Unariun Wisdom

Contactee: George Van Tassel


George-Van-Tassel-and-the-Integratron-main-2-postGeorge Van Tassel was born in Jefferson, Ohio in 1910, and grew up in a fairly prosperous middle-class family. He finished high school in the 10th grade and held a job at a Cleveland airport; he also acquired a pilot’s license. At 20, he headed for California, where at first he worked for a garage owned by an uncle.George Van Tassel image

While working at the garage he met Frank Critzer, an eccentric loner who claimed to be working a mine somewhere near Giant Rock, a 7-story boulder near Landers, California. Frank Critzer was a German immigrant trying to make a living in the desert as a prospector. During World War II, Critzer was under suspicion as a German spy and died during a police siege at the Rock in 1942. Upon receiving news of Critzer’s death, Van Tassel applied for a lease of the abandoned airport near Giant Rock from the Bureau of Land Management, who managed the land, and was eventually given a renewable Federal Government contract to develop the airstrip.

Van Tassel became an aircraft mechanic and flight inspector who at various times between 1930 and 1947 worked for Douglas Aircraft, Hughes Aircraft, and Lockheed. While at Hughes Aircraft he was the Top Flight Inspector. He finally left Southern California’s booming aerospace industry for the desert in 1947. He and his family at first lived a simple existence in the rooms Frank Critzer had dug out under Giant Rock. Van Tassel eventually built a home, a cafe, a small airstrip, and a dude ranch beside the Rock.

giant-rock-airport-4-postGeorge Van Tassel started hosting group meditation in 1953 in a room underneath Giant Rock excavated by Frank Critzer, a prospector. That year, according to Van Tassel the occupant of a space ship from the planet Venus woke him up, invited him on board his space ship, and both verbally and telepathically gave him a technique for rejuvenating the human body.

solgonda-4-post“From the position of the full Moon, I judged it to be around 2 A.M. Here on the desert it is nearly as bright in full moonlight as it is in daylight. I awakened, not knowing why, but sensing that something had happened that had disturbed me. We sleep outside about six months out of the year, so you can see that our bedroom was readily accessible.

As I looked up from the bed I saw a man standing about six feet away from the foot of the bed. This was not uncommon, as we operate a public airport and have been awakened many times by our dogs barking at people coming in during the night. However, at this time not a sound was heard from the dogs. This I recalled later and it was certainly unusual.

I asked the man what he wanted, thinking his car might have given him trouble and he had walked into our remote airfield as many others have done before. At the same time I sat up in bed. Beyond the man, about a hundred yards away, hovered a glittering, glowing spaceship, seemingly about eight feet off the ground.

I knew then that he was not having car trouble. The man said, “My name is Solgonda. I would be pleased to show you our craft.” – George Van Tassel

The Integratron

This historical structure is a resonant tabernacle and energy machine sited on a powerful geomagnetic vortex in the magical Mojave Desert.

The Integratron is located in Landers, California, 20 miles north of Joshua Tree National Park. Its creator, George Van Tassel, claimed that the structure is based on the design of Moses’ Tabernacle, the writings of Nikola Tesla and telepathic directions from extraterrestrials. This one-of-a-kind 38-foot high, 55-foot diameter, all wood dome was designed to be an electrostatic generator for the purpose of rejuvenation and time travel.

The location of the Integratron is an essential part of its functioning. It was built on an intersection of powerful geomagnetic forces that, when focused by the unique geometry of the building, concentrate and amplify the earth’s magnetic field. Magnetometers read a significant spike in the earth’s magnetic field in the center of the Integratron.

The Integratron is privately owned by three sisters who have been part of the restoration and maintenance of the structure and property for more than 30 years. Their focus is to restore and preserve the structure while sharing it with people interested in its potential. Since their tenure, the Integratron is open to the public for the first time in its history while its restoration continues.  Source

Space Conventions

Van Tassel hosted “The Giant Rock Spacecraft Convention” annually beside the Rock, from 1953 to 1978, which attracted at its peak in 1959 as many as 10,000 attendees. Guests trekked to the desert by car or landed airplanes on Van Tassel’s small airstrip,  Giant Rock Airport to attend.  Although, the conventions were held in the middle of the hot desert, thousands of people flocked to hear from famous UFO researchers and extraterrestrial contactees.

Every famous contactee appeared personally at these conventions over the years, and many more not-so-famous ones. George Adamski, the more famous of the contactee movement, also attended in 1955, where he gave a 35-minute lecture and was interviewed by Edward J. Ruppelt, former head of the Air Force Project Blue Book. Photo Archive here.

The Ministry Of Universal Wisdom

Van Tassel also founded a metaphysics research organization called The Ministry of Universal Wisdom, and The College of Universal Wisdom to codify the spiritual revelations he was now regularly receiving via communications with the people from Space.

Here is an example of one proceeding:

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ET’s Contributions To The Secret Space Program

The above historic television interview with George Van Tassel recorded in June 1964 reveals a number of technologies that have been secretly developed by the U.S. Air Force and Navy based on information first gained from extraterrestrial visitors. Among the national security secrets revealed by Van Tassel is that the U.S. Air Force has possessed anti-gravity technology since at least 1956. In the interview, Van Tassel further claims that technologies based on retrieving visual scenes from any time period, including television signals and even time travel itself, have been developed, and then classified for national security reasons by the U.S. Navy. Based on his extraterrestrial contact experiences, Van Tassel devoted great effort to developing time travel technology and expanding human longevity through the four story tall “Integratron” he built at Giant Rock. He died of a heart attack in 1978, only weeks before the scheduled completion of his Integratron. Circumstances surrounding his death suggest that the knowledge he gained on extending human longevity, another topic with important national security implications, had been appropriated by U.S. authorities for secret development.

The television interview was conducted by Jack Webster from KVOS TV on June 18, 1964. Chief among Van Tassel’s claims is that he was taken up into an extraterrestrial spacecraft and given technological information by four space visitors that were human looking, and about 5’ 6” in height on August 24, 1953. One of the visitors was 700 years old according to Van Tassel. He was given a simple mathematical formula for time travel that directly correlated frequency with time in an inverse relationship. Remarkably, Van Tassel claims that the technology had subsequently been developed to view any visual scene from any time historic period. The technology was quickly classified by the U.S. Navy and the inventor was forced to work in a secret project. The time travel/viewing technology described by Van Tassel in his 1964 interview is similar to what was much later described as “Project Looking Glass” which whistleblowers claim to be run by the U.S. Navy.

The equation Van Tassel received from his 1953 extraterrestrial contact became the basis for his development of the Integraton, a four stories tall structure that would lead to cellular rejuvenation and increase human longevity. It was intended to be free and open to the general public. On the verge of completing his Integratron project in 1978, Van Tassel died in mysterious circumstances of a heart attack. Select U.S. government agencies then intervened to confiscate material and documents from his property. The Integratron project was then abandoned. Van Tassel’s pioneering research on cellular rejuvenation and human longevity was very likely absorbed into a highly classified project that again had important national security implications.

Finally, in the interview, Van Tassel also says he witnessed first-hand the antigravity technology of the extraterrestrial visitors who have had bases on the moon for centuries. Van Tassel also claimed that the US Air Force has developed antigravity technology in highly classified projects in 1956. Antigravity technology based on the principle of electrogravitics was discussed in open source scientific literature up until 1956 after which such research suddenly became highly classified. No more scientific studies had appeared after 1956. Van Tassel’s claim gives a plausible answer for the mysterious disappearance of antigravity research from open scientific literature. Government agencies had succeeded in demonstrating their practical value, and importance for national security. All subsequent open source or civilian efforts to develop antigravity technologies were either classified or repressed. In the case of Otis Carr, a disciple of Nikola Tesla, his own civilian based antigravity technology was repressed with terrible results. Carr was jailed on trumped up charges and it was only four decades later, in March 2006, that one of Carr’s technical assistants, Ralph Ring, came forward to reveal the truth. Carr had successfully developed antigravity technology, and was subsequently repressed by national agencies. Source ~ Michael E. Salla

Current Films About George Van Tassel (released and/or in production)

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