In all fairness to both the student and UN.AR.I.U.S., and in consideration of more highly trained or developed personalities who will, in the future, contact UN.AR.I.U.S., it is best that we explore more deeply the mathematical processes, the manner and way in which life with every human, is made possible and is constantly created in this evolutionary pathway. We shall be able to see that every human being, just as yourself, is basically an extremely complex electronic instrument which, at any given moment, is actually conducting these various and intricate processes of energy configurations and radiations within, not only the physical anatomy but also the psychic anatomy; for, indeed, it is the psychic anatomy which can be considered as the larger portion of this expressionary form of life.
Therefore, let us take, specifically, one of these electronic devices — the common table radio which you might have about the house — and I shall describe to you just how it functions; then I
This radio is, quite naturally, one of the more popular models which is called super-heterodyne. The word heterodyne, in itself, relates to an important function of electronic wave forms which, when they beat against each other, recreate a second harmonic frequency which is called heterodyne. The table radio functions in this manner because the designers, the electronic technicians who so constructed the entire concept of this radio, had to consider certain purposes — these are selectivity and amplification. On the basis of selectivity and amplification, the different configurations within the radio were so conceived and designed, and they became a functioning entity of purpose. Within your radio there are a number of different kinds of coils; a coil is a very thin wire wrapped around a type of spool and connected with other devices called capacitors; these are merely two different sheets of foil with an insulating separator between them, and these are wound very tightly so there is an interchange of an alternating or an oscillating current between these two plates.
However, we are more concerned with the windings of wire, called coils, or inductances. The inductances within your radio consist primarily of a certain type of configuration known as an intermediate transformer; that is, two small coils of wire are wound closely together and tuned together by the capacitors so that they form a resonant or a tank circuit. This resonant circuit functions at the base plane rate of about 600 kilocycles per second. In order to
Now, these radio frequencies which are oscillating in this radio are too intense or pitched too high for your ear to hear; they vibrate in regions of thirty or forty thousand cycles per second, and the second detector, therefore, serves a purpose – it demodulates these frequencies or steps them down, so they become audible to your ear, and they can be picked up and reamplified to sufficient strength before emerging as sound from your loud speaker.
Now, while this process may, to some people, seem very complex, it really is basically very simple if we stop to analyze the situation. We must always consider that which the scientist calls phase relationships, and also some other very important factors which are connected with this generating and regenerating process. If we recall, there is a difference in polarities of the common horseshoe magnet; the north pole and the north pole repel each other whereas a north and a south pole will attract each other. Therefore, in our analysis of the wave form, we can say that as two waves meet, they are oscillating in their respective frequencies — positive and negative — each time the wave
However, should these two waves come together so that the two positive polarities are in junction, then they are out of phase and they will cancel out each other. Whereas, in the case of the inphase wave forms they would regenerate and be enabled to form harmonics which contained all of the original information of these waves and carry them on into a more ultimate purpose. In the case of the out of phase wave forms, these out of phase conditions would, as I have said, tend to cancel out; however, we do not destroy energy. In the canceling process where these two waves met in opposition there would be a break-up in their content that is, they would generate a certain set of out of phase harmonics, and these out of phase harmonics could conceivably regenerate into other out of phase harmonics and they would eventually completely dissipate the entire energy information which was contained in the two original wave forms. It is this principle which is in effect with any person who is tuned in, negatively speaking, to the Infinite. He presents an out of phase wave form condition to the Infinite Intelligence, and, therefore everything he does will constantly regenerate negative, or out of phase wave forms which will eventually destroy him. Whereas, if a person is always positively tuned to the Infinite Creator, then he is inphase to the different wave forms which come to him and in turn, these will regenerate constructive harmonics in his life.
In order for you to more specifically see how it is that these inphase and out of phase wave form
For simplification we shall confine ourselves to the 180 degree wave form conditions, remembering, of course, that we must so far as our psychic anatomies are concerned, always visualize that wave forms within the psychic anatomy are in 360 degree wave form conditions; there they will in a sense, have time interwoven into them and they will not be concerned with a stopping or a starting place; they can be considered to be imperishable in nature. However, we can analyze them more simply on the basis of the 180 degree wave form condition.
At the moment of birth this constructive process would be renewed and intensified with the
In different Eastern philosophies connected with the Yogi and in Western versions of these philosophies, this subconscious has been called the astral shell of the soul. The subconscious is a system of oscillating wave forms and centers which must be constantly sustained in the acts of consciousness of your daily life; when this sustaining process is suspended after death, the subconscious begins to fade. However, all of the many content forms of the subconscious have, by that time, been impounded in that part of the psychic anatomy which is called the mental consciousness. In this compounding process, there is a condition which is very similar to that which goes on in your table radio.
In order to visualize this more clearly let us recreate a scene. Let us say that in a previous lifetime, some three or four hundred years ago, you drowned in a boat accident on a lake. Now, at the present time, it could not be reasonably supposed that you would remember the details of this drowning
However, in this lifetime you would not consciously remember that drowning because the wave forms which composed the drowning experience were in an out of phase condition with other energy wave forms oscillating in your consciousness at the moment. But, if you went to a lake and embarked upon a boat there would be a condition set up in conscious reality which would regenerate certain wave forms into the subconscious, then oscillate on the beat frequency or the
Now, these brain cells are exactly like the detector circuit in the radio description. The brain cells are rectifiers, that is, they pass the electrical impulse in one direction, but they refuse to pass it backwards; and in the various layers of the cortex or the surface of the brain, there are different types of cells which perform a certain particular function; they determine certain frequencies which they will pass and other frequencies which they will not pass; they are linked and relinked to each other with different nerves. The whole system, then, can be said to be a sensing device. In other words, the passage of these countless impulses or wave forms of energy back and forth, between these cells as they are being brought into play in that moment of excitation on these different wave forms, will create the sensation which was, in effect, the exact facsimile of the original sensation which performed the same process in reverse. Therefore, the wave forms of vibration which contained the information of drowning, as they stemmed into the conscious mind, were considered as biasing wave forms; that is, they gave the energy information or whatever was contained in the wave form in the way and manner they vibrated to the brain cells, which, in turn, could then react according to these principles of regeneration and according to the mathematical formula, I have described to you.
When you realized that these little wave forms of information containing the drowning experience, were oscillating in your brain cell, the sensation of fear of drowning would again be created; it would be fear because within the different portions of the brain structure there would not be a complete junction of consciousness which is necessary to complete the memory process as it would have been
Now, if I were with you at the moment, and tuned back into your past by the same process of doing exactly that which the radio does; I would with my antenna — which is my form of mental consciousness — be able to pick up the radiations of these vibrations as they were resonating in your psychic anatomy, and I would be able to describe to you just how you drowned in this previous lifetime. That would immediately set in motion a certain “inphase” condition within the subconscious portion of your psychic anatomy. In other words, it would now become a reality to you; and while this “inphase” condition was oscillating into your subconscious, the subconscious would, in turn, reoscillate as it was so oscillating with the mental consciousness in that
They would blow apart these different wave forms and degenerate them into other and less destructive wave forms, because they were less destructive and also out of phase with each other; they were out of phase with other different wave forms in the psychic anatomy and, therefore, could never again regain their former potential or strength in regard to this in and out of phase condition. However, at this point you must also remember that, in the same and exact process of heterodyning, you had within your Superconscious that drowning experience; the Superconscious is a heterodyne or an oscillating circuit which creates the heterodyne principle with the mental part of the psychic anatomy, and in the same process which occurred from the subconscious to the mental conscious, the harmonic of the drowning experience was carried into the Superconscious and there it polarized certain wave forms. That is, it reconstructed the information in an entirely different dimension, because in this higher dimension there was an exact facsimile of this energy already vibrating in its entirety. In polarizing this experience from out of the mental conscious into the Superconscious, you merely
Therefore, in the future, when you viewed the lake or you were in a boat, you would no longer have fear with it. The drowning experience wave forms in your mental consciousness were, to a large degree, dissipated in their inphase condition to you; and the fear would not be in your conscious mind because you would have extracted the reality of the situation. You would now be able to remember it through the subconscious; therefore, you would have automatically instigated an inphase, out of phase situation, a simultaneous condition which gave equilibrium to the entire experience; therefore, it was negative to you in respect to fear or any intent or purpose.
You could, from the Superconscious, say that the information contained in that drowning experience was also coming into your conscious mind as an added form of bias which would give you, at the moment of reflection, a certain positive quality of introspection, whereby you would be able to see this drowning experience as a constructive element in the process of life. You would have seen that it was a repetition of a karmic circumstance; in the analysis of this experience, you would be enabled to form a constructive entity of consciousness with it, and therefore, it would add to the general tone, or structure in a positive manner as to all other forms of consciousness in the entire psychic anatomy.
By now you can see that the process of life or each act of consciousness is an extremely complex process which involves the heterodyning or the beating against each other of literally hundreds of thousands even millions of wave forms which are contained in the different portions of the psychic
However, this complexity need not confuse you, if you remember the basic elements which are involved in these principles; that we have two or more wave forms which can be coming together, or beating against each other according to their harmonic frequency, or the times per second which they are oscillating up and down in that positive and negative fashion; when they come in conjunction with each other, if the polarities are negative to positive and positive to negative, then we have the inphase condition; and we have an out of phase condition if the polarities are in opposition; we can have regeneration constructively, in the inphase condition, and we can have degeneration or cancellation in the out of phase condition.
We must also remember that in whatever processes of life we are involved, even if we are completely
Excerpt from Infinite Perspectus