Unariun Wisdom

Life After Death In The Astral Realms ~ Part I

By Harriette & F. Homer Curtiss

Since the astral body is the counterpart of the physical, when it is withdrawn from the physical, it bears the exact likeness of the mortal, with all the distinguishing marks, moles, etc., it possessed at the time of transition. Those who have passed on into the astral are therefore as easily recognized and identified as they would be on earth. For, as we have said repeatedly, after leaving the physical body, there is little more change of appearance than there is in a mortal when he removes his overcoat, except that when a physical limb or part is lost, the astral part will not be lost, unless so shown for purposes of identification.

After passing on from a long and exhausting illness, and especially in the case of an old person who is tired of life and no longer clings to it by either thought or desire, it is common for such a one to pass into a deep and restful sleep varying in duration according to the individual needs, previous ideas, etc. We know, of course, that thought and desire rule the Physical World, but in the Astral World they rule to a far greater degree and far more quickly, for the plastic matter of that World yields very rapidly to the creative and molding power of thought and will. Therefore a person who for years held the thought that leaving the Physical World ended all, or one who believed that he would sleep until Gabriel blew his trumpet, would naturally pass into a comatose or dense sleeping condition after passing on. This condition would perhaps last for years or even centuries, until the desire or thought force put into the idea was exhausted and he was released from its effects.

All these types of sleepers float aimlessly in the Astral World, swept hither and thither by astral currents which, much like the winds of earth, are continually flowing in various directions; for it must be remembered that in this Realm we can see as well as feel these astral winds. And as the astral is the World of Desire and Sensation, we can here see that many of these winds are but the forces generated by man’s restless and disquieting thoughts which form mighty currents plainly seen to be made up of living elementals, tenuous forms even in this Realm, yet passing in great streams and with a moaning cry, much as the wind moans on earth. Again there can be seen mighty storm-winds made up of the embodied evil and malignant thought forces generated by mankind, here seen entitized as demons of destruction sweeping on with tremendous power. Yet always there is blowing here a steady wind from the East which is the force of blessing sent forth into all the world from the Heart of the Universe. This appears as made up of Angelic Beings who float on with faces radiant, unseeing and unheeding anything through which they pass, intent only on their mission, which is to carry the divine creative love-forces and pour them out on all creation. The sleeping and floating forms are therefore in danger as well as very much in the way, quite as much so as would one be on earth who lay down in a busy thoroughfare and went to sleep. Therefore special attention is given to such, very much as special policemen would prevent a like occurrence on earth; there are those whose business it is to look after such Souls, and to convey them to specially prepared retreats where they are tenderly cared for and protected.

This among many other tasks is the work assigned to those students who during sleep on earth have asked to be put to work in the Astral World. Many of us would be surprised could we remember the tasks we performed during sleep; for we do not spend all our time at the Masters’ feet drinking in wisdom, although we do receive teachings according to our needs and desires. Those who sincerely wish to learn are taught through experience the great lesson of humility by learning to perform gladly the most menial tasks, and in time the quantities of sympathy for the helpless, willingness to help without seeming recognition, and the humility needed to do the little things, are inculcated in our Souls and later begin to manifest in our lives. Then, and then only, are we assigned to more important tasks.

Those who wake up immediately or soon after passing on, usually have a short period of confusion while they are getting their bearings, much as one is sometimes confused on awaking in a dimly lighted room which seems full of vague shadows until one is fully awake and recognizes things as they are. To many this transitory condition inspires fear, especially if they passed on with a fear of death. But with the help of their loved ones or others duly appointed by the Masters, this fear soon passes and they realize what the change is that has taken place. The thing to impress upon the minds of all is, that the moment a Soul cries out for Light and help, at that moment help is sent. And when one is passing through the change called death, if the friends and relatives send up the prayer of faith that the Soul shall be met on the threshold of the other world, it will be done.

Many, however, are not welcomed owing to the fear inspired by their false earthly teachings. Those who are not thus met naturally do not know where they are or why they are surrounded by such unfamiliar conditions, or they may for a time think they are dreaming. They may remember that they have been sick but think they have just waked up from a night’s sleep.

Others when they awaken to the fact that they are not really dead but are as much alive as ever, cannot believe they have crossed the great river and entered another state of existence. As they have considerable physical force and magnetism clinging to them they are naturally in very close relation with the friends they have left behind; can still see them moving about preparing for the funeral of the body of flesh they have so recently quitted, but refusing to speak or pay attention to them. While in this sphere of attraction they are acutely sensitive to the emotions of those to whom they are so closely connected, magnetically as well as mentally. Hence the weeping and display of grief so often indulged in by the mourners causes the departed ones great anguish and suffering, as emotions of grief, sorrow or in harmony cause greater suffering and have a far more depleting and exhausting effect upon the astral body than upon the physical body, great as we know that to be. Especially is this so when the departed ones are unable to make the loved ones understand that they are not dead, only gone on before; cannot make them realize their presence, their love and their solicitude over the conditions and changes transpiring on earth. Therefore as little emotion as possible should be displayed over the passing of a loved one, especially at the time of the passing when everything should be peaceful and calm, and for the first few days afterward while the loved one is still closely enmeshed in earth conditions. Particularly this is true of those who pass out through accident while in the full vigor of life. Such persons still have so much physical life-force and magnetism in their auras that they remain in close touch with earth conditions for long periods, at least as long as they would normally have lived but for the accident.

We should say farewell to our loved ones with no more grief than would be natural were they starting on a long journey on which they would be absent a number of years, for we will see them again, when we follow them, just as surely as on earth if we journeyed to their new home. Instead of spending time and force in useless grief and mourning, the time should be spent in quiet meditation and in an effort to correlate our consciousness with theirs and assure them of our love and understanding. Mourning clothing should not be worn nor should constant visits be paid to the grave, for all such acts and thoughts tend to hold the departed one down to the discarded body through the law of attraction.

The recently deceased is often strongly, even morbidly attracted to the discarded physical body for some time, hence haunts its burial place. But it is thus held only as a result of thought or desire, the desire to see what becomes of the former outer garment it wore while on earth. Cremation is therefore always desirable, not only because it is more sanitary and less revolting to think of, but because it consumes the physical magnetism and this releases the deceased at once from that source of attraction to the Physical World. But great care should be taken to see that cremation is not carried out until the astral body has had time to withdraw completely from the physical body. Another reason for delay is to be sure that the person has really left the body permanently and not temporarily, as in a state of catalepsy, trance, etc. The best indication as to the proper time for cremation is when definite signs of physical disintegration appears. The attending physician should be requested not to sign the death certificate or permit embalming until these signs appear or until a trained and reliable psychic is able definitely to assert that the Soul has completely left the body.

Excerpt from Realms Of The Living Dead

See Part II here.