More Proof Of “The Truth About Mars”
This small booklet by Dr. Ernest L. Norman recounts his astral visitation to the underground cities on Mars. This occurred in 1955 long before any probes were sent up to explore the Martian surface
yet as time goes on, more and more revealing photos of Mar’s surface from the countless rovers that now traverse the planet are confirming what Dr. Norman originally said in The Truth About Mars.
Due to the catastrophe that happened approximately 100,000 years the planet was left desolate and nearly uninhabitable. Seeing this future catastrophe, the Martians built underground cities and were able to relocate before it happened sparing the lives of its many inhabitants.
In its ensuing years, though the planet’s surface is still uninhabitable, the Martians have been able to survive with a level of comfort that would be envious by us surface dwellers. Read more about Mars in The Truth About Mars.
Of the surface which the rovers have been able to explore so far, Dr. Norman wrote this:
“Our trip there is a matter of split seconds as no craft is used or needed. Arriving on the surface of Mars, we are at once aware of the extremely rugged terrain, rocky hills and sandy wastes, that stretches out endlessly around us. There are many peculiar whirling dust clouds all about. Nur El explains that the ionosphere is very thin which leaves the surface almost unprotected from the various beta, gamma and cosmic rays. This high concentration of rays ionizes the very rare and gaseous atmosphere and together with thermal currents, creates terrific dust storms. There is also a very thinly divided dust layer on the ionosphere which helps create the reddish appearance of the planet. There are also a number of volcanoes, three of which are of major size; one of these was just barely visible on the horizon trailing a thin wisp of smoke from its truncated cone. It was also explained that as Mars has only seven degrees axis inclination there is not much of a seasonal change. Water is very scarce on this arid planet; most of the precipitation falls at the poles. Vegetation is also scarce. There are a few varieties of prickly-cacti looking plants. Also near the polar ice caps, grows a very luxuriant green alga-like plant that follows the melting snow line. This spongy growth often attains a height (or depth) of forty to fifty feet. It appears and disappears with the season as it grows tremendously rapidly, and it also disintegrates very fast.”
“There are also a number of species of lizards, reptiles and of some insects whose hard shells have enabled them to weather the extreme atmospheric conditions and among them are giant ants which walk semi-erect on the two hind feet. The guide tells me these are mutants which were accidentally produced from a small ant in an atomic experiment ages ago. They are similar to humans in a very low state of intelligence and at one time it became necessary to make war on them, as they became so numerous and large. These strange ant creatures average two to four feet in height and live in rocky caves. But we did not tarry long on the surface; I followed my guide to a rather strange looking rock. Then, taking a small whistle from his coat pocket, he blew one note and although I heard nothing, the rock immediately swung open disclosing a car-like elevator. We entered and, after the door closed, I had the familiar dropping sensation of our own modern elevators. The trip down took but a few seconds, and, upon stopping, I stepped forth into what was my first glimpse of a Martian city.”
This first video shows what looks like an obvious cactus plant~

The panoramic camera from Opportunity Mars Rover took several black and white images on October 31, 2015 showing a decomposed human-like body.
A true color image of the area shows remarkable details of the decomposed body. Clearly recognizable, head, full face, neck and skeleton. Also recognizable are the most parts of the arms (without hands) and legs which are already decomposed to bones, all wrapped in clothing remnants.
When the person has died and under what circumstances is unknown, but it’s certainly some time ago if we assume that on Mars the body would deteriorate slowly, being decomposed by the bacteria within the body and there would be a slowing of the deterioration as the body dehydrated. Besides, there is a seasonal aspect to the degradation process.
The NASA image of a deceased human(oid) is proof that there are human(oid)s on Mars whether there have been humans on Mars in the past and if so it confirms also the claim from a former NASA employee that there was a secret manned mission to the red planet as well as she saw, while working as part of a ‘downstairs’ team downloading telemetry from a Mars Lander, via the live feed two men in space suits – not the bulky suits they normally used walking on the Martian surface.
NASA realizes what kind of consequences the discovery of a deceased human(oid) on Mars might have for their organization?
Links to the original SOL 4183 images:
Also finally what appears to be a mammalian type of animal recently photographed on Mars~
Posted in Book Excerpts, The Truth About Marswith comments disabled.