights, and the dream, happened just as I said it did.”

What are we to make of these types of cases? While our own government is covering up this technology, the ETs appear to be doing everything they can to disclose it. While no abductees have yet been able to build and patent a working antigravity machine, this case and others show that it may be a matter of time.

More examples continue to surface. Another impressive case is that of Stan Romanek, a retail worker from Denver, Colorado. In September 2001, Romanek experienced an abduction from his home by grey-type extraterrestrials. Earlier he had experienced several close-up sightings. Following his abduction, he was deluged by UFO experiences, which quickly spread to his family and friends. In a short time, Romanek had amassed an array of evidence in support of his encounters including medical evidence, landing traces, multiple witness encounters, photographs and videotapes of UFOs and apparent ETs, and more.

During this all, Romanek, who had a high school education and by his own admission was a poor student, began writing complicated equations in advanced physics. It first happened following a regression session. Says Romanek, “I could see the astonishment on the faces of the observers as I completed a full page of complex equations and symbols in less than two minutes, and everyone, including Deborah, looked amazed once I finished writing. It was evident that no one was expecting anything like this, and even I was at a loss to explain what I had just done. Confused and scared, I was so overwhelmed with emotions that I began to weep as I tried to understand how I could have had all these things in my head! I’d had a difficult enough time in school as it was. There was no way I could have come up with anything like this!”

Romanek had no idea what he had just written and assumed they were nonsensical scribblings. He submitted the equations to mathematicians and was shocked to learn that he had written “real equations.” One equation explained a gravitational wormhole, while another was for Element 115, which wasn’t officially identified until two years later in 2004.

Writes Romanek, “Element 115, known unofficially as Ununpentium, is a synthetic element created when one bombards Americium-243 with calcium ions. It has the unique quality of having an electric field greater than other elements. In stable form, it would be a powerful energy source, but being that it has a half-life measured in milliseconds, it’s not stable enough to do anything with…I later found out that the two circles to the left of the equation are helium atoms, which it has been theorized could stabilize the element if bombarded by the atoms, greatly amplifying the element’s gravitational field to the point where it could affect the shape of the space around it…This, then, would be the key to making space travel feasible: by bringing together two points of space closer together, a craft could enter one end of the “wormhole” and exit the other end almost instantly, hundreds or even thousands of light years away, making interstellar flight doable.”

Incidentally, Bob Lazar (the well-known Area 51 insider and whistleblower) claimed that the UFOs he helped study used Element 115 as a fuel source.

Romanek produced a number of other equations about black holes, the Einstein-Rosen Bridge, quantum electrodynamics, the “fine structure constant,” Ampere’s Law, and more, none of which he was familiar with prior to his contacts.

Dr. Claude Swanson studied Romanek’s equations and writes, “In my opinion, these equations are quite beyond Stan’s ability to fabricate. They contain useful clues about new physics principals that go well beyond our current physics. Some of them correspond to physics theories proposed by others, and others go beyond that.”

One equation impressed Swanson deeply as it turned out to be a near-exact replica of a known equation by physicist Harold E. Puthoff, Ph.D., but Romanek used the equation in reference to wormholes which Puthoff hadn’t done. “In studying this equation and others,” said Swanson, “I have been struck by a single theme which runs through all of them. They are all about the true nature of space-time and the vacuum, and they present equations relating to how it can be manipulated. This relates to an emerging field of physics called ‘vacuum engineering.’ In conventional mainstream physics today, making a wormhole or a Rosen Bridge requires an enormous amount of matter in a small volume, to make a black hole. This is not practical. The only plausible way we will ever be able to create a practical wormhole is if our equations are incomplete, and if the vacuum can be manipulated by electromagnetism, for example. Puthoff’s equations are a plausible way this might be accomplished. Even though I had seen his equations before, I did not realize their far-reaching implications until I came to study them in the Romanek case.”

Swanson is convinced that “an advanced intelligence” is communicating through Romanek, and is trying to tell him that travel between the stars is possible. “To communicate with us,” he writes, “it must use symbols and equations we understand, but combine them together to convey new information. That is what they seem to be doing. In my opinion, the equations are not to show us how to build a space ship, but to establish credibility and communications.”

Romanek’s case may sound fantastic, but as we have seen, he is not alone. A remarkably similar case is that of Charles James Hall, an Air Force weather observer who was stationed near Indian Springs in the desert area of Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada. During his stay there, Hall claims to have had numerous contacts with humanoid ETs he calls the “Tall Whites.”

Hall is a physicist; and he came away from his contacts with a new understanding of physics. In fact, he says that there are mistakes in Maxwell’s four equations to describe electric and magnetic fields, as well as the Michelson-Morley experiments involving light, and Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity.

According to Hall, there is a fundamental misunderstanding of photons. He proposes a new theory of photon structure, and says that each photon contains three fields, not two as outlined by Maxwell’s equations. The third field he calls the Star Shine field.

Hall says that his photon theory “logically explains the failure of the Michelson-Morley experiment without invoking Einstein’s theory of relativity or any related theory involving Lorentz contractions. For this reason, Hall Photon Theory is expected to cause a total revolution in the study of physics. Historically, the failure of the Michelson-Morley experiment was one of the major reasons for the Einstein’s development of the theory of relativity and his hypothesis that spacecraft could never accelerate to velocities greater than the speed of light in free space, regardless of their design.”

Hall says that “velocities in excess of the speed of light are possible, provided that the spacecraft has been properly designed for high-speed travel in space.”

Hall examined the ETs’ craft and discovered that it had a “double hull construction with several sets of optical fiber windings between the two hulls. One set of windings is used to create a uniform surrounding force field that streamlines the spacecraft. This streamlining allows the craft to move smoothly through space itself. The other sets of windings generate the force fields that are used to propel and guide the craft on its journey. Spacecraft of this type of construction could readily be built and placed into service using today’s technology.”

Hall published his theory on January 27, 1998. The entire theory, and Maxwell’s modified equations appear in the appendix of his book, Millennial Hospitality III.

If instructions on how to build an alien spacecraft aren’t enough, ETs are teaching people other types of devices. In July of 1991, three friends experienced a missing time abduction while driving along the Angeles Crest Highway north of Los Angeles, California. While they recalled seeing a UFO and losing time, it wasn’t until a few days and weeks later that they spontaneously recalled being taken onboard.

One of them, James, recalled the aliens giving him some very unusual instructions on how to build a very specific device: a UFO detector. Melinda Leslie was one of the people abducted. She spoke to James about his experience. “James said when I was out of the room, they came over to him, and they showed him a device, a bunch of stuff. And they told him how to make a UFO detector, and they gave him the information…They wanted him to document and videotape them. When sightings happen, they told him he has a mission to document this stuff…so they showed him how to do it. It was really super simple…it was really a weak magnetic field between two magnets set at a distance. And that’s what they showed him. And I was like, ‘Yeah, right.’ But he said, ‘No, when you were gone, they showed me this; they showed me how to do this. And they explained the whole thing technically to me, and I was given the information on how to build those.’ He said, “They were done and they made sure I understood and I said, yes, I understand. When I understood, I just sat there and they were telling me some other stuff.”

Numerous UFO detectors are now available from different suppliers, several of which seem to use the same basic principal as above.

More cases of ET-inspired inventions could be listed. One more should be included. In the early 1950s, George Van Tassel (a pilot and aircraft mechanic and inspector) claimed to have contact with human-looking ETs near his home at Giant Rock, California. A being by the name of Salgonda instructed Van Tassel to build “the Integratron.” It was designed to be a large domed building constructed of wood except for a metal apparatus called an “electric dirod” that would rotate around the outside. Once completed, it would recharge and rejuvenate human cells and would be “a time machine for basic research on rejuvenation, anti-gravity and time travel.”

Van Tassel had nearly completed the building when he died suddenly. The project was never finished and the promised effects never materialized. The Integratron still stands today and is open to the public.

Still, the question remains, what are we to make of these cases? Are ETs truly teaching people how their ships work and even how to build them? According to the above accounts, yes! The theme of rotating magnets and electromagnetic fields runs through nearly all the accounts. While some are better verified than others, they are all similar enough to present a fairly accurate picture. When the information from different cases matches up so closely with each other, it’s difficult to ignore the fact that something is going on here. Over and over again, the ETs are saying that the answer lies with magnetics.

Putting aside the alleged accounts of reverse-engineered UFO technology within the “secret government,” nobody has built a flying saucer yet. At least not publicly. Perhaps this is the reason for the accounts. If our government already has this technology and is not releasing it, then why not go directly to the people and tell them yourself.

Whatever the reason, according to the accounts, ETs seem to be intent on educating humanity in a number of ways, from warnings of environmental disaster to how to build your very own free-energy motor. And with so many accounts already in circulation, it’s only a matter of time before somebody succeeds.

Excerpt from Not From Here

See Part I here.

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