False Teachers And Prophets
by Ernest L. Norman
Certain wise Avatars who have visited this planet have always stressed man’s perversities in distorting spiritual virtues into some subversive malfunction to obtain power and glory over his fellowman. History reveals kings and emperors have thus been born and as of today they are still reappearing in different clothing and with different names.
Not the least of those who set themselves up in some position of power over mankind is the priest and just as are other forms so represented, the priest and his ecclesiastical dispensation is still an all powerful influence in almost any land on the planet Earth. It is a fact almost beyond analysis that the masses of people who have so lived in their time have accepted without quibble any and all claims of those who proclaim a visitation from the pervading ruling god of the times.
And so, whether it was Moses and the burning bush, Mohammed, Joseph Smith or any other historical configurations, these claims have caused these believers to form a religion or cultistic pantheology which always becomes extremely rhetorical; in fact, it lives and thrives by a fanatical demand that all mankind must so believe.
Nor is this fanaticism always confined to religious beliefs. Today’s cold war with Russia is a point in toto as a political example of man’s proclivities to either individually or collectively bend all other men to his or their will—that they must obey and live by his creed.
Unfortunately for those who believe and follow some self-styled prophet or holy man, or politico, the claim to “divine” leadership is, and always has been, completely false. The claim of divine visitation, command and leadership has always been born out of the warped and distorted subconscious of this self-called prophet. He has created this god in the dungeon of his own mind; given it all of the various vicissitudes of his own character, then given it a false doctrine which, in application, creates a convenient escape hatch to all those weaklings who are gullible enough to swallow his story—those who have neither brains nor willpower to solve their own
differences and problems in a realistic manner.
It was in this way that Paul destroyed the mission and purpose of Jesus. There are others, too, who followed after other teachers and created their own all powerful effigy; the motivating power and purpose was to relieve the psychic pressures in their subconscious which were born of want and insecurity and their failure to adjust themselves to life.
Then, too, the strength of this false leadership is seldom the product of their own particular life, as it had developed in the course of their evolution which involved past lives and some somewhat similar characterizations; also other life associations born and relived always tend to collect and add strength to this self-styled expressionist. And, he is further aided and abetted by astral underworld entities, some of whom have lived there “even unto the time of Noah”, as was quoted by Jesus.
And so, as of today, we find the world in a chaotic state of existence; one which will destroy mankind unless new constructive leadership is found and which can solve all these extremely complex problems. Such leadership would indeed be difficult to find; much less would man be prone to accept it. For it would be predicated upon the individual responsibility of each person to assume a constructive pattern of life; to accept his own moral responsibilities for every thought and action without the convenient escape hatch furnished by some fancied savior or intercessors; that each person, collectively expressing with all the masses of humanity a life of purpose and moral development, tailored by a long-range comprehensive plan of future evolution into higher planes of life where various expressionary forms of living were constantly expanding the mental horizons of these people.
A moments thought reveals the tremendous change which would have to occur in the thoughts and habit patterns of mankind as he so lives. It would mean a complete abandonment of all previous reactionary elements motivated by the carnal and animalistic instincts which are still being expressed by humans. The lusts of hunger, sex, power, wealth, dominion, are all inherent to mankind either as of yesterday, today, or tomorrow as necessary adjutants in his struggle for survival upon a material planet which sponsored his very beginnings.
It would also mean destruction of his religious effigy; he could not further depend upon the moral opiate of religious salvation, he would have to destroy other ideologies and systems and recreate, in his own mind, an entirely new concept of life based upon the great creative principle which Jesus called the Kingdom of Heaven Within.
Each man would also have to destroy the illusion of mass which compounds his material world and replace it with a functional science of interdimensional recreation. These and many more elements of earthly life would have to go “down the drain” before man could follow leadership which could lead him out of this present-day chaos.
Obviously, no person could make these tremendous changes, at least not in one lifetime. Nor would such a course of action be wise even if feasible or possible; neither would any Avatar capable of such leadership be unwise enough to attempt it. To any advanced personality who has so attained a higher way of life, there is always a wise jurisprudence which gives this individual a correct knowledge of the function of various dimensions and their attendant modes of expression which are characteristically lived in various planetary systems and their attendant forms of life.
This advanced personality knows that man, as an evolutionary creature, is expressing a direct creative continuity into his earth life and thus begins to build the Supreme Creative Effigy within the dimension of his own mind and his attendant life expression. This is the ultimate way in which this Infinite Creative Intelligence becomes a personalized expression of Infinity, again re-expressing the creative function in all things, for it is conceivable that any man can attain this growth and expression.
Therefore the Avatar would not be so unwise as to try to change all men; he knows that any changes which occur within any person must be born from his own individual desire. He knows also, that this desire for a change and a better life is the result of personal quickening or preconditioning which occurs in the life lived in between lives or in earth life realizations. Then and only then can any person be helped.
Even so, again a wise jurisprudence must be maintained; a delicate equilibrium must be established whereby this person can always progressively maintain his development. At times he must be helped; he must also have suitable demonstrations to help keep his desire alive; but always must help be given in such a manner and quantity that he does not learn to depend upon it. The past has held for him a religious belief which taught dependency upon the self-styled purveyors of salvation; so a double problem must be overcome—absolution from the past, rebuilding a future from a host of unknown elements and always must he be aware to be ever alert, to constantly analyze thought and action completely, impersonally and objectively.
By now it is quite evident that collectively man cannot be saved; neither will he be destroyed on his planet Earth, for this planet is indeed a creation of Infinite Intelligence, conceived as a place whereby man could start a progressive evolution. To destroy either or both man or planet would destroy the plan and purpose of at least this small segment of Infinite Expression.
Yet, small as it is compared to the vastness of Infinity and its infinite forms, even such small destruction is inconceivable. Beyond and behind this seeming chaos and destructive trend, this Infinite Creative Intelligence is at work. It is functioning in an immutable way, far beyond the dimensions of human knowledge. And in this function, man will survive; this age will pass into another and a great cycle will have been concluded, just as others have been so expressed in countless past ages, each with its systems, its religions, its creeds and dogmas.
Yes, this too, is the future, for as man lives his evolution, so he comes and goes upon this and other planets, each time seeking an environment he can understand and live in and each time he adds to his knowledge of the Infinite. We who are wise in the ways of evolution, we who know of the plan and purpose, can only add some small part to your understanding; a part which is compatible to the way in which you interpret your present life. Nor can we exceed the limited dimension of your earth life, for to do so would only add more confusion to that which is already rampant in the world about you.
But do not despair, for even as the earth has so fostered its many ideologies and expressions, so there are countless other worlds, each with its own expressionary forms of life and, as a human, you possess the power of selection and discrimination which is above and beyond the circumstances of your environment. And if these words can be so conceived and are held fast within the vision of your inner eye, so will these worlds be achieved; each achievement a product of your dedication, your desire and your ability of conception.
Excerpt from Infinite Contact
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