Missing Elements In ‘The Origin Of The Species’
by Ernest L. Norman
I am a former Englishman by the name of Charles Darwin, who lived on the earth around the 1800’s. It is with a good deal of something more than pleasure that I have been enabled to come to you with this discussion. I might say, incidentally, that I have just within the past few days made my ascension into Aureleus. I have been laboring long and mightily in the fields of biological research in some other planetary systems somewhat more spiritual in nature than that of the earth.
It was with a good deal of chagrin that I learned that my philosophies on the earth have caused so much controversy and friction between the ecclesiastical philosophers and those of a scientific nature. In my writings at that period, I left two different books, one, “The Origin of the Species”, in which I set forth very definite principles, after some scientific research which made it necessary for me to journey around the earth and to visit various archipelagoes and continents; and thus I set forth these principles of evolution in the specifications of plant and animal life on the earth. I did, as many other philosophers and scientists also have been doing and are still doing. I was not clairvoyant nor did I have the knowledge of looking into the spiritual dimensions around me in order to integrate factually the necessary conclusions of these evolutionary sciences. Therefore, my work was somewhat incomplete in its nature as you will see farther along in our discussion.
Now, I was at that time a very religious and pious man, and with my family knelt in prayer before the morning breakfast to ask the assistance of the Almighty God; therefore it cannot be said that I was without religious foundation. However, I am most anxious to clear up some of the conflicts which have been and still are in existence in the philosophies and religious sciences, as they are contained on the earth today. As you read my books and glean their precepts of the evolution of the species, you will see that the amoeba, the one-celled protozoan, through certain environmental or hereditary factors, for example, by artificial selection of his environment, may, in the process of many generations, evolve into a multiple-celled creature, one which possesses more than one cell. As this chain reaction is started he may eventually find himself as one of the higher forms of life in the structures of the various biologies of the earth.
Now, the part which I did not include, nor was it purposely omitted, as I said at that time neither my fellow man nor I had the knowledge to peer into these dimensions, was that each earth life of the species in which he was involved at that particular time was only one of many different lives in which this same creature would find himself in different periods of his evolution in other terrestrial planets, which are scattered about this great universe. The creature, whatever his species, is constructed from the same principles of life as that from which man himself is constructed; and that he must therefore necessarily follow the same plan and path of reincarnation as man himself. The difference is that man is the highest and most exemplary form of life portrayed in the various planetary systems of evolution. Man alone possesses the one outstanding and dominant characteristic: the ultimate virtues of the Almighty God, the All-pervading Wisdom, numerously referred to in different ways. This God within man is his Christ or his Christ Consciousness. This is the distinguishing factor between man and the lower orders of animals and plants, as they find themselves in the various stratums or plateaus of the spiritual dimensions.
So we see that the amoeba, in his evolution, is not necessarily confined to this small terrestrial planet earth; for this same amoeba has a spiritual counterpart, since he also was conceived before he became an amoeba on the earth as part of God’s Divine conception. God would not let even the smallest amoeba pass from His consciousness by the death of this tiny creature. The amoeba also evolves in some other terrestrial planet in some other part of God’s great universe. He may at that time be of some other form or nature; instead of having one cell, he may possess two cells. His digestive system may be somewhat different from the vacuoles of his anatomy of protoplasm, as he expressed it on the earth plane, and so on, and so on, ad infinitum.
Now you can begin to understand more easily how it is that the various other planets, whether of the more material nature as your earth, or whether of the more highly evolved spiritual nature, are being replenished and re-supplied with all of the essential ingredients of environmental factors which are contained in your own earth dimension.
We see in these various terrestrial and spiritual planets, many of which you know nothing, numerous great cities, peopled with mankind of different races, and blessed with highly evolved plant and animal life, just as on your own planet earth. In the case of the spiritual planets, the plant and animal life is very highly evolved and takes on a much more beautiful expression not only in appearance but in reproductive mechanism and in the way in which it manifests itself in a general way.
In previous transmissions, Mme. Blavatsky and several others dealt very specifically, I believe, with the conception of the Shamballas onto the planet earth at a period of about a million years ago, and with the influx of the Aryan race, which propagated the seven basic root race structures, as they exist and will exist on the earth in a future day. I might say, incidentally, to those who doubt and would like verification of these truths that they might go to Cashmere or Pakistan, and there in these northern provinces on the western side of Tibet, they will see tall beautifully-formed people with very light textured skins, with blue eyes and blond hair
; and their mingling with the darker races from the more southern countries might be very puzzling. It was these pure Aryans who passed through Siberia, as it is now called, and into the Nordic countries of Scandinavia and England, and became known as the Teutons, the Norsemen, and the various other segments of the countries as they exist in your time. I might also point out that the original concepts of Druidism, as they were contained in the Celtic, the Pict, and the Gallic religions, were further evolutions from the original Aryan or the Vedic sciences.
Now this may pose a question in your mind. How did the Aryan people come onto the earth in the beginning; and this, incidentally, involves the greatest of truths which I have been able to contain in my discussion. An understanding of factors of evolution in the transmission of plant and animal life into the higher and more basically conceived forms of life, should eventually have, as a natural sequence, the evolvement into the form of Homo sapiens, or mankind. The science of the earth has jumped at this conclusion quite readily, much to the dismay of the ministers and to other exponents of the more Biblical concepts of Adam and Eve in your ecclesiastical doctrines. The pure concept of God, conceiving man as the Divine Creation, would have, of course, no part in the sequence of evolutionary factors from some of the more primitive types of apes which exist on your earth today. So the scientist as well as the geologist and other researchers have been constantly searching for the Pithecanthropus Erectus, or the missing link of the earth; however, he has yet, fortunately, not succeeded in finding a direct specimen of this so-called missing link. He has found several skulls or bone formations in the incrustations of the earth, which related man to some primitive era, such as the Piltdown man and other such findings.
I might say that at the time of the inception of Shamballa there were such primitive forms of man living on the earth. They had not yet fully evolved into the erect and more mobile types of bodily mechanism, in which the man of today functions with the greatest of ease in his own natural environment. It was also assumed by some researchers that man has existed on your planet for something like five million years; so it is not illogical, or without the bounds of reason, to say that Shamballa started about a million years ago. However, bear in mind that man, as he evolved from the lower stratum of earth life on your planet, has not ever assumed the proportions of the species of mankind known as the Homo sapiens of your time. He did get up to the position of anthropoid apes, the gorillas and chimpanzee, and to other slightly more advanced specimens. But here, because of an evolutionary nature and a Divine plan which was in the original concept of the earth, the natural progress and evolution of these creatures was stopped, and for these various and obvious reasons: to bring the Aryan race into existence and thus propagate upon the earth planet the numerous races and nations as they now exist.
There are some other basic concepts which I would like to explain, which have heretofore been omitted for the purposes of avoiding some confusion in the minds of those who read these books. The philosophies and facts were a simplified version of the spiritual evolution of man into other dimensions, a simple ideology of the formation of the psychic body, which links man to his true spiritual self. Now what has been given is true as far as it goes; but for the obvious reasons which I have mentioned, there is a good deal more to the evolution of man in the spiritual dimensions as far as the bodily structures are contained. The concepts of Theosophy, as explained from the various orders on the earth, by Blavatsky, Leadbeater, and numerous others laboring in these fields, conceived that the soul or the spiritual being of man is composed of different bodies and of different forms, similar to the skins or layers of an onion; and man sheds these various skins or layers as he ascends into the spiritual domains.
This is quite a crude summation, but is something which very factually does exist. The psychic body, contained within the dimension of your physical body and functioning as a connecting link between your physical self and your own true Superconscious, will and does, through the various evolutions, pass from you as it now exists. There is within the structures of this psychic body vortexes or wave-forms which too are going through evolution. They are being taken away from or added to in a manner which might be compared to the various skins of the onion. This is readily seen if you will pause for a moment to think of the very wide differences in the frequency spectrums of the different dimensions wherein God’s Radiant Energy exists as His Divine concept, in manifesting itself in everything which you find about you. In the same manner in your evolution, you will find similar principles explained in the books which I contrived to write upon the earth during my earth life.
These same evolutionary principles are essentially correct in their own way of transmission, shall I say, in the flight of your soul into the higher dimensions. With the principles of environment and the factors of hereditary aspects at the foundation, you will relate yourself to certain harmonic frequency relationships from time to time. You will thus be able to construct the necessary spiritual or even physical bodies, if I can term them thus, which will enable you to function in a higher dimension, just as you do in your present physical and material dimension. My dear ones, may I say that I am not alone in these concepts. Many others of the newly ordained Initiates with me in these high centers of Shamballa, are, with a great deal of gratitude, permitted to come to you with our texts, which are largely compounded, not from our own philosophies and concepts, but also influenced and helped by the higher minds around us.
I may say that truly I shed my psychic body in my emergence into the center here in Aureleus. The initiation ceremony was similar to one which you witnessed in Coralantheus and in breaking through these flames, the very power of these wonderful and tremendous energies dissolved the various vortexes which were contained in my psychic body, which linked me to the earth planet at my time of living there.
I do not now have the psychic body which I once had when I lived on the earth plane. My body now is composed entirely of energies which are of a much more highly evolved nature, so that I, too, in appearing in my actual or physical form, (using the word physical rather loosely) might appear to you as some sort of a flame or a creature shining with an intense radiation, shining both from within and from without. Even though I am describing myself to you thus factually, I am doing so with a great deal of humble reverence for the great minds and intellects with whom I now associate. It is indeed a great and sacred trust, and quite naturally I shall not at any time renounce the concepts and the privileges which were placed upon me at my emergence here into Aureleus. I only wish that I could add, in the language of the earth man, a suitable description of the wonders which I see about me and of the great and wonderful Lords who at times make their appearance here among us. A description of Serapis was contained in a former transmission in which he appeared to us to be lambent flames. Thus you may gather from my remarks that there is no end, and indeed there is no end to the evolutions into the spiritual dimensions which man has before him, if he will so will himself and so contrive within his mind to use the great and expansive nature of the intelligent and Creative Force called God, which the earth man has at his command.
The visualization of a personal God is quite naturally an conclusion in any philosophy which illogical you may contrive in your minds; for it belongs to the era in which you believed in Santa Claus and various other tales of folk lore. Such a belief contains no semblance of continuity with something so great and wonderful as God, who has conceived the innumerable material and spiritual universes; and all of the forms of life in existence in these countless trillions of planetary systems and universes, which exist within and without the dimensions which are perceptible even to your own physical eye. You have arrived at only one very small portion, even in the most highly evolved concepts as they exist on the earth plane today; for earth concepts are but a very minute fragment of the actual picture of the entire concept as it exists here, even in these centers of Shamballa.
So, dear friends, by all means in the future, try to separate yourself from the finite ideologies contained in the earth plane philosophies which are only relevant to your own time and place as a necessary adjunct to the proper functioning of your present evolution. In the plan and scale of life, you must ever look forward to the Infinite conception of God as He is manifesting Himself to you; and thus you will become part of that God in His infinite number of expressions, which at the present you cannot fathom; but they are the numerous concepts and planes or dimensions at which you shall eventually arrive. So, dear ones, until a future day, may I hope to be of service to you in some future relationship. ~ Charles
Excerpt from The Voice Of Hermes
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