Fundamental Concepts: Energy And The Psychic Anatomy
by Thomas Miller
The basic foundations of UN.AR.I.U.S. is Dr. Ernest L. Norman’s teachings. We’ll go over that; what are the bare bones, then we can drill down more a little later.
The main first foundation or fundamental concept is that everything is energy including all of us and it’s indestructible and it cannot be destroyed, just changing its form, so we have a dynamic condition, what we call infinite intelligence which most people might want to call God but we don’t have the personal God involved in our teachings. It is the infinite intelligence which permeates everything and is everything. So that is energy; it is the infinite God.
And then we have basically a concept of a psychic anatomy which people would refer to it as a spiritual body: the soul. A lot of people think of it as the soul or we call it the psychic anatomy or psychic body that resides in another dimension. So what we see in our physical life is just the surface consciousness. It’s like the front end of a TV screen and the real part of us is in these higher dimensions; we call them multi dimensions or higher dimensions. The scientist is just now formulating theories about multi dimensions but these are energy relationships in vortexal forms of cycular motions where time is incorporated into the cycle and/or the vortex whereas in the third dimension everything is unidirectional or you know sinusoidal. It goes from one place to the other place and its time is separated out but in the 4th dimensions these psychic anatomies, all of us, reside with various experiences incorporated into our psychic anatomy from past life experiences and also this life.
Dr. Norman departmentalizes the psychic anatomy into the subconscious, the mental conscious, and the superconscious so there is an onion, you might say, the Eastern philosophy sometimes refer to the soul as onions you know where they have a layer upon layer, well this is true with the psychic anatomy. It’s different sections of the soul that we’re involved with when we’re talking about our spiritual nature.
Then we have the basic concept of reincarnation or the transmigration of the soul. Now there’s a lot of concepts in reincarnation; more than half of the world believes in some form of reincarnation. A lot of it is misinformation like in the eastern Hindu philosophies you might come back as a cow or a fly but that’s misinformation. You always, once you get to the point of being a particular person or being, then you no longer go back. You know it’s like the horse is out of the barn. You can’t put the horse back in the barn.
So we go through thousands and thousands of earth lives and we accumulate a lot of experiences of a very diverse nature because that is part of the other concept which is everything is evolving. Evolution is one of the core concepts of the principles taught by UN.AR.I.U.S. and that evolutionary process is infinite in nature. It never stops and everything is evolving, every atom, every planet, every sun, every galaxy, every universe is evolving and it is evolving meaning that it is changing. It is dynamic. It is kinetic. All energy is kinetic, is moving, it’s oscillating, it is going from positive to negative as an energy wave form like the photon of light or the gamma rays or whatever, they express themselves, that energy expresses themselves with information put on it by the experience itself. So the energy is the conveyor and it is also the medium but these energy wave forms oscillate in the psychic anatomy in another dimension and, in fact, multi dimensions that so actually expresses themselves in many many different dimensions.
Energy Isn’t Created Or Destroyed – It Just Changes Form
Now what is energy? What does the scientist say energy is? It is either kinetic or static. It is generating a force. It’s got pressure and it’s got a force and so energy has to have a force behind it to be able to express itself, in other words you just can’t have it out there all by itself generating from nothing. Remember it cannot be destroyed or created, okay, so energy just changes form and so the energy itself is the substance of the stuff of the Infinite Creator. It is actually the Creator himself or itself and so the energy expresses itself and like we say in an infinite number of forms. Like the Tao, it says that out of the one comes the many and that’s what we’re talking about. The infinite intelligence is the one infinite source and all of the energies that it expresses itself in all the different forms and all the different dimensions including this third dimension which we are intercepting a certain finite part of this infinite and actually expressing in ourselves. All the atoms are part of this infinite energy, and you can see that this energy is expressing what the scientists sometimes calls work okay and that is the determination of energy.
Then we come back with the various equations that describe this particular force in the quantum mechanics and Einstein’s E equals MC-squared. All of those mathematical tools are describing this force or this phenomenon and this phenomenon is expressing itself. This is a very important point that we use as a foundation to the other levels and the other forms of expression that we’re learning.
As an evolutionary being we are coming and going from the earth world into the spiritual worlds, the earth worlds into the spiritual worlds. You can see that that now becomes an oscillation; sixty to eighty years is one half of the cycle. Go up into the other part of the cycle, it’s in the fourth dimension. So you stay there for a while and then you come back and you’re oscillating back and forth for many thousands of years accumulating many experiences. All of the experiences that are necessary to master ourselves, and that is the evolutionary process baked into our soul, and the way it’s baked in is the description of a superconsciousness. Now the superconsciousness is everything put in it by the infinite for us necessary to experience an entire evolution. Now since the infinite is not beginning or ending, what is that telling us? It is saying that the superconsciousness has no beginning no ending either and so therefore our evolution is non ending and so we evolve into the astral, whatever words you want to call it, the astral worlds and the celestial worlds and then the Logi worlds and you know, it just keeps going up into what we call a vortex. If we look at like a tornado where we have this funnel and at the point of the funnel, it hits the ground, now we can use this as an analogy of how frequency relationship is involved.
That’s another concept – frequency relationship. And so anybody like a scientist or musician knows what I’m talking about is you’ve got harmonics. This energy is regenerating. It is expressing itself in harmonics. It’s like a radio superheterodyne radio, the old superhets, where you have the local oscillation frequency in the radio and then you’ve got the transmitter from the station and that frequency heterodynes or beats against each other and they come up with a new frequency which is called a harmonic. That harmonic then is demodulated in and sent to the front end of the radio by various, you know, tubes and transistors and capacitors, etc. So this is the same way that we are expressing ourselves and how energy expresses itself. It regenerates. Now the ramifications to that is really wide-ranging because if we think about our own situation, everybody just think about ourselves and how we operate, which most of us don’t know these things of how we operate, so we’re in the dark at this level or stage of our evolution, and this is what we’re beginning to learn. This is why Dr. Norman came to this earth, to give us the tools so we can learn the next stage of our evolution which is to understand these energy principles and start to use these energy principles. When we start to begin to understand ourselves and how we work then we can actually use these principles to change ourselves, which is the evolutionary process. It’s a natural sequence of events. It’s nothing special and no person is special in that evolutionary process. We’re all equal in the evolution of our souls. Now that doesn’t mean that every one of us are at the same stage of evolution. Some people can be newer souls respectively and some people can be old souls.
Now there’s beautiful beings that have walked on this earth for many many hundreds of thousands of years helping us along and a lot of times they’ll come to the earth and they’ll be in disguise. They’ll be incarnated as a human but they’re not like us. They have evolved past where we’re at and so they’ve come back to try to help us, souls like Akhenaton, Zoroaster, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, and of course, Jesus. Now I know I’m kind of butting up against the religious aspect of this but Jesus is not the Son of God. He is a master. He is an evolved being and that’s what he was trying to express, in parables in the idiom of his time, these teachings, these simple teachings. Just think of Buddha, he did the same thing. Krishna thought the same thing.
Soul And The Psychic Anatomy
The psychic anatomy is our soul that is our spiritual being. We need to think in our next stage of evolution that we are not just physical beings, we are spiritual beings and what we mean by spiritual is that there is a higher frequency, a higher understanding, a higher state of consciousness that we are expressing that we are not conscious of on this earth plane because the conscious mind only sees in front of it and in the present, in the now. It does not see the past, it does not see the future, it does not see anything. It only sees and reacts to what it confronts in the now, in the present, so we have to learn to kind of subdue that conscious mind and start to listen to our still small voice which is our superconsciousness, our own superconsciousness, not somebody else’s, our own and so the psychic anatomy is, like I’ve said, there’s sections and the subconscious is generated from the time we’re born in this lifetime so all of our experiences we’re piling into the subconscious. That subconscious is oscillating in the mental consciousness. The mental consciousness is made up of all of our past lives and the reason we don’t remember a lot of our past lives overtly or covertly is that these past lives are out-of-phase with our present and so we only have a vague memory; however, when we experience something in this life, in the physical life, like some kind of a harm or injury then this goes into the subconscious, then it also heterodynes or it oscillates, or it generates and regenerates new energy wave forms which steps that energy up into the mental consciousness and it rummages around. It attunes to past life experiences that are of like nature to what we’ve experienced in this lifetime and so in that attunement we can get really freaked out and what a lot of people think, well you’re unrealistic, you’re unreasoning in what you’re doing there and yet you are remembering a very very strong real past lifetime even though you don’t know it and somebody else might not know it, but
anyway then it goes into the superconsciousness to be polarized. What that means is that the superconsciousness when we first start out our evolution, it’s kind of not activated individually. It is still out there in the infinite without the individual energies of consciousness on it, but when we experience these things from the subconscious into the mental consciousness, the mental consciousness now heterodynes with the superconsciousness part of that experience. The superconsciousness part of that experience is its perfected state of that experience. The mental consciousness is the unbalanced or imperfected part of that experience which is what we call negative past lifetimes or injuries or psychological problems or whatever and yet we are evolving through that superconsciousness intercessor that actually comes in, heterodynes or oscillates or balances out or neutralizes that particular past life experience. Now it becomes positive and you now use it for what we call wisdom and wisdom is just making a lot of errors that we’ve learned from and so that’s what is going on in the psychic anatomy. There is a lot of activity, in other words, every second of the day.
Now a lot of times we think okay well how are we interacting with this psychic anatomy? Well we’ve built up a physical body, a vehicle that is inculcated five senses okay and that is the sensing devices that will get the information from the outside. It’ll go into the brain. The brain is not the seat of intelligence. It is a transceiver. That’s all it is. It’s transceiving. It’s receiving energies from the outside and then it’s transmitting to the psychic anatomy through the hypothalamus, with the pineal gland, and then that energy will now go into the subconscious as we described and then into the mental conscious and then it’ll come back down to be demodulated back into the physical body and there the scientists will measure those electrical impulses in the brain, and they don’t know where it comes from. They don’t know where that energy comes from. There is no plug from the person to be plugged into a wall. They don’t know where that source of energy comes from and it’s a pretty high-powered mechanism. So then the brain getting that information will shoot down the axon to the various nerve centers or whatever the pain center is, whatever the person is reliving so that energy now is being regenerated into the physical body to be worked out or relived or regenerated, and so this oscillation goes back and forth between the spiritual being and the physical part of the being, and every lifetime this psychic anatomy resurrects a new mental construct of the physical body and it will generate this construct, this mental construct of a physical body and how it should look through and from past life experiences of living the physical body before, and so now it remembers and it also remembers a lot of the negativities of the experiences of these pasts.
Now the psychic anatomy then will construct this mental construct of a physical body incorporating within it all the past life aberrations, frailties, insecurities, fears, phobias, and so that’s why it’ll generate this into the DNA. The DNA is not the source of life either. It is a code from the psychic anatomy and it is incorporated between the mother and father and then the person to be born and these are relationships that are from the past where your mother might have been your daughter, son, husband or whatever, and the father is the same relationship, and so all of this combining together makes that DNA information code and you can see where there’s aberrations all along it or not along it.
We must needs know who we are, and what we are, and what we are here for; where we came from and where we are going. That is the purpose of this science which is being brought to you from higher minds of Shamballa, now named UN.AR.I.U.S..” ~ Dr. Ernest L. Norman
Thomas Miller was just 14 years old at the time he met Ernest L. Norman, the main founder and teacher of UN.AR.I.U.S.. Thomas has given many lectures on the Unariun principles over the past 56 years, including channeling several books including The Epic and The Keys To The Universe. He has also participated in video emceeing events regarding UN.AR.I.U.S. as well as directing behind the scenes video productions expounding UN.AR.I.U.S. principles for community access television. Thomas Miller has been a force and pioneer in making sure that UN.AR.I.U.S. stays relevant in the spiritual awakening fields of New Age endeavors.
The aforementioned lecture was given by Thomas Miller in an interview with This Week In America, July 6, 2017.
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