Heaven Descended!
by Ruth E. Norman
Although the reader may feel that too much already has been said of the Luminosities, the Personalities of Worlds of Light, yet the comparatively few mentions have been only one small fraction of all that has really taken place. And again, last night was to me another wonderful and memorable occasion. As accustomed as I have become to these Luminaries as They make contact in this way into this earth world and into our consciousness, and due to the newer and higher state to which this person has been climbing – a more compatible state of consciousness with them – the trance state has been but slight, a scarcely noticeable difference occurs anymore when their Presence is sensed.
It was a different story last night! A certain television program portraying the ‘Sea World’ was shown and a large portion of the film was devoted to the ‘Dancing Waters’ there. I have seen other such displays, one they exhibit at the Music Center in Los Angeles, and other times at the large Ice Shows, such watery displays have been quite pretty to watch, but the collection of fountains shown in this film was truly unique. These glorious fountains of dancing waters were so numerous, the configurations which the water took were seemingly infinite in variety but the color was the outstanding element. Colors from within the fountain patterns, then others with great color beams projected onto them from all angles, and the entire display served to tune me into the wonderful Energy Fountains on the Inner!
Similar Illuminated Water Fountains

What added so greatly to the trance state was that one by one all evening long, our Visitors from the Higher Worlds came in! Every few moments seemingly, as I would begin to slip back into physical (normal) consciousness, there would be another Light, sometimes right at my feet or in front of the divan. I lost track counting them and when I attempted to walk about, I found I had no legs! The ‘rubber leg’ condition, previously spoken of, was again present but good! Oh, the peace that descends over one at such times is simply tremendous. I felt so outgoing and in love with all things – this, of course, their love coming into myself. At one moment, Ernest would sense one and say, “There is one right there, a golden, bright Light!” Then one would come into my consciousness and it would appear on the drapery or ceiling and I would say, “Oh, here is a bluish-white Light!” Then, when an especially huge Luminosity would appear, I would really take the dive! I just didn’t move from the divan all evening long, so near ‘out’ had I become, and loving every moment. It was a five-hour session!
As I went out to sleep in that state last night, sad I was to find this morn, normalcy had returned; but not by choice! After all, we cannot live in that state always, we have our earth life to live and many deeds to be done, but it was a wonderful night of Heaven on earth. The Dancing Waters served well to attune me to the Inner Worlds where we so often travel psychically, thus it was like a homecoming to us.
It should be mentioned, too, these Energy Fountain configurations on the Inner are the ways and means whereby the Beings keep themselves charged and from which they actually live, rather than breathing air and eating food. Thus, when we take what we call a ‘step-out’ – a few minutes of what may seem like sleep – yet, it is quite different from sleep for we slip out on the Ray Beam which is projected to us, and there, in the wonderful fountains of living energy, we repose and incept into our very psyches, life-giving, sustaining energy. After these few moments of freedom from the body – and the time can vary from a few seconds to thirty minutes or an hour or more but, usually about twenty minutes – we then feel refreshed, as if an entire nights sleep has been experienced, very scientific! Many times when we become depleted from having gone into a shopping area, for instance, or a market and there have been a few persons there, back home I come and ‘take off’ for the few moments to become recharged; similar to putting the battery on the line when it gets low! And if one needed proof, these things indeed do prove the oneness of this Higher world; of how, as has been told, this dearly beloved and great Soul, the Unariun Moderator, has brought Heaven right down to earth!
So, friend seeker, when you sense in your readings of the UN.AR.I.U.S. liturgies or even this little book, for the Power is likewise existent, the drowsiness, a lassitude, recognize it for what it is: the wondrous Infinite Power, the Light and energy which has been directed to you to lift you in consciousness, temporarily out of your mundane subconscious state into higher dimensions unto the place where you, too, may bathe in these wondrous Energy Fountains to help cleanse the psychic. Permit yourself to ‘go out’ with it in what you may think is sleep, for great benefits can then be experienced. Then, in time, it can become a regular cycle, a period for your personal ‘pickup and recharging’, to help sever some of the debris which is constantly being impinged into our psychic from this carnal earth world. It matters not if you are not conscious of what takes place, benefit is derived nonetheless, and someday or time when you have conceived well of the science, you too shall begin to become more and more sensitive and bring back the memories of these many Higher Worlds and of their ever-existing help so extended.
There is nothing by which to compare such visitations of the earth, but these lovely watery fountains did it for me and, perhaps you, too, may experience the familiarity from memories you have retained. Most all persons – those who are actively studying the UN.AR.I.U.S. texts – have been on these higher planes, either in between lives and/or during the time their body sleeps; otherwise, they would not be able to comprehend the teachings even slightly!
This is the way one is able to live on the inner after losing his body of flesh and when he no longer has to fight the gravity pull. Thus, if one is not aware of these vital Principles, he can become very lost and distressed! As I have oft’ repeated, and not nearly often enough, there is nothing so vital to any person as learning this life-changing Science. As our Moderator says, “The life you save will be your own!”
Excerpt from Bridge To Heaven
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