Mass/Energy From An Interdimensional Viewpoint ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
The earth world and its environmental factors, as they are linked to your evolutionary past and your previous lifetimes, are indeed the most serious threat to your evolution simply because they are the most vital and formative part of your everyday life and you are more securely linked to these past episodes and experiences in their oscillating wave forms as they are contained in your psychic anatomy. The proposition here then is quite clear. The psychic anatomy must be rebuilt as it is going to be your future home and your future self in that Higher World. It cannot and will not exist unless it is so constructed of suitable anomalies of energy which beat harmoniously in their frequencies with the spectral energy with which it is surrounded.
The proposition here is exactly similar here on the earth plane except that you have learned to accept and react to these different energy wave forms as emanations from seemingly solid substances or that your world is a solid world. You will have the same feeling in the higher world and that world will be just as relevant and seemingly as solid to you but in a higher capacity than is this present world. You will not do many of the things which you do here; likewise, you will do many more things there than you have ever imagined possible that you could do here. Mental telepathy or psychokinesis, teleportation and many of the other factors only now whispered about or dreamed about in the more fanciful connotations of science fiction magazines or such explorations of mediumistic abilities, are only very faint forerunners of what will actually be a part of your life in this future dimension.
Conversely, you can turn yourself into some kind of an astral entity which has been to some degree portrayed as a demon, a devil or such other ghoulish apparitions, and which in spite of their seeming fantasies, do have some basic truth in them, all of which again adds up to the inevitable proposition that we must learn to understand energy and the proposition of energy rather than simply as reactive mass forms in our environmental third-dimensional world, and which is most important and vital to you.
Now, I know I seemingly sound as though the needle were stuck in the groove, to use one of the clichés of this present time, yet my message to you is centrally encompassed in this single periphery of understanding; energy and the understanding of energy is most vital to you in your future evolutions. And again, into whatever dimension or into whatever segment of your environment you wish to carry your analysis or prospective, you will only wind up with that inevitable and inescapable conclusion that progression means learning to understand the new world in which you wish to live—a world and the proposition of evolution in that Higher World which is exactly similar in its principle to the beginning of your evolution in this world with the exception, of course, that all environmental factors including your own body, will be of a much higher and more fully developed evolutionary form.
Almost needless to say that in the future, and having achieved one of these higher dimensions of living, there will be ahead of you innumerable and countless successive evolutions into Higher and Higher Worlds. If we correctly understand the word Infinity, we can reasonably suppose that it would be impossible to reach the end of such an evolutionary course. Indeed, even to the most singular atom as it is found on the surface of this plane of expression, would have been utterly impossible had it not been so conceived and brought into being by this Infinite Intelligence, which is infinite in nature.
So let your life be one of a constant succession of analytical relationships to the Infinite or to the infinite macrocosm. Each seemingly reactionary component in your daily life always should be maintained in this introspective capacity, that you can directly link all of these reactionary components as they appear on your surface life as the beginning of your evolution and you should see in them the factors and principles which I have explained to you. All elements and the very necessary components of these expressionary forms, as they are linked to the interdimensional cosmos, are most important to you because it is in this phase of your progression that you are actually beginning to build your psychic anatomy; you are beginning to replace those anomalies of energy wave forms which you incurred in previous lifetimes.
In a certain way and sense, they may remain with you as sort of a memory consciousness, but as viable and useful condiments in your daily life, they should become less and less important to you and you should draw more and more, so to speak, from the proposition of evolution as it is supported in the infinite, interdimensional cosmos. Therefore, each act, each reaction, each connection which you have through your five senses with your life and the world about you in its reactionary forms should be supported and abetted by what is commonly referred to as ESP, combining the knowledge which you have incurred from these texts together with such elements as you will find within the secret closet of your own mind. You will begin to replace those nefarious and deleterious anomalies in your psychic anatomy which have always relegated and, in a way, condemned you to successive reincarnations on this planet Earth. Should you not succeed in building and rebuilding this psychic anatomy to a more suitable habitation in a Higher World, then most surely you will, in successive incarnations on the earth, compile in a double indemnity fashion, all of these past negative experiences and you will be involved in what the Yogi calls karma—the sin of your past—to a depth which will completely submerge any logic, reason or intelligence in the circumference of that evolution.
To your success then, in the future! I and the Unariun Brotherhood, the Emissaries from the higher planes of life, will ever be in constant attendance with whatever aid and assistance we can most judiciously render to you; that we will be most logically tempered by what is most necessary, for uppermost in the formative stages of your evolution is always the ever-adamant proposition that you and you alone are the selective element. We do not wish nor do we have the power to consciously violate the precinct of your own selectivity. This must always be uppermost in your own mind and should we, in any of our capacities, change your course of evolution beyond the circumference and the periphery of your own choice, of your own mandates and desires, then we have violated—and if I can call it that—our most sacred trust to ourselves, and to Infinite Intelligence, for how well we know the principles of life, the principles of evolution which sustain this life. It is hardly necessary to say that we would not be people from this higher dimension of life had we not fully realized and encompassed all of these principles, the logic and the intelligence, into the dimension and
capacity of our own existence.
And again, there is the example of what must be accomplished in what the religionist calls your “salvation”, for salvation it is; not being resurrected, or with any other Messianic content, but rather, a logical evolutionary progression from life to life which rebuilds your true self, your psychic anatomy into the proportions of an intellectual status most necessary to live in this Higher World.
Excerpt from Tempus Interludium, Vol. I
See Part I here.
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