Gamaliel of Hermes: The Still Small Voice ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
The acceptance of life, as it is portrayed by the average individual upon the streets and highways and byways of your earth, is quite unrealistic, primitive, and elemental. You may find people who express the idea, “I live only once and I am going to get the most out of it while I am here.” This is very idiotic and unrealistic in its portent and nature, and even those who say these things do not actually believe in them. If they did, they would very quickly change. However, I see that I have, in a sense of the word, repeated a great deal of what has previously been given. I would not have it thought for one moment that this book was becoming monotonous, or that we had reached a stalemate.
For the purpose of stimulating and increasing the interest of the individual, we shall therefore close this section of our discussions and explorations into the celestial and astral Shamballas, so that we can more factually acquaint you with these different laws and orders of the higher laws of spiritual interpretations. I would have you know, however, that we have striven to the utmost of our capacity to render to you in the parlance of your own dimension and in the nomenclature which is most understandable, not only to the layman but to the scientist, the existence of what is called space and the universal cosmos.
It is quite obvious, however, that this is a very infinitesimal part of what is actually in existence. We regret that at this time we do not have the proper terrestrial mechanism to bring these things to you on the movie screen. Do not think for one moment that there are not forces in existence that could bring into your world at this time a tremendous amount of what has been called physical phenomena or of such phenomenal nature that observers would see the celestial manifestations happening before their eyes. We here in the higher portals know of such supernormal phenomena of a psychic nature which is beyond th
e realm and dimension of any individual’s understanding.
The end result, however, would be very damaging, and it is not intelligent to bring to a person that which is beyond his concept of understanding, when at time of stress or emphasis the individual must accept any concept of truth as it is portrayed to him. We can, if he so desires, bring it into his mind and consciousness; but in the ultimate end, it is he who is ready to accept these things; and in accepting, to make such an attempt in an analytical equation in the process of his mind whereby he can actually integrate them into his personal philosophy of life. Thus it is that he himself brings about a more unified condition of acceptance.
Frequently people get on their knees and pray, believing that they are praying to some supernormal or supernatural being, whom they call God. They must realize, factually, that they are not praying to some supernatural being of such a nature. As you know now, God manifests Himself in all directions and in all dimensions. Therefore the individual must pray only to the Divine Consciousness which is within him. As Jesus said, “The Father and I are one and the same,” a statement He meant for all mankind when He stressed the Kingdom of Heaven within. Therefore if God is within, why does man pray to some far-off supernatural being?
You must realize also that even the most brief moments of intercession in which you contact your Divine Consciousness are of tremendous benefit to you in your material world; and as a natural consequence in such contacts with your Superconscious Self you will immediately see the effects of this contact in your daily life. Thus it is, you will say, that God has answered your prayers; but in reality you have manifested only a portion of your own Superconsciousness into your daily life. In the knowledge and wisdom which is within you, you can contain in your Superconscious Mind all of the elements which are of the most Divine Nature of God Himself.
The creative qualities and the regenerative processes of the body are also transferred in another dimensional relationship into your body. Thus your body rebuilds and regenerates itself without your conscious volition or will; consequently, even the most brief and the most casual contacts with your Superconscious Self will, in all cases, be your Intercessor. It also means that even such brief moments of personal contact with the Superconsciousness will bring you into a direct alignment and into more factual continuity with the more evolutionary processes in the reconstruction of your own objective consciousness, as well as in the replacement of some of the spurious or negative wave forms or vortexes within your psychic body.
As a result, by the end of some earth lifetime, in which you have made possible a few such contacts with your Superconscious Self and have seen the results in your daily life, you will indeed begin to believe that there is such a thing as you call God. You have not yet developed to a point where you believe and can see this God existing in yourself; however, it is this actual God Self which is in contact with the Universal Consciousness, not only of the supreme God, but also in contact with the God likeness of all fellow men, as they exist in all terrestrial as well as in all spiritual dimensions which are above you.
The same processes in reverse are used in contacting the lower elements. The wave structures of your psychic body link you also into the lower astral dimensions of consciousness, and thus relate you with the direct consequence of these negative expressions. All of this I believe has been explained to you in different words and by different persons; yet, in the end, these principles are inviolate and are absolute in their nature. They cannot be changed, for to change them would be like trying to change God Himself, who created these things in the evolutionary nature of man; and since God is contained in the concepts of these things, so He must always be. In one previous transmission from the planet Venus, you were told that God has no laws, and this is indeed so, for God Himself is Law; and therefore He need pass no other laws, because God Himself contains all of the things which you might define as law, and which yet are only more basically the relationship of cause and effect.
This again is the equation of the polarities; and you, in your terrestrial dimension, are expressing the very extreme concept of this polarity. Consequently, since you exist in the elements of materialism, you have thus become the polarity farthest away from the supreme emanating source of God. Therefore the next and most direct approach, as it has been explained to you, will always be through the personal Comforter who will always be your Intercessor. This concept has been warped and distorted to include only one person, rather than you yourself. The damage of this concept has, as a consequence, a great and far-reaching nature; and one which you must spend many evolutions to outgrow, unless you take very constructive thought and action in your present daily life to eliminate that false concept from your philosophy of life.
The very process of evolution and life itself requires that you gain all of the infinite aspects of God’s nature by relating yourself into the actual experience of dimensional contacts. It is quite obvious that if you have a broken leg, you yourself must have the leg set and you must wait the proper time for it to heal before walking upon it. This is cause and effect. In like manner, if you incur negative indispositions, you must also bring in the relationships which are of the most proper corrective nature, to supplant the negative influences which have been impounded within you.
We here in Aureleus, as in the other six centers, are most anxious to impress upon all of you these most vital and fundamental concepts in your relationships with your true innermost nature, so that you will always remember, in whatever circumstances and whatever condition or duress in which you may find yourself, you will immediately call upon the higher Superconsciousness of yourself. You will see your relationship truly placed in the divine concept of God’s Mind, and you will become a factual, a working, and an integrated part of God, as He exists in the innumerable individuals called mankind. Until such time, dear ones, may you go about your way and your walk of life, with all of our love and our continued projection of the constructive energies of thought and mind and consciousness, into the dominion of the expression of your everyday life.
~ Your Brother, Gamaliel
Excerpt from The Voice Of Hermes
See Part I here.
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