Give The Gift Of Learning
by Ernest L. Norman
[This letter was written by the Moderator to his sister in Utah, who was unfamiliar with the UN.AR.I.U.S. Science and should be most interesting to any student.]
Perhaps I should forewarn you, that which you might read in the books may shock you; however, always keep in mind that it can all be proven scientifically and historically. Every day science is proving what I have written even many years ago. What I am teaching is, in effect and in reality, the “Second Coming” – a big statement, perhaps, but think for a moment: Do you think Jesus would return as He was 2,000 years ago? Indeed not! He knows that the world would destroy Him again in some way, manner or form, if He so appeared, nor would the earth be burned first. That’s nonsense; you can’t destroy evil by fire, it has to be replaced with good – in other words, understanding Creation.
So if Jesus “returned”, he would do so in a very subtle way – through the mind of a person like myself who understands Creation. The Message of Jesus would be the science of life as it is lived here – and especially, hereafter. This Message would come to those who had prepared themselves for the advent – by preparation in Spiritual Worlds where they had lived many times in between earth lives. Then as they “lived” again on earth, they could join heaven and earth in the great reality of Creation.
This is the Message in my books – a Message which must become the reality of Creation before any human can live hereafter. First, the earth or material world must be gradually torn down (in consciousness) and replaced by the true science of Creation. The material world is a world of symbology; all things that you do – your thinking and acting – are motivated as a reflex from these symbolic forms. Even your religion is a symbol.
Now symbols are false; that is, as long as there is a symbol there is no need or necessity to think. Thinking, therefore, is not thinking but is a reflex action. You think only when you are able to see the entire creativity, the plan, the evolution, etc., which created all things. Symbology is only a crutch, only a device used by elemental minds until they develop the intellect to a point where they can see the entire creativity in all things. Jesus called this, finding the Kingdom Within.
My works are therefore a logical, scientific approach to thinking, to replace the symbolic world with the whole of Infinite Creation. This will be your “savior”. When you can so begin to conceive, you will be “saved”; you will begin to find the Kingdom and eternal life in the finding. The “Father” is part of this. The “Father” is the Creative Principle of life which creates and recreates forever in all manners and forms, atoms, worlds, universes and heavens, and if wrongly understood and used – will be the hells.
Any person’s fears, insecurities and drives, etc., each is an anxiety to realize more of life and of creation before he leaves this earth in this present life and returns to some spirit world. When you came into this world you had a plan. You said, “When I get back in the physical world, I’ll do better,” etc. Now, you subconsciously know all has not been attained, thus the urgency. It is also insecurity.
When you read my writings (the Unariun liturgies) you will realize much of this is still unattained; you will also be prepared for even greater attainments in future lives lived on this or some other similar world. It is not what we do in a physical way that counts; it’s what we learn that’s important. Learning of Creation is learning to live eternally in a very much more advanced state. Life is actually only consciousness. As we conceive, so we are (what we conceive). We should therefore, never place any limitations; never say “it ain’t so”, etc., but rather, try to understand, and as we understand, we grow. Knowledge of the Infinite Creator gives us power over life and death; it gives us mastery over all things in proportion to our knowledge. Through my works, you are gaining this knowledge and which you will later begin to use in reconstructing a new life in a higher world. In this way, then, Jesus has returned to you and you have been “saved” by knowledge and usage.
We have countless handwritten testimonials from many thousands of students who have had great miracles happen to them: terminal cases, mental and physical conditions of all kinds. There are at least fifty thousand or more people who have been helped – many not even realizing it. They are people from all walks of life, all professions; in fact, every person I have ever been near or spoken to has had something important and wonderful happen to him – even though he may never know. It was that way when Jesus was on Earth. People who understand Creation are, in effect, a great powerhouse; Intelligent energy is pouring from them in all directions into all things. This is a simple statement of scientific fact. I’m not boasting, and if I am, it’s to impress you with the Creative Principle in action – which religionists call Christ.
Christ is not a person; it is this Creative Principle. In my books it is first described as a scientific form, a sine wave. Later on it is developed into Creation or the power behind
Creation. The Father and Christ are synonymous; the Father is Infinity; the Christ is personal realization of the Father which again recreates for us a “heaven” or a state of consciousness which is complete – no fears, frustrations, etc., just peace of mind and the great power of understanding.
One more point: As you begin to understand, then you can recreate your relations, friends, etc. This is the way to “turn the other cheek”. By understanding our fellowman, we can project to him a bit of help even though he has slapped us. We must first, however, understand ourselves before attempting to help others. And that’s all in the books.
As you no doubt would assume, all this study will require great effort, not only in reading but in application and by seeing Principle in action all around you. Try to conceive, objectively of course, as much as possible. This will be the way you find your answer, or more abstractly, we never really attain the complete answer. That is the challenge of Infinity – and even Infinity presents the same challenge to Itself, for there is no point of termination.
Excerpt from Tempus Interludium, Vol. II
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