Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation – Lesson I – Podcast

Infinite-Concept-of-Cosmic-Creation-Lesson-I-Podcast-mainInfinite Concept of Cosmic Creation – Lesson I – Podcast

Introduction and Context

The following is an overview of “Lesson 1 of Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation,” a lecture delivered by Ernest L. Norman through clairvoyance. This lesson addresses the turbulent state of the world, particularly the challenges faced in the Atomic Age, and proposes a new philosophy to bridge the gaps between science, religion, and individual understanding. The lecture also emphasizes that this is a time of “great change or a metamorphosis,” a period where humans are “becoming more or less stratified” in their interpretations of life’s values. It suggests that America may be at the forefront of this movement because it “was created from some of the most Infinite concepts from the higher dimensions of life.” The lessons are provided at this time as a way to guide mankind through this transitional period.

Key Themes and Concepts

A) The Perilous State of Humanity:

The lesson begins by acknowledging the “perilous times” we live in, largely due to the advent of the Atomic Age and rapid technological advancements. The use of atomic bombs in 1945 is cited as a turning point.

“Since the explosion of the atomic bombs over Japan in 1945, which brought a sudden and dramatic close to World War II, man has become increasingly aware of the fact that these are very tragic times.”

The author highlights how technology, while advanced, has also brought fear, “new compromises and pressures,” and “distortions in the average individual’s life.”

Communication and transportation advancements have “reduced the size of the earth,” meaning “we no longer have the natural protective barriers” and are now more vulnerable.

The lesson explains that this external conflict and internal struggle, both with oneself and with the material/spiritual world, can create a state of confusion for individuals.

B) The Limitations of Objective Thinking:

The lesson explains that the average person cannot “think constructively from his objective mind” because this mind only reflects past experiences. “What he calls thinking is merely objective relationship of the present tense to any one or a number of such previous experiences and he reacts according to such extractions of comparisons.” This implies that true understanding comes from transcending these reactionary thought patterns.

C) The Conflict Between Materialism and Spirituality:

Humanity is caught between the “values of the material elements of this realization and the more vague inward desires of the higher self.”

The lesson describes how the ego, built upon reactive thinking and social structures, leads to further conflict and neurosis when this “false ego structure” is deflated.

“…he has been brought up in a society of social structures which place great emphasis on self, therefore, he develops a strong ego. This ego or selfhood is something which is composed of all the ingredients of reactionary thinking which the individual thinks is necessary to support his life.”

D) The Failure of Existing Structures:

The lesson critiques existing religious, scientific, and political structures, suggesting that they are inadequate to solve the world’s problems.

“It is quite apparent that such a new philosophy will not come from any existing structures, neither religious, scientific, political, or otherwise; neither will it come from individual leadership.”

Existing religions, even with their truth and inspiration, are considered insufficient because of distortions or innate resistance.

The lesson makes the case that current religious factions are too caught up in hierarchies and self-interest.

The lesson suggests that even if a figure such as Jesus were to reappear today, history would likely repeat itself.

It notes how both Eastern and Western religions have “suffered great malformations” and can’t be the basis of this “new world theological science.”

“So it can be said of the vast welter of religions and interpretations, either in the East or the West, that while they all contain much of the truth, inspiration and virtue, yet it is evident that man will not, for various reasons, try to readopt or reestablish a new concept or philosophy of life from these existing structures…”

The lesson also critiques the “moral opiate” of religious, scientific, and political factions that cause people not to face their problems realistically and solve them for themselves.

E) The Need for a New Philosophy/Metaphysics:

The world needs a “new philosophy, a new hope, a new sense of direction.”

This new philosophy must reconcile science and spirituality and incorporate “missing elements.”

The lesson explains that the new philosophy will not be easily adopted by the current generation, but will “come through the hearts and minds of those future races of man which will inhabit the Earth,” who may be present in the form of those who “will have to come back from some higher dimension.”

The lesson explains that this will be a gradual process of development, not one that happens overnight.

F) The Shortcomings of Modern Science and Medicine

The lesson suggests that science is based on “spiritual intangibles” but fails to recognize “that man is a spiritual creation.”

Doctors are seen as laboring in vain because they do not understand the spiritual root of disease. They are described as trying to treat diseases with “a science based primarily upon the so-called spiritual intangibles,” and that, though they use modern technology, they are “condemn[ing] the witch doctor in the jungle…[because] at least the witch doctor knows what he is doing.”

The lesson notes that the “disease of over-civilization” is causing modern ailments, including those of babies and children.

The lesson implies that there is a paradox in the fact that man has all wisdom within himself, but continues to seek solutions outside of this.

G) UN.AR.I.U.S. and Its Role:

UN.AR.I.U.S. is presented as an organization of “spiritual leaders and teachers” from “celestial planes known as Shamballa.” These leaders are trying to inspire and develop a “new age metaphysics or spiritual science,” but their efforts are limited by finding “suitable channels of expression on earth” and finding “general acceptance.”

“UN.AR.I.U.S. is, basically, an organization of spiritual leaders and teachers who are functioning from certain celestial planes which have heretofore been known as Shamballa. This organization is formed of thousands of teachers, doctors, scientists, and Masters who have the destiny and guidance of men as their inspired life work.” The lesson explains that “mediumship” is essential for this new age science and that UN.AR.I.U.S. will provide this “spiritual interpolation.” The lesson suggests that through the help of UN.AR.I.U.S., “you will be made acquainted with all the facts of life.”

H) Reincarnation and Past Lives:

The lesson explains that people need to understand that they have “many past lives” and that many of their current problems come from “psychic impingements” called karma. The lesson goes on to say that understanding past lives and karma is essential to understanding “the incurrence of certain obstructions or blocks which generate malformed thought patterns.” These “psychic structures which occurred in the individual’s past life” can cause neuroses, mental illness and other ailments.

I) The Importance of Spiritual Understanding:

The ultimate goal is to understand that we are “Spiritual Beings and not merely masses of motivated flesh and blood.” The goal is to understand the relationship of energy, mass, and God. The lesson states that every person has the “essential element of clairvoyance,” which is the ability to relate to the higher self. The lesson mentions Edgar Cayce as an example of someone who used this psychic expression. It explains that Shamballa, which “did exist on the earth” is now composed of “seven different planes of evolution” that will show man the “missing elements” he needs to know for his future life.

J) Healing through UN.AR.I.U.S.:

UN.AR.I.U.S. presents the understanding of spiritual healing, psychotherapy, the removal of psychic obstructions, and access to life records (Akashic).

The lesson cautions that students will only get out of the teachings what they put into them.

The lesson explains that the UN.AR.I.U.S. concepts have been used by thousands of others in the past and are, “incidentally, subconsciously used to some extent in the life of every individual today.”

The lesson explains that cancer and every other “dereliction and incurable disease without exception, including mental aberrations (for there are no limitations), can be solved by this science.”

The lesson expresses that the word limitations has been removed from their vocabulary and that “there are no incurable diseases, physical or mental.”

K) Energy and the Human Being as a Television Set:

The human being is likened to a television set where the Infinite acts as the transmitter. Within this model, energy itself is understood as intelligent and can be modified and reconstructed.

The lesson describes the psychic self as being “composed of an infinite number of tiny vortexes of innumerable wave forms and shapes” that reflect one’s own portion of life, either from this life or a past one.

The lesson suggests that negative experiences create “malformations of wave forms” that need to be corrected and replaced by “constructive elements.”

Conclusion and Implications

This lesson is an excerpt from lectures presented by UN.AR.I.U.S., a spiritual organization, on their concept of cosmic creation. The lectures explore the challenges facing humanity, emphasizing the need for a new philosophy integrating science and spirituality to overcome societal ills and individual suffering. It proposes that UN.AR.I.U.S. offers a path to this integration through understanding psychic energy, reincarnation, and the connection between the physical and spiritual realms. The lectures highlight the limitations of existing religions and sciences in addressing humanity’s problems and suggests that UN.AR.I.U.S., guided by higher spiritual forces, provides a solution. The lectures promote the idea of psychic liberation and healing through accessing one’s higher self and past lives.

“Lesson 1” introduces the core tenets of UN.AR.I.U.S.’ teachings. It paints a picture of a world in crisis, burdened by the shortcomings of existing systems and by the conflict between materialistic and spiritual needs. The lesson introduces UN.AR.I.U.S. as a conduit for a new spiritual science that is essential for humanity’s evolution. This involves understanding past lives, karma, and the relationship between the material and spiritual realms. UN.AR.I.U.S. offers solutions to a vast array of problems, ranging from mental health to physical ailments. The underlying message is that through UN.AR.I.U.S., individuals can unlock their inherent clairvoyance and transcend the limitations of the physical world, moving towards spiritual liberation.

This brief review should provide a overall look into the major ideas presented in the first lesson of UN.AR.I.U.S.’ teachings from The Infinite Concept Of Cosmic Creation.

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