More Confirmation On The Truth About Mars
Compilation by Gloria Lynn
Did A Supernova Remnant Destroy Mars?
The following is a excerpt from The Truth About Mars by Ernest L. Norman. Following this we will look at some evidence or proof that this is exactly what happened. A supernova took place approximately 100,000 years ago which reaped terrible havoc on Mars including other planetary bodies in our solar system as a chunk of it passed by that was larger then the sun.
“In case some of you are wondering just as I did, what caused his people to go underground and why they do not migrate to some other planet since they have all the necessary craft to do so. Nur El explained all this by first saying that Mars was, up until about 100,000 years ago, a planet very similar to the earth. There was air, water, and an abundance of plant and animal life. The cities flourished on the surface just as ours do. At that time, through their occult science and also with their superior telescopes they saw, somewhere out in space, a cataclysm take place. One of the giant suns suddenly went berserk, flared up like a nova and then exploded in a terrific blinding flash. Huge chunks hurtled out into space in different directions, each one a smaller, white-hot, atomically-burning sun, shooting off great streamers of atomic energies. It was determined by calculations, that one of these fiery pieces would pass very close to our solar system. As it was larger than our own sun, it was conceivable that there would be tremendous repercussions; in fact, anything was possible.
“Because of its great size it would have a tremendous gravitational pull, besides giving off great energies. It was also determined, as light traveled much faster in space than this huge chunk, that it would pass our solar system. This therefore gave the Martians a grace period for preparation. They had, however, a choice: to stay on Mars or to migrate to another planet far away from this solar system. After a search of the nearby, practical limits of the heavens, it was found that there was no other planet available which would be suitable. So an alternative was decided upon. They could build huge cities underground! During the next two hundred years or so, an almost frantic building program was assiduously pursued. We can well imagine some of the problems, the sacrifices, and the labor and research which went into this tremendous project, but it was finally accomplished. In due time all was snug and ship-shape as possible. Buried deep under many feet of rock and earth, in their newly constructed dome-like cities, the people of Mars waited for the final hours. Day by day they watched the white glowing mass of light grow larger and larger. There was no really accurate way by which to measure how close it would pass or just how hot it would be. No doubt many thought it would be the end!
“Finally the hour struck. Nur El stated that for eight days the planet was rocked, torn and twisted as great forces blasted and ripped the surface. Plant and animal life disappeared almost entirely, except for the few species which escaped by being buried or in caves. The air and water too, were largely dissipated or drawn off with the passing nova. When it was over, Mars was decimated and burned to a cinder.
“Other planets also suffered. On earth there were great earthquakes and tidal waves. A great continent and civilization, called Lemuria, sank beneath the sea. Great deserts were burned into the surface in places which were formerly beautiful forests and plains. The Sahara and Gobi deserts were two of these. Earth’s orbit and axis (or the poles) were also changed. Instead of a circular orbit Earth was rocked into an elliptical orbit, with the addition of a very slight but definite wobble or oscillation, which it has never lost. Uranus was pushed out into an orbit much further away from the sun.
“Neptune suffered a similar fate although not quite so pronounced. It is conceivable that the other planets were also affected according to their size and position at the time of the passing of this huge celestial “atom bomb.” No doubt the knowledge of this cataclysm will clear up some of the mysteries of Earth’s history which have been puzzling the seekers of truth for many years.” ~ Excerpt from The Truth About Mars
First what is a Supernova remnant?
A supernova remnant (SNR) is the structure resulting from the explosion of a star in a supernova. The supernova remnant is bounded by an expanding shock wave, and consists of ejected material expanding from the explosion, and the interstellar material it sweeps up and shocks along the way. ~ Wikipedia
What is expelled from a Supernova?
Supernova can expel several solar masses of material at speeds up to several percent of the speed of light. This drives an expanding shock wave into the surrounding interstellar medium, sweeping up an expanding shell of gas and dust observed as a supernova remnant. ~ Wikipedia
More on supernovas here.
Life On Mars – Also Its Destruction (As Seen By A Remote Viewer)
“The more we observe Mars, the more information we’re getting that it really is a fascinating planet, from the Curiosity Rover we now know that Mars once was like a planet very much like Earth, with long salty seas, with fresh water lakes, probably with snow capped peaks and clouds and a water cycle just like we’re studying here on Earth… Something has happened to Mars, it lost its water.”
The quote above comes from John Grunsfeld, a five-time space flow astronaut and associate administrator of NASA’s Science Mission Directive.
It was given at a NASA press conference where representatives told the world that there is water on Mars, that it’s not the dry, arid planet we imagined it to be, and that it was once very much Earth-like and still holds the possibility of harboring life. After all, water means life.
While this announcement came as something of a shock to the public, scientists have been telling the world for some time now that Mars was once very much Earth-like, that it probably hosted some form of life, and that something happened in Mars’ past which completely changed its planetary/atmospheric conditions.
What’s more, many prestigious scientists, high ranking military personnel, and political figures have been coming forward to disclose sightings of strange objects flying within our atmosphere that defy our current understanding of physics.
Some also assert some of these objects could be extraterrestrial, and there is “abundant” evidence we are not alone in the universe.
One of many examples is Dr. Norman Burgrun, a mechanical engineer who has worked for Ames Research Laboratory, NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics), and Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, now known as Lockheed Martin.
He then went on to found Bergrun Engineering and Research. You can view some of his publications for NASA, where he worked for more than a decade here. For more on Dr. Norman Burgrun and his work on the Saturn rings see here.
Bergrun accuses that agency of “garbling” photos and fudging data, as well as hiding the fact that there are intelligently controlled objects out there, greater than anything we could ever imagine.
Remote Viewing Mars by Joe McMoneagle
The STARGATE project was one of multiple programs that the U.S. government undertook to examine non-material science and “psi” phenomena like telepathy and telekinesis.
It ran for more than two decades, and a lot of information regarding the program has since been declassified and opened for public viewing.
The program was used multiple times for successful intelligence collection, as outlined in a paper published after the declassification in 1995:
“To summarize, over the years, the back-and-forth criticism of protocols, refinement of methods, and successful replication of this type of remote viewing in independent laboratories has yielded considerable scientific evidence for the reality of the [remote viewing] phenomenon.
“Adding to the strength of these results was the discovery that a growing number of individuals could be found to demonstrate high-quality remote viewing, often to their own surprise.
“The development of this capability at SRI has evolved to the point where visiting CIA personnel with no previous exposure to such concepts have performed well under controlled laboratory conditions.”
One of the participants in that program was Joseph McMoneagle, a now-retired army veteran who was involved in the remote viewing program.
Remote viewing is the the ability of individuals to describe a remote geographical location up to several hundred thousand kilometers away (or more) from their physical location.
Remote viewing is also tied in with precognition, and future events have also been successfully predicted. One example includes a Soviet Tu-22 bomber that was outfitted as a reconnaissance aircraft, lost in Zaire in 1979, then located by an Air Force remote viewer.
President Jimmy Carter was aware of this, admitting to national press that the CIA, without his knowledge, once consulted a psychic to locate a missing government plane.
According to CNN, he told students at Emory University that the “special U.S. plane” crashed somewhere in Zaire. The only thing is that it was a Russian plane, not an American one.
According to Carter, “the woman went into a trance and gave some latitude and longitude figures. We focused our satellite cameras on that point and the plane was there.”
Another example is Ingo Swann, McMoneagle’s colleague, a man who was able to successfully describe and view a ring around Jupiter that scientists had no idea even existed.
This took place precisely before the first ever flyby of Jupiter by NASA’s Pioneer 10 spacecraft, which confirmed that the ring did actually exist. These results were published and they are linked earlier in this article.
“To determine whether it was necessary to have a ‘beacon’ individual at the target site, Swann suggested carrying out an experiment to remote view the planet Jupiter before the upcoming NASA Pioneer 10 flyby.
“In that case, much to his chagrin (and ours) he found a ring around Jupiter, and wondered if perhaps he had remote viewed Saturn by mistake. Our colleagues in astronomy were quite unimpressed as well, until the flyby revealed that an unanticipated ring did in fact exist.” – Dr. Hal Puthoff
In the video below, McMoneagle explains how he detected “shadows of people, fragments” and was picking up on a memory of people once existing there.
He said he found evidence of giant structures, pyramids, and an ancient people trying to survive, people who had sent out someone to look for a new home. He also had visions of tall, thin, humanoid beings.
We’re talking about a highly skilled army remote viewer coming from a very successful program. Simple put, remote viewing can work, which is why the U.S. government uses it.
General Stubblebine, a retired United States Major General who was also the Commanding General of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), also supported and involved himself in these programs. He once told the world that army remote viewers were able to find structures on Mars:
“There are structures on the surface of Mars. I will tell you for the record that there are structures underneath the surface of Mars that cannot be seen by the Voyager cameras that went by in 1976.
“I will also tell you that there are machines on the surface of Mars and there are machines under the surface of Mars that you can look at, you can find out in detail, you can see what they are, where they are, who they are and a lot of detail about them.”
Further confirmation of this comes from Understanding Magazine – Daniel Fry – 1960 Issue 2 of an incidence that happened 100,000 years ago and as stated by The Truth About Mars this was how long ago the event of this supernova took place:
(New York Herald Tribune Service)
NEW YORK-Evidence of a momentous event about 100,000 years ago, perhaps world-shaking in force, has been found in an extensive glassy ash blanket at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.
Columbia University scientists who reported it today speculated that the layer may be debris from gigantic volcano explosions or the remains of a fantastic collision of heavenly bodies.
The fragments, much like splinters of a window pane, cover more than 500,000 square miles of the Ocean floor.
… Scientists aboard the Columbia research vessel Vema found the ash layer. The work was reported today by Dr. J. Lamar Worzel in the “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.”
… Eleven deep sea samples of the ash were brought up. Instruments that reflect sound waves off the sea floor have indicated that similar ash deposits may exist in the South Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean.
Nuclear Signatures On Mars
In this next section we will cover the evidence of nuclear waste products on Mars. Dr. John Brandenburg believes that some type of nuclear detonation is what caused the loss and destruction of life on the planet, however what he really is finding, is the remnants of either an accident or just waste products from the use of nuclear energy.
As explained in The Truth About Mars, the underground city dwellers use a form of atomic energy to power their life support systems:
“The Martian cities are laid out like a wheel. The center hub is a very large circular structure which houses the various municipal and civic governmental departments. Underground is a very large atomic power plant for supplying the cities’ needs. The streets stretch away from the hub like spokes, and at regular intervals circular streets are intersected; this is similar to our national capital. The streets which radiate from the hub rise at a very gentle rate of inclination. The houses and other buildings are built on low elevations which rise like tiers.” ~ Excerpt from The Truth About Mars
“There is no problem of heat or cold in a Martian city, with an abundance of atomic power. The whole city is air conditioned, free from dust and fumes, and is maintained at a constant temperature of about 68 degrees. Further comfort is assured the occupants of each home by its own air conditioner. Huge electronic pumps suck in and filter the thin outside air and raise the pressure to about seven pounds per square inch.” ~ Excerpt from The Truth About Mars
Many ages ago they had accidentally produced a mutant ant in an atomic experiment, a species, that has since survived on the surface of the planet to this day.
“There are also a number of species of lizards, reptiles and of some insects whose hard shells have enabled them to weather the extreme atmospheric conditions and among them are giant ants which walk semi-erect on the two hind feet. The guide tells me these are mutants which were accidentally produced from a small ant in an atomic experiment ages ago. They are similar to humans in a very low state of intelligence and at one time it became necessary to make war on them, as they became so numerous and large. These strange ant creatures average two to four feet in height and live in rocky caves.” Excerpt from The Truth About Mars
Examples of Mutant-type Humanoids Found On Curiosity Images
Dr. John Brandenburg – Death On Mars – Presentation
Life On Mars

“Other news about Mars came from the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, D.C., on April 30th. Here, the consensus of opinion that, ‘There is, most probably life on Mars’, was based on a spectral analysis of the dark areas of Mars made last year by Dr. W.M. Sinton at Mt. Wilson. Details of the analysis were given as follows:
“The spectrum which Dr. Sinton has obtained shows a band of spectral lines at a wavelength of 6.7 microns. He confirmed, by measuring the spectra of terrestrial objects, such as plants and even filter paper that these spectral lines are a common characteristic of large organic molecules of the kind found in terrestrial living things. The particular spectral lines obtained are characteristic of chemicals in which hydrogen and carbon atoms are linked together in the neighborhood of oxygen atoms. Dr. Sinton said the wavelength he distinguished in his work was identical with that found reflecting infra-red radiation from algae – the microbial, organic form of plant life found on the surface of ponds, etc.
“Support for the view that this evidence points to the existence of life on Mars comes from the observation of dust storms on the planet. One of these which arose suddenly one night towards the end of lest year, and which was studied at the Yerkes observatory, covered the surface of the planet with red dust in a matter of days. At the end of a month however, the patches of presumed vegetation on the surface of the planet began to break through the dust. This, it is assumed, indicates either that the plant life is able to shake off the dust or that somehow it can regenerate on top. However, it is also possible that the reappearance of the dark patches is due to sweeping of the dust into cracks on the surface rocks.
“So convincing is this evidence that Dr. Gerald de Voucoureurs said, ‘… it is pretty well the final proof’. This ties in with the feeling that physical conditions on the planet are roughly those under which plant life processes should go on, though it has always been thought that life must have started on the Earth in the oceans. Therefore, the new emphasis of thought about Mars will lead people to seek evidence of the existence of oceans on that planet in the distant past.
“Other observations of Mars during the end of last year have shown that on two separate occasions what appeared to be clouds of some kind formed about certain surface features on the dark patches of the planet. The significance of this is not yet understood but may possibly be connected with the presence of water in small quantities.
“Tentative plans to obtain pictures of Mars from a distance of 5,000 miles are being made at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. An automatic camera could take pictures and the negatives recovered after a period of three years and two months, by which time the camera and equipment would have been carried twice round the Sun. It is expected that such a picture would decide once and for all whether or not there is life on Mars. To test this, an aerial photograph of the Bay of San Francisco has been reduced in scale to simulate the appearance of the Earth from a height of 5,000 miles.” – End Excerpt
[Editor: Per 1959, scientists were 100% sure they would be able to find out whether life existed on Mars rather quickly yet here we are 60 years later sending rover after rover and still no answer from NASA as to whether life conclusively exists there.]
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