by Ernest L. Norman
Transmission by William Crookes
In your everyday life – as has been previously explained – in different things about you, you will see a great deal
of this energy transference; for, as the energy remanifests in countless and numerous ways, it becomes either dynamic or static. The energy coming from the sun is transferred into frequency spectrums which are known as light and heat. Light coming into your eyes falls through the lens into the retina or the back portion of the eye, which is composed of large masses of cones and rods. On the apexes of these cones and rods are small cells which are composed of organic chemicals such as phosphorus.
Light waves strike these cells; and because light waves are unsuitable to
be transferred directly into the brain, they must be, shall I say, converted into a different frequency before they can be acceptable to your brain. Therefore, in the process of the light falling onto these chemicals, there is a certain photosynthesis, or transference of energy, which will again relate the energy of light into a frequency which is acceptable to your brain as a form of consciousness.
The pictures of light which the eyes are capable of transferring to the brain occur at a certain cycle or
frequency, of about twenty pictures per second. Consequently, you cannot take any more pictures in, nor can you exclude any pictures except by closing the lids of your eyes. The pictures occur and recur at a certain basic rate of twenty times per second, the process being involved, as I have just explained, is through the degeneration of various chemicals which are contained in the cells of the rods and cones in the retina of the eye.
The same process is again used in your television set, in that the screen, or the large part of the tube in front of you, is coated with the same kind of phosphoric compounds as are found in the rods and cones of the eyes. They retain, for a certain split fraction of a
second, the tiny impressions of light waves; or, expressed more correctly, they are in the electronic beam as it comes from the cathode at the rear of the tube. The spot, as it is called, moves across the face of the tube at the rate of about sixteen thousand times per second, and like a line, it writes back and forth across the face of the tube. The phosphorus on the face of the tube momentarily holds each receding spot as it moves back and forth across the screen, thus forming a complete picture for your eye, since the eye is unable to distinguish that there has been a succession of many spots across the face of the tube. This is something of an optical illusion.
A similar process is used in the motion picture theater, as the image is projected on the screen. However, I shall not digress too far or go into other fields of expression, so as not to confuse you too much, since this transmission was primarily intended to convey to you what it means to evaluate energy properly as it is used in an integrated order of concept in
your daily lives.
In the future exploration into the center of Parhelion which is just before you, you shall be taken to witness psychotherapy being taught and explained to the various students. Principles of such a nature require your understanding as to how energy exists in different dimensions and how it manifests and remanifests itself according to its wave form or frequency (IQ), or that it is composed and recomposed of superimposed frequencies within itself (regeneration).
Again I would like to compliment the earth scientist and the individual who has pursued the course of the physical sciences into somewhat of a metaphysical dimension; for his perseverance has resulted in the vast amount of progress which has been made manifest in approximately the past fifty years. The metaphysical inclusion is just as important for the future, because his science will reach a stalemate, or a form of degeneration if he does not include these dimensional relationships within it. Also it has been pointed out repeatedly in previous transmissions, that these concepts are vitally necessary for the evolution of the people in their progress on the earth today. In fact, the salvation of all mankind is determined by the direct proportions of these dimensional or spiritual concepts which are included in the future lives and evolutions of man on the earth.
Since the earth itself is evolving into a spiritual cosmic state of consciousness, man, by necessity, must be in tune or in harmony with the Infinite Mind of God in the overall evolution of the terrestrial earth. He must not just merely tag along like a small doggie beside his master; instead, he himself must become a master. He must begin to understand what is meant by being clairvoyant. Brother Pearce very firmly emphasized the necessity of the inclusion of these concepts in the field of psychiatry, psychology, and medicine. Likewise, I firmly emphasize that they must also be included in the physical sciences as they are expressed in the world today; for we regret there is indeed a great preponderance of physical science which is not conclusively proved, or which does not include such spiritual concepts; consequently it loses much of its value or usefulness to mankind in general.
If it were possible for the average spiritualist medium on the earth today to be trained in the basic elements of electronics or physical sciences, that person would become a much more useful organ of expression to mankind in general. In like manner, the physicist and the chemist on the earth today, in proportion to their knowledge of spiritual structures and the transmissions of energy in its expression in higher dimensions, would be able to do as they do in the other worlds which are about you. You could build your space ships, eliminate all your diseases and solve the various problems of mankind as they exist with you today. You could – as they do in other worlds – eliminate almost to one hundred percent, the various mental aberrations which are now existent on your planet earth.
At a future time, a great deal more of this knowledge will be given to you in a less scientific concept, one which will relate largely to the governmental aspects of the nation of America, and to the world in general. Now, unless there are any further questions which may arise in the moments which follow, I shall close and remain your brother in spirit. ~ Crookes
Excerpt from The Voice of Orion
See Part I here, Part II here.