Future Science
by Ernest L. Norman
I would like to say here that … while I was upon the earth, I too, tried to give to mankind the theory of the Universal Radiant Energy, and was most unsuccessful. Science would not accept God as coming down through the many different dimensions as whirling Radiant Vortexal Energy. But your whole hypothesis or the structure of your science, as you are expressing it, is based primarily upon these concepts as they were given to you – not only partially by myself [Lord Kelvin], but from many of the other much greater minds than my own. I, too, was an instrument in the service of these great minds when I was upon earth and trying to explain these concepts to man. But do not let that dismay you for one moment because sometimes it takes many years for the little stream of water to wear away a huge granite boulder, but the granite of obstruction which exists in the human mind is purely an element which is existing in its own time and its own cycle and so it, too, shall pass.
The Radiant Energy Vortexal Theory will be very thoroughly understood and accepted; as a matter of fact, part of
science in the near future years which are ahead of you, and if you can take any small part of satisfaction in this statement, then rest assured that you will have the ‘last smile’; for I can state, with the utmost sincerity and the utmost sense of truth, that what you are teaching, as well as what I am learning here in these dimensions which are above the earth, as they have been explained to mankind in your writings and in the transmissions, are actual truths and actual facts which so exist. It only remains for the eyes of mankind to be opened inwardly instead of so much outwardly, that he will be able to perceive these things in their entirety.
Getting back to these Radiant Energy machines, there is in store for mankind in the terrestrial dimensions in the future hundred years or so, what we call cosmic generators, that is, they are machines which can be set on the tops of high mountains which will ‘tune in’ the great Magnetic Lines of Force which are stemming out from the Great Central Vortex of the Universe.
Atomic power will be as obsolete as is the steam engine in your day and your time of diesels. In this future day, atomic power will be just as obsolete as a bonfire. The huge cosmic generators will light and heat and completely power the world of the future. This same type of cosmic generator will exist in the flying machine of the future and will transport man from planet to planet. It will also be in the nature and in the dimension of this same cosmic energy machine which will enable man to, as least temporarily, change the different vibrating frequencies of all his known atomic structures. Then he can create new atoms which will compound metals or materials which are more suitable for the spacecraft which he now does not possess.
If he should go out into space in his present craft which he is trying to develop as a rocket propelled missile he would be very quickly destroyed when he arrived outside of the protective envelope of the earth’s atmosphere.
The average scientist does not know that even one tiny little speck of cosmic dust which is about as large as the head of a pin could destroy any spacecraft upon impact and there are literally millions of these tiny particles through space in all directions. Even the smaller particles which
he calls cosmic energy could, in a very short time, reduce any of his present known alloys upon the earth to powder, simply because they exist in frequencies and dimensions which would be so destructive to the atoms of this metal; his metals would simply disappear in a short period of time. I would also interject here, a word of caution, that the future spacecraft will have to be constructed of metals which have a vibration rate or frequency which is not in the dimension of these cosmic energy particles, and that they will be most properly insulated by an energy shield which will surround them. All spacecraft [ET] have this shield, and that is what helps to give them the appearance of fire or brilliance as they pass from one stage of progression to another because, in the utmost limits of their speed, they look like a white streak which is going through the sky.
Also, I would say to the earth scientist that his terminology about time is obsolete and out-of-date and 186,000 miles per second is as old-fashioned as grandma’s knitting needles. He will find in space that his time does not exist in that particular quotient; he will have to develop an entirely new mathematical system which is based entirely upon a cycular pattern which he does not now possess; and this will rob his present day mathematics of much of its value.
One word more about these various types of goings on about the spacecraft reportings and writings with which you have come in contact; and I thoroughly agree with you, as I have contacted your mind in reading these reports, that some of the terminology or nomenclature which is used to describe such scientific apparatus is rather crude and smacks of charlatanism. There will have to be new names as well as new machines invented. The language of the future will not be in vocabulistic systems as you now know it on the earth plane. Language, like mathematics, will become inadequate in the future day and future evolutions and will largely pass from the existence of the earth people. These things I can truly predict as I have seen them on other planets which have gone through these same principles and these same evolutions. I have talked with the people – using the word “talked” rather loosely, as one does not talk with, as Meng Tse said, a loose flapping piece of flesh in the mouth – we speak directly from the mind where nothing is hidden.
There is really not much which I could add or show you in this great Center at the present time which could be acceptable to the present dimension of the earth scientist; there are different developments in the scientific world which are entirely beyond the realm of concept of any existing scientist as he dwells upon the planet earth. Such things will have to wait their proper time and their proper place in the evolution of the world, and when we say, “wait”, we are using the term rather loosely here, too, for time is in an entirely different concept of interpolation or integration, as it has been somewhat explained to you in the past pages.
May we say to your students, do not expect to understand these abstractions in your terrestrial dimensions, but only try to arrive at the threshold whereby you will know that these things can and do exist in a completely new way and new world, which is, at your present mental stature completely unfathomable. The earth man’s mind functions as a terrestrial agent entirely from a terrestrial plane, and when I am speaking of these things I am pointing to the average individual as he lives upon the earth plane. There are very few people who have the power to consciously levitate themselves from their consciousness as you do and to contact the higher Forces and Intelligences where these things can be brought somewhat into consciousness of other individuals.
Now, I do believe it would be best if we would return you to your respective position that you may take up your life in the usual fashion although your life is not in the usual way which is at present being expressed by the average earth person. Do not become discouraged but let the Torch of UN.AR.I.U.S., as it is the Flame of Life, always lead you up the Pathway toward the Altar of Infinite Wisdom, and to the All Pervading Graces of God’s highest Intellect. Until we contact you again, we shall be ever in your Superconsciousness. ~ William Kelvin
Excerpt from The Voice of Elysium
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