Inductive Principle of Cosmic Hysteresis
“Let us now pursue a fresh course of introspection in this technical world about us to discover how science has succeeded in combining the principles of cosmic hysteresis into his present-day technocracy. We will do this by examining what is commonly referred to as a transformer. In a general sense, all mechanical and electronic devices can be considered transformers. Through thermal expansion, an automobile engine transforms gasoline into motion. However, we shall
confine our introspection into the dimension of electronic devices which function on these exact principles of cosmic hysteresis. The most common of these devices is the ordinary transformer which makes it possible to light your home, energize your hi-fl, turn your vacuum sweeper, etc.
Let us first take a long piece of copper wire which has been varnished or enameled; now let us pass an alternating electric current through it. When this is done we will see that the formerly inert copper wire has now come to life. With certain measuring devices or even an ordinary compass, we can detect energy around this wire. There is actually an electrical force field which is pulsating or vibrating according to the exact frequency of the electricity which is moving through the wire. This is because this electricity, in moving through the various molecules and atoms which compose the copper, disturbs or excites them. This causes an action something like that which you might see when a group of policemen are trying to quell a riot.
The force field of the atoms clash, so to speak, with the electricity which causes a certain amount of this energy to fly off or to be radiated into the space surrounding the wire. This assumes regular wave forms just like that motion caused when you toss a stone into a pond. This action of energy in the copper molecules and atoms is called resistance or impedance and in this case the two terms are synonymous. However, as this wire is now so stretched out into a long length, it presents a nominal or basic resistance.
Many years ago a scientist named Ohm calculated this resistance according to the size of the wire in proportion to its length and the voltage used, and created this calculation into a formula called “Ohm’s Law”, which is still the basic calculation used by engineers in designing electrical equipment.
However, this length of wire presents many other possibilities. Let us wrap this wire around a piece of cardboard tubing 1 or 1 1/2 inches in diameter. It should be wound very evenly and as closely as possible. Now pass the alternating current through it and, measuring the amount of radiated energy, it will be found to have increased many times. This is because this radiated energy has assumed certain curved lines of force which encircle the coil and which are thus so concentrated in the central circumference.
Now, let us take a short length of an iron bar and slip it into the inside of our coil. We will now find that all of the energies so radiated have been absorbed by the iron and re-radiated from each end, thus creating a magnet which has a north and south pole, or positive and negative. However, this is still not an efficient device; much of the energy is being radiated into free space. To change this condition, let us take a longer piece of iron bar and bend it into a U-shape in such a manner that the ends will slip over but not touch the ends of the iron bar in the coil.
Now by measuring the radiated energy, we will find that it has been vastly increased because the U-shaped iron bar conducted this radiating energy in an oscillating (back and forth) manner from one end of the short iron bar to the other without losing so much of it in free space.
To better understand and to measure this accomplishment, as well as to finish the creation of our transformer, let us continue by winding a second length of wire in exactly the same direction as in the first coil and insulate from it by a layer of paper. Now turn on the electricity in the first coil and as it flows through this coil, we find that there is energy in the second coil. The energy in this second coil is always proportional to the ratio of the number of turns in the first coil. This is called conductance.
In that case however, very high voltage on the order of several thousand volts coming from some distant power house, was connected to the one coil which contained a large number of turns. A much smaller coil of a very few turns was then wound over the first coil. The ratio of windings or turns in these coils was such that 110 volts flowed out of this second coil and into your home. The reason for the higher voltage in the first coil is because this much higher voltage tends to overcome
the natural resistance in the copper atoms in the wire used as conductors to bring electricity over hundreds of miles of distance from the power houses.
However, the scientist of today is a little confused in his relationship to voltages and frequencies despite Tesla’s coil which he used to demonstrate that a very small microscopic quantity of energy could leap many feet through the air; this was done by stepping up the frequency, not the voltage.
Any reasonably small voltage can be stepped up in frequency to say 500,000 cycles per second and it will perform fantastic feats, leaping through space like thunderbolts. On the basis of high frequency, science has created our various radio and television systems. Somewhere back around 1920 in Colorado, Tesla sent high frequency electricity through the earth without wires and lighted electric lights miles away.
On other planets such as Mars, scientists use high frequency beams of energy to light their homes and turn their motors; and rays are beamed directly to these homes and industries without wires. You might think of this the next time you see some of those high power line poles and their masses
of wires hanging from them. These ugly contraptions still clutter up our streets and highways despite more practical and obvious means of distributing electricity.
Some of our larger cities have begun to use underground wire systems; at least these are hidden. However, it remains for the future generations to cut down and eliminate much of this vast, useless and unnecessary method of distribution by substituting radiation systems of high energy beams; but this is all part of that progressive evolution into which mankind has entered, an evolution called in the Bible, “The Millennium”, and which, in its parabolic form means the destruction of the old material world, not by a holocaust of flame and fire, but by a gradual thousand or more year period or cycle, wherein the future generations and races of mankind will learn of and use the more advanced technocracy which he will find in understanding this cosmic hysteresis which we have described to you.
There are several more points which must be made to clarify the inductive principle of cosmic hysteresis. In the various diagrams of vortexes and associated electromagnetic fields, we have introduced two factors which make this hysteresis possible: specifically, the vortexes which contain many kinds of pure energies oscillating in different frequencies. The combinations of these different energies in respect to their positive and negative polarities regenerate the second set of factors, the electromagnetic lines of force which always curve around these vortexes and form the common binding agency which has been referred to as electromagnetic energy, flux or glue.
This same condition exists in the transformer which we have previously described to you. The two coils of wire represent the circular or cyclic form or vortex; the alternating current which flows through the first coil regenerates into the second coil just as it does in the vortex by recreating the secondary synthetic electromagnetic field of force and which was so regenerated by the conflict of electromagnetic fields of the atoms in the copper wire and in the iron core.
The combination of these oscillating conditions and their subsequent generation of these force fields made conduction possible from one coil to the other and is exactly similar to the same process which is going on in an infinite number of large and small vortexes which go to make up the Infinite Cosmogony. And so the scientist of today has indirectly proved the existence of this vast interdimensional macrocosm; even though he does not yet know about it, he is nevertheless, blindly using the same dynamic, creative life principles.
On the same basis of generating electromagnetic fields of force which we have described, the scientist of tomorrow will be able to build a practical spaceship or flying saucer, just as has been done with other races of people living on other planets. A flying saucer functions solely on the same principle; that is, it is capable within itself of generating very powerful electromagnetic fields of force. These are concentrated on the terminating ends of the axis of the ship which is shaped very much like our earth and which has been flattened from pole to pole (seemingly) by a pair of giant hands, so that it resembles two saucers inverted one over the other with the poles sticking out at the top and bottom at the exact center.
A flying saucer flies in this manner—positive and positive fields of force repel. When a very strong positive electromagnetic field is presented to the surface of the earth from its axis which is pointing in that direction, then the ship would be repelled out into space, the speed depending upon the strength of the electromagnetic field used. To approach the earth, polarizations are reversed so that the axis pointing toward the earth now becomes negative. These saucers can remain absolutely stationary or hover when an oscillating condition is set up between the poles of the saucer at the rate of several thousand times per second. These poles are made positive then negative with a sufficiently large positive bias to counteract gravitational pull, as it would be expressed in the total atomic weight of the ship.
However, gravity too has never been correctly understood either by Newton or any present-day scientist; for gravity is a direct ratio of inductance, in terms of positive attraction, created in respective negative and positive force field relationships in the common association of atomic forms.
It now becomes quite evident that man’s present attempts to build space ships which are propelled by rockets or other such similar devices are indeed quite crude and primitive. Vast amounts of fuel must be used to attain gravity escape velocities of 24,000 miles per hour. Moreover, an equal amount must be used each time the ship descends to prevent its crashing into oblivion upon the surface of the earth; whereas, if science understood the principles which we have described and could, upon the basis of this understanding, create a ship which could take advantage of and use this so-called gravitational pull as a means of propulsion, he could very quickly escape into the outer reaches of his universe without huge loads of fuel; for in this vast universe he would always find everywhere about him a vast and inexhaustible store of fuel contained in the magnetic lines of force which fill the twilight zone between the material third dimension and the adjacent fourth dimension.
This science, too, must be synthesized by our future generations. Today the planet earth is in a chaotic state of upheaval. Great subastral agencies and forces are dynamically poised against equally great dynamic super-astral forces. The stresses induced in the process of maintaining equilibrium between these two negative and positive dimensions are being expressed in numerous ways in our present-day earth life.
The high rate of incidence involving mental and physical health can be found in currently published statistics. The host of incurable physical and mental diseases are indirectly made possible, more prolific, and abundant by the overplay of these tremendously stressed cosmic forces. In the future, should the world become more totally biased by the inclemency of the negative astral forces, then the signs of our present decadency will materialize into complete destruction of the human race, thus indirectly fulfilling certain Biblical prophecies.
However, should the bias swing positively, then the future generations of mankind will live to see some sort of a fulfillment of other Biblical prophecies; the fancied and fanciful “New City of Jerusalem” will become a reality and not for just 144,000. In common numerology this number 144,000 is reducible to the number 11 (two poles), which is the master number of creation as it refers to certain transpositions of great cycles.
Therefore this Biblical prophecy of the survival of 144,000 is, more correctly speaking, a direct reference to a gradual attainment of a more positive bias in regard to man’s future position and which will subsequently “save him” in a manner of speech, from the perditions of materialism—negatively biased.”
Excerpt from Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation
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