Man’s Greatest Fear ~ Part V
by Ernest L. Norman
And so the lesson of John is quite apparent. It is again the portrayal in two personalities wherein certain determinants are made most apparent, the determinant of evolution as it is posed in the constructive scheme of evolution; how it is that man can and does ascend in such a series of progressive evolutions from out of the more primitive elements of the earth worlds. He can, in a sense, be said to have started his evolution in the formation of a simple hydrogen atom, for, in turn, this atom becomes helium; and so these cycles are constantly and everlastingly perpetuated in our consciousness if we so wish to seek them out, if we so wish to analyze them and gain from them the constructive message of creation.
How different then is this life from the life of John, the rhetorical material life that is lived within the conformities of his community or his nation. He lives primarily in a constant and never-ending succession of fears. It is fear that his neighbor devaluates; it is fear that he will lose his job; it is fear of death; it is fear of various other interpolations of his physical life for which he has no apparent compensations. He has no equilibriums to establish against these overwhelming vicissitudes of material life. Small wonder indeed it is that people become increasingly mentally disturbed as their civilization advances, as the complexities of the material life increase beyond the normal proportions of such evolutionary development which people have incurred in their past lifetimes.
Yes, and all people today are suffering from the same derelictions, the consequences of an over developed scientific technocracy which has not equalized the proportionate development in metaphysical fields, in religious fields, and in other factors which would relate man more scientifically to the interdimensional creation.
If such development had taken place, then indeed at this time man would not be fearful of the consequences of atomic disintegration or nuclear warfare. He would not be concerned with other consequences which are so stringently emphasized in our daily lives. Yet a more constructive analysis must be entered into; we must realize that in evolution there must be a correspondingly large number of planes of development. The earth is such a one of these planes, elemental to be sure but quite necessary in the scale of infinite evolution. For here the earth man begins the first stages of development which will determine his spiritual evolution, his emancipation into the Spiritual worlds where he increases his mental perspectives; he increases his abilities, and he lays aside all of the old earth fears. Yet even again in the Spiritual Worlds new factors, new dimensions, new horizons open up—things which might be considered improbables or absolute fantasies so far as the material man is concerned, but are existent nevertheless.
These concepts, in turn, will be most properly dealt with in such suitable circumstances, and should the purposes be vindicated for the exploration of life in these Higher Spiritual Planes. The purpose of life, however, is best served to the material man as a proposition of his own personal development in his immediate environment. It would not be wise to superimpose other objectives which are beyond the dimension of his understanding. Even so, what we are presenting is indeed a herculean task for any human to assimilate even partially in one life. The Unariun concept is, in itself, the most absolute of all concepts because it encompasses Infinity in all proportions and all dimensions. It is for the moment sectionalized and divided into material perspectives which evaluate material life in contrasts to spiritual environment. It makes the demands, the prerogatives of personal will, determination and other efforts for the average individual to supersede or to go beyond the dimension of this physical environment.
While you may start your studies into the Unariun Concept, you will indeed never finish them should you so dedicate yourself into their pursuance into the Spiritual Worlds, for indeed, the Unariun Concept is the presentation of Infinity. And so whether you remain as John, whether you become John, or whether you develop as Mary did, or beyond the time of Mary even into the spiritual worlds where you become one of those luminous Orbs which have been in certain circumstances described by certain earth individuals, the problem here is always one of self-determination, self-will. This is of the utmost importance. For while Infinity, in itself, presents a most staggering proposition, one which could not possibly be encompassed by any human, yet a constructive start must be made. The more immediately it is made, the less there is in the way of consequences, for each moment you live the material life you are adding to the consequences of the material
life. You are adding to the net and total of your karmic burden. You are, in effect, reinforcing all of these past lifetime subversive elements. They must all be worked out, torn down, discarded; they must be replaced by other constructive elements which will enable you to live in the higher worlds of consciousness.
We, the Unariuns, do wish you success in this undertaking and we further pledge ourselves to aid and abet you in every constructive effort which you make and in ways and manners of which we best know. Until such time as we meet in the spiritual planes, we will ever be with you. We will always be faithful to your cause and purpose, but only proportionately as you devote yourself in your personal dedication and your self-determination.
Excerpt from Tempus Procedium
See Part IV here.
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