How UN.AR.I.U.S. Answers Questions That Scientists Can’t – Part III
Recently Thunderbolts Project put out a video (see below) with independent researcher, Edwin Kaal, trying to explain the atom and how it functions. He listed six points that science is still trying to understand regarding the behavior of atoms. These six points have remained elusive to scientists trying to logically formulate the very basic building blocks of matter beginning with the atom.
In this post, we will tackle the fourth point here:
Explains in a logical manner how chemistry arises.
“You look out here into the air, but what is this air? It is mostly nitrogen and oxygen with a few other inert elements and gases such as argon. They resolve themselves into molecules; the molecules, in turn, are definite structures of tiny atoms, all held together by the same magnetic laws which hold the universe together. This power is the same which holds the universe together. This power is the same which holds the molecules together.” ~ The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation
In common everyday physics, nothing can exist without a cause and the basic cause of matter itself is whether it is concerned with the radiant field of force around the sun or into such other particular types or junctions of introspection. The scientist has not as yet, in this supposition of the Infinite Cosmogony, established anything which is relative to the actual existence or the procreative factors of existence in his material world.
Therefore we must start at an entirely new point of junction in our introspection which is far removed from our present known physical world as it is presented by the earth and the various star clusters around us in the Heavens; for all stars, solar systems, galaxies and universes can be considered only as tiny bits of surface matter which are floating upon the mind of the individual’s consciousness. It was told in some of the preceding pages that space was infinitely solid and presented, so far as reactance or resistance was concerned in different dimensions or in different spectra, a relative or quantitative amount of dimensional forms of energy, as they are posed in atomic structures in our present-day physical science; and conversely, so far as the Infinite was concerned, we could also have an infinite number of other existing energy forms which were not known in present-day forms of reactance or resistance to any of our five senses.
Now we shall find out just how it is that this seemingly empty space is actually an infinitely filled space, and that it must exist in some common denominator which will justify a true scientific relationship from one dimension to another, and relate all of this Infinite into a harmonious pattern of junctions and interpolations. Therefore let us begin our symposium upon a very simple equation which is contained in a familiar type of physical manifestation, by simply throwing a stone into the center of the pond; thus we can see the waves of energy stemming away from this point of impact where the stone entered the water and out into the surrounding area. By looking at some chips we have cast upon the surface of the water, we shall find that the water itself has not moved in any particular relationship to the center or the point of impact, except that it has moved up and down in a wave-like motion or in an oscillating manner. The chips always remain in the same place wherein they were first cast. We have thus begun to analyze that here again we have transferred energy from one particular point of perspective into another.
We can therefore begin with Infinity, in saying we have an originating or an EMF source of force, or motion, or intelligence, whichever it is that you wish to superimpose into your consciousness, and that stemming outwardly into an infinite
number of types of transferences are different kinds of manifestations of energy wave forms. These types of energy forms, in themselves, all portray individually, a certain junction of relationship with the Infinite as it could be termed intelligent, either positively or negatively. However, unlike the waves which stemmed from the center of the pond, energy does not travel from the central, or infinite source of supply, into the other dimensions in these wave-like formations; instead, we will find energy is constantly regenerating itself into various types of patterns which are cyclic in motion, or possess a certain cyclic form. Each cycle in itself presents upon its surface an undulating wave-like motion which is composed of negative and positive wave formations which are all portraying a certain kind of intelligence; and in themselves, are linked and interlinked – just as the wheels within a watch or the wheels within a chain – so we find these infinitely numbered cyclic patterns stemming out into the various dimensions about this originating source.
We shall not attempt, at the moment, to interject an understanding of this originating EMF, for that, too, presupposes in itself a certain junction of harmonic patterns of transference into an even farther form of Infinity; and with such an abstraction or understanding of such an Infinity, the Infinite would of course be physically impossible with the presently existing terminating sources of consciousness as they are posed upon the conscious mind. Thus, we see from this central or emanating source a great interplay or interchange of an infinite number of cycles or motion, each in themselves linking arm-in-arm with their neighbors and all relating in themselves an infinite number of patterns of various transferences of consciousness. These, in turn, regenerate into such harmonic structures as are compatible within themselves and other further extensions of such presupposed and concurrently existing forms of consciousness, or as where originally contained within the basic cycle or patterns of transference.
Herein enters the principle: In the regeneration of these various harmonic structures which is one of the creative principles impounded in Infinite Consciousness, there is bound to be within these various cyclic patterns of motion, certain junctions or combinations of junctions which are called parallaxes. At that particular point of terminus – as they are joined together in a certain combination of compatible unions of frequency relationship – there will be a certain hard core nucleus thus formed; comparatively hard, we shall say, because in common terms of reference, there are a large number of forms of consciousness being expressed in common union and at a common given point. In this hard core nucleus of consciousness, there sometimes originates certain vortical patterns which can be likened to the whirlwinds seen upon the desert.
Here again is a certain pattern of regeneration as it stems down into a number of subinfinities and, in the end, a certain terminus or terminal point wherein the vortex will focus itself into another form of the hard core nucleus, which can sometimes be entirely unrelated to the originating forms of consciousness as they were instigated by the higher forms of cyclic motion.
This can be compared in some respects to two known physical laws which are called adhesion and repulsion. If we find two kinds of liquids perfectly merging as in the case of water and alcohol, we find that here the molecules are adhesively related to each other and can blend quickly. Here, too, the case with atoms is quite synonymous and some atoms can merge very quickly with other kinds of atoms and form certain types of molecules.
Conversely the same principle is applied in repulsion; that is, a small quantity of oil placed upon a surface of water will easily demonstrate that oil and water do not mix. This is simply because of the fact that in the electromagnetic fields of the atoms themselves are formed either compatible or noncompatible unions of energy transference and thus become either adhesive or repulsive.
The same principle takes place in the formation of vortexes in the regeneration of cyclic patterns of energy or motional transference in the higher dimensions. We now find that the terminating end of a vortex has, so far as the Infinite is posed above it in different dimensions, adapted within itself a certain cohesive form of relationship with its originating source of supply. Thus it cannot revert back into some original form of cyclic motion, but is further expelled, so to speak, from the parent supply in a common trajectory and again relates itself into some dynamic movement through what we presuppose to be space and time.
It must be remembered here by the reader that the movement of space or time, as it relates to the Infinite, does not mean there is such a thing as space or time in the Infinite.. It means that we, as individuals in our consciousness and in sustaining life upon the earth, have only assumed a certain movement of consciousness with Infinity, and as we are moving along this predetermined line of consciousness as it is posed in its cyclic motion, we are moving through Infinity at the rate of 186,210 miles per second which is the supposed rate of speed of light.
Therefore, it is we who are moving in our consciousness and not the Infinite which is moving about us; and we are only terminating in the common denominator of space and time, a certain conjunctive relationship of consciousness with the Infinite.
This same principle in turn relates itself in a common form with the regeneration of every known so-called solid particle which science is able to equate upon a common atomic scale of interpolation. All common atoms, as they are thus posed by the scientist in this day, can be considered in their own way only as terminating points of certain vortical patterns regenerated from cyclic forms of motion from the Infinite Cosmos.
The foregoing is quite true with the formation of aggregates as they concern the earth, or in such larger junctions or aggregates as they concern a sun, either our own sun or one of the other suns in our galaxy or in our universe; in fact, the cyclic or vortical pattern of our universe is quite well known to modern-day astronomers.
It, in itself, portrays very vividly the common pattern of cyclic motion which regenerated it from that great Infinite Cosmos and an infinite number of dimensions, and which the scientist cannot as yet see or determine in his present-day hypothesis either from the slide rule, calculus, or various other types of technical impedimenta. ~ Excerpt from Cosmic Continuum
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