How UN.AR.I.U.S. Answers Questions That Scientists Can’t – Part II
Recently Thunderbolts Project put out a video (see below) with independent researcher, Edwin Kaal, trying to explain the atom and how it functions. He listed six points that science is still trying to understand regarding the behavior of atoms. These six points have remained elusive to scientists trying to logically formulate the very basic building blocks of matter beginning with the atom.
In this post, we will tackle the second point and third point here, starting with point 2:
Explains why the atom has a positive nucleus with negative electrons around it.
“The Infinite…must not be divided in any symposium of compounded infractions of atomic forms, but must assume proportions wherein we can see that the so-called space is actually a completely, infinitely filled solid. So far as our proportions of introspection are concerned in traveling through space, means that consciousness at any given time, interprets only a very small fraction of this infinitely filled space in terms of resistance or reactance.” ~ Cosmic Continuum
“As mentioned in Part I…”the atom is not a complete unit of energy. The isotopes should give the clue to the spiritual nature of the atom. Each one of the isotopes has a definite relationship with a higher dimension according to a certain fundamental frequency.
“If we constructed what we might call an abstract view or a concept of creation which stems, shall we say, from the Mind of the Infinite, we should draw what is called a vortex. It looks like the whirlwind which we see on the desert and this comparison is almost as close as we can get to the abstract concept of what the scientists might call space. We shall see in this vortex, as I have drawn it, that it will actually be composed of countless millions, an infinite number of wave forms, all similar to the sine wave because energy itself is intelligent according to the structure of the wave.
“We can have various malformations, or what might be called steps in these waves, and these steps all portray a particular thing called objectivism. In this vortex we find literally hundreds of millions of wave forms that we can call intelligent and which portray, in their own particular way, something of the Infinite Intelligence. We have great forces in this vortex. We see this vortex expanding outwardly, we see it contracting inwardly, each line itself according to certain fundamental laws of frequency relationship, multiplying itself. We can call these forces centrifugal and centripetal for lack of better names. We can say that the negative energies are resolving themselves down into this central hardcore nucleus. We say it is hard simply as a matter of comparison because of the maelstrom of energy which forms the apex of that cone with a tremendous conglomeration or concentration of energies.” Excerpt from The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation
In order to understand further the make-up of the atom it would be helpful if the scientist understood the evolution of atoms:
“The scientist has a vague and indefinite theory about the evolution of the atom. He knows that somewhere there must be an evolution, as from the simple hydrogen atom with a weight of 1.0080, somewhere at a distance we get U-238 or uraniun, with a compound structure of over 478 different protons and electrons; thus he has entered into some vague hypothesis.
“Somewhere out there in space we have cosmic rays which are shooting off in tiny particles of charged electricity or energy. Sooner or later, the scientist says, one of these particles will hit the heart of the proton of the hydrogen atom, then something happens and there appears two protons and two electrons, therefore, it is now a helium atom. This is quite vague and very sketchy for the truth of the matter is that the hydrogen atom, just like everything else in the universe, functions according to a well-ordered law of harmonic relationship, or the life cycle. We will say that this hydrogen atom has normally, in its course of evolution, 100 days. After 100 days or its complete life cycle, it then comes to the point of conjunction of this cycle; consequently, there is a certain something which takes place. This something is a harmonic relationship, such as the striking of two strings which are tuned to the same pitch. As a result, the hydrogen atom now enters into a different relationship with, shall we say, the spiritual part of itself, which links it up with its spiritual dimensions, or the vortex, as it is supported from that vortex.
“Here we see within this vortex the multiplicities of the positive and negative energies expanding and contracting. They result in one negative quotient and one positive quotient, which is the hydrogen atom. At the end of the 100 day cycle, we have evolved in this cycle around the orbit so that now it is linked again, through the law of frequency relationship or harmonic structures, with certain other quotients which are contained in the supporting structure of the vortex of the atom.
“We must also remember a very important factor: this energy which is supporting the atom and which has created it from this vortex is very intelligent. It has an IQ because it is part of the Infinite. The IQ is the way in which it vibrates according to the orders of law and harmonic relationship. Now after the 100 day cycle has passed, it makes a certain conjunction with other wave forms which are contained in this vortex so that now we have entering into the atom, the new proton and the new electron, and we have the helium atom. We have found that instead of having the sketchy process of somehow shooting little particles of electronic energy at this atom, we now have a concept which is integrated, which is factual and which can be demonstrated. It is the law and order and shows you the evolution of atoms from the simple hydrogen to the heavier atoms of U-238.” Excerpt from The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation
Regarding the third point:
Explains why the electrons do not fall into the positive nucleus.
“As it was explained in previous discussions and throughout the Unariun liturgies, the dominant principle of creation in the manifestations of different interpolations is done on an oscillating basis between opposite polarities. In the third dimension this phase reversal is 180 degrees which manifests itself as an up and down motion called a sine wave. The fourth dimension equivalent is a 360 degree phase which unites itself in a complete and never-ending circle. However, within this circle there must be the same positive and negative polarities. In this respect then it can be visualized that this cycle is actually two cycles and that they are oscillating in unison with each other, reversing their polarities in the regular order of frequency oscillation with which they are incorporated. This universal pattern of cyclic oscillations is manifested throughout the interdimensional cosmos. It is the sum and total of this infinitely filled infinity.
“There are other very great and wonderful principles involved in this interdimensional cosmic hysteresis; that is, through certain frequency attunements, harmonic regenerations, etc., it can be visualized that vortexes, in a manner of speaking, form through the connection of different frequencies and harmonics in a chain-like fashion to form a kind of cosmic centrifuge or vortex. Now the constant oscillating phase reversals act in a certain way very similarly to centrifugal and centripetal forces. That is, due to the differences in the interdimensional frequencies, the higher rates of vibration represent a more positive bias to those of the lower. The lower vibrations then, in turn, can always be considered to be negative even though they contain their own phase reversals from positive to negative, etc., and so on down the line. As these harmonics and linkages continue throughout this vortexal pattern, the closer to the center, shall we say, of this centrifuge then the more negative do the various different oscillating phase reversals become in respect to those on the outer periphery or rim of this centrifuge. In a way, this is a kind of compression and it will ultimately result in a nucleus being formed wherein we have, as sort of a sub-infinity, a high concentration of phase reversal energies which are purely negative in nature simply because they have approached and have begun to pass a certain line of demarcation which would, due to the frequencies involved, determine what is the fourth dimension and the third dimension.
“In other words, these frequencies are beginning to lose their cyclic patterns; then they begin to re-express themselves in a different way by separating themselves from their cyclic patterns and become straight line frequencies or third dimensional frequencies which stem outward in a radial pattern from this central core.
“This is exactly the situation which is happening with our sun. Tremendous energy, through these oscillating processes, is being fed downward in a centripetal fashion into the central nucleus or core which is the sun which then, in turn, through the tremendous hysteresis or change within the wave form structures, as they separate themselves from cyclic patterns into straight line frequencies, begin to radiate their energies into the third dimensional world or our solar system.
“However, it must be borne in mind that there are no clear, straight line points of demarcation between the third and the fourth dimensions. Rather, it is a gradual transition and can be envisioned as many different zones, in a manner of speaking, wherein certain things begin to happen in the natural oscillating processes. All of these differences are incurred due to the various frequency interpretations which these cyclic patterns and wave forms are manifesting within themselves; and in the regeneration of these harmonic patterns, again reform cyclic wave forms which, while bearing certain original facsimiles to their sources, also bear entirely different wave form patterns within themselves, compounded from this oscillating process.
“Now this brings us to a very important point in our introspection. There is, in the interdimensional cosmos, a vast regeneration of certain kinds of cyclic lines of force, if we can call them that, which I will call electromagnetic lines of force. These lines again remanifest in the third dimension around our Earth, other planetary bodies, the solar system; in fact they may be considered to be the glue which holds the great universe together. The generation of these electromagnetic lines of force occurs in the inner cyclic pattern of wave forms as they are oscillating in these different dimensional frequencies. There is sort of a synchronous attunement set up wherein one given wave form in its cyclic pattern does immediately oscillate at a particular given point in its net total circumference with a similar wave form. In a general consensus, this should normally create a secondary oscillation called a harmonic. However, if these harmonics are built up in a certain way that there is a pulse line transference to other similar harmonic regenerations, then a long curved line of electromagnetic force is generated. It is actually a composite band of electromagnetic frequencies which are operating and oscillating synchronously with their regenerating sources. And as such, they assume, as a broad band level of interpretation, a long curved line. These long curved lines can be likened to, in a certain way, that of weaving a cloth where there is a warp and a woof.
“We will say that the oscillating waves form the basic constituents of this interdimensional cosmos and form the warp. They regenerate cross fibers or the cross threads which we will call the woof. And it is these cross threads of the electromagnetic force which, in a certain way, helped to form and help to continually support the generative process in the net sum and total of the infinite cosmos. It is these electromagnetic lines of force which determine the pin-wheel-like shape of our universe and of our galaxy which is one bright spot in this great universe.
“These lines of electromagnetic force then, also hold the Earth and other planets in their respective orbits around the sun. The total spectrum of these lines of electromagnetic force also include such frequencies as are transposed into gravitational fields or gravity as well as in the electromagnetic spectrum, in the net sum and total of hysteresis as it is expressed by the conversion of solar energy into our heat and light spectrum as we know it here on Earth. This is all partially proven by many existing scientific factors; it is known that hundreds of miles above the pole, temperatures are higher than they are the same distance above the equator in the area of the Van Allen radiation belts, which are not really radiation belts but rather, they are more concentrated fields of lines of electromagnetic force which cross and crisscross above the surface of the Earth. It is in these electromagnetic lines of force—and there are many kinds of these regenerated elements of energy—which help to “filter out” certain of the solar energies which could render life on the Earth nonexistent, such as the gamma or delta rays and which are very destructive to life on a planet. Now this filtration is not really filtration at all but rather, is a cancellation due to the phase reversals which take place within the wave forms themselves from the gamma rays and from the electromagnetic lines with which they come in contact.
“This also brings us up to more elucidation on the principle and the concept of the atom itself as it compounds our terrestrial Earth planet. Much has been given already in our liturgies but perhaps what is now presented will enable you to form a more comprehensive idea as to what really goes on. Now referring back a bit to our previous presentation which involves a tremendous interplay, a filling of space, so to speak, of a vast panoply of cyclic wave forms so oscillating; again, some form huge centrifuges—that is, large in the extent that they encompass cyclic wave forms in many different dimensions or frequencies, others may be very small and be harmonically attuned to the larger ones. As we progress down in space, so to speak, toward the ultimate formation of an atom, here we find a conglomeration of regenerative wave forms in cyclic patterns forming this same exact centrifuge but on a sub-miniature scale and in the net sum and total of the same oscillating processes, it forms the same nucleus. The nucleus, in turn, has, in its own respective dimension, all of the exact wave form counterparts which are contained in the centrifuge which created it. Then, as a means of expression, just
as it did with the sun, a certain radial pattern of expression takes place into the third dimension. This creates a secondary electromagnetic field. Other lines of force which are exact replicas or facsimiles of the vortexal pattern revolve or regenerate very rapidly around this nucleus, but in the third dimension. As these numerous lines cross, they form parallaxes which also are synchronously tuned to the net sum and total and revolve in the same direction; we shall call it the same direction, as it concerns certain positive and negative phase reversals which are always inclined in one direction due to the difference in time between manifesting the positive and negative terminus of the cycle.
“Something like if you were pushing a wheel which was moving freely in space and you would do this at a certain point, your hand slapping against the rim of the wheel would constantly accelerate this wheel in a certain direction. This is a kind of synchronous forward movement which causes the parallaxes of this atomic formation to revolve rapidly around the nucleus. It is also within these parallaxes that we find great concentrations of pure energy, oscillating again in subinfinity in the exact composite or reproduced cyclic form of the original atom form. These charges of energy contained in these subinfinite atoms are tremendously powerful and they can travel through practically any known so-called solid material. For example, it is a charge of these subatomic particles which the scientist calls electrons or neutrons which, when used as a laser beam, an instantaneous firing of the laser beam can drill a hole
completely through a diamond in a fraction of a millionth part of a second. The reason again is very simple: as this tremendous charge of pure energy, revolving within itself and oscillating as tremendously as it does, meets carbon atoms which comprise the diamond, then there is an immediate cancellation of all wave forms involved and the energy reverts back into its interdimensional form. Matter can be said to have been disintegrated, as it is in the case where the diamond is drilled with a laser charge.
“Exploring as we do the infinite variety and manner in which oscillating wave forms are compounded about us into the familiar atom-molecule combinations which go to make up our terrestrial Earth, in this introspection we may be confounded and overwhelmed by the infinite variety, yet all about us in this seeming, apparently solid Earth there are countless billions of tiny atom forms which are regenerating harmoniously with their vortexal formations from the inner dimensions.” Excerpt from The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation
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