Unariun Wisdom

Occupations On The Other Side

by Dr. Michael Newton

Teacher Guides

Teacher Guides, or Spirit Guides are intermediate to advanced souls that have finished their own cycles of incarnation and are now assigned to help guide the soul development of groups of developing souls. Your guide is a mentor and advocate, helping your progression without hindering your freedom or independence. Guides watch over us throughout our incarnations on Earth, and at times we can call on them for affirmation. Becoming a spirit guide is a very common path for most souls, even those that specialize tend to become guides for younger souls. Some teacher guides specialize in teaching certain skills or work with specific development levels. But most guides work in a general sense with a small group of 3-15 souls in a soul group and will remain with that group in some fashion for a very long time.

Dream Masters

A Dream Master is a soul that learns the subtle art of crafting dreams in the minds of sleeping humans in order to allow loved ones to communicate, provide information, premonitions or warnings. The Dream Master can merge into a dream that is already in progress, so that the dreamer isn’t startled, or they can craft a dream from scratch (more difficult). Timing and imagery is most important. The Dream Master must know how the dream will be best interpreted, using imagery and symbolism that the dreamer will comprehend and accept. In addition, the Dream Master must work to build energy into the dream to ensure the dream will be recalled when the dreamer is awake. Finally, the message must be meaningful to the dreamer so that it will be taken seriously. A Dream Master must have the skill to work between the lighter energy of the spirit world and the dense energy of Earth, crafting energy into shapes and symbols in the mind of a human, and understand the psychology of the person in question.

Redeemers of Lost Souls

Redeemers of Lost Souls are patient and wise souls who work with souls who have refused to ‘cross over’. Souls can become obsessed with the living, or with a project left uncompleted, or perhaps rage or turmoil in the manner of passing is causing the soul to fixate on the Earth plane. These souls are not ‘stuck’ so much as they refuse to return to the spirit world. The important thing to note is that we are never ever forced to do anything as souls. If we wish to stay on the Earth plane, or stay in a self-imposed exile for a length of time, we are given the latitude to do so. We are always the masters of our own energy. However, Redeemers of Lost Souls are those guides who will attempt to make contact and council the soul. If the soul is not ready to return after an attempt at contact, the Redeemer will check in on them periodically until they are ready. If there is fear or rage preventing these souls from returning to the spirit world, the Redeemer will attempt to help the soul work through their pain. Contrary to popular belief, souls are never ‘stuck’ or ‘imprisoned’ as ghosts wandering the earth. Even if a soul feels stuck, it is always a self-imposed condition and Redeemers will always try to continue to make contact with these souls in order to help. Redeemers are patient and extremely compassionate souls, they have a deep interpersonal knowledge and understanding of soul (and human) psychology. In many cases, Redeemers may have one been lost souls themselves. In Jane Robert’s channeled work, “Seth Speaks”, it is said that many human beings incarnating on earth do this sort of work while they sleep. Although this type of work is rarely remembered upon waking, if you’ve ever had dreams where you were speaking with people you don’t know in life, or dreamed that you were symbolically leading people out of harm’s way, or searching for people, you might already be a Redeemer of Lost Souls.

Restoration Masters

Restoration Masters are healers that work with damaged energy. If a soul returns from a particularly difficult or tragic life, their energy may be damaged. There could be blockages and voids caused by negative emotions or physical damage (to the earth body) that need repairing once back in the spirit world. Like surgeons on Earth, Restoration Masters examine particles of damaged energy, remove blockages and infuse new energy into areas of voids. A Restoration Master can use their own energy, focused into a beam as a tool to soften and reknit energy. Just as in modern medicine, Restoration masters begin as apprentices, learning the art and science of healing and their work is highly regarded and always in demand. If you are a doctor or nurse, acupuncturist, Reiki specialist, energy healer or just someone who always felt drawn to the healing professions here on earth, you might be or decide to become a Restoration Master in the spirit world.

Keepers of Neutrality

The Keepers of Neutrality are a subset of Restoration Masters – souls who facilitate healing of damaged energy, particularly after a difficult or traumatic life. They ‘are skilled in non-interference’. They run a place called the slumber chamber in the spirit world – a quiet, contemplative space for souls who have been seriously damaged emotionally and energetically by their previous lives. Typically the types of souls that require this type of deep healing are more advanced souls who have taken on extremely difficult or traumatic lives. The healers work with the energy of their patients in a sort of a anonymous monastic way. They observe their patients and regulate and infuse energy back into the soul. This is a sort of deep, slow healing that requires patients and meticulous administration. Because Earth can be a cruel and brutal place to incarnate, there are many types of healing specialties. In order to become a Keeper of Neutrality, one must have a quiet, resolute and patient demeanor. It requires a lot of discipline along with the more surgical skills of the Restoration Master. I am reminded of those monks that take weeks painstakingly creating beautiful mandalas out of sand, without speaking, concentrating for hours just to destroy it once the last piece of sand has been placed.


People undergoing hypnosis frequently describe a type of library that holds ‘life books’, books for every soul that contain Harry Potter style holographic pages representing all of your past lives. The people who archive and organize these life books are Archivists. When souls wish to review past lives in order to learn from mistakes, victories or to help with the selection of a new life, they seek the Archivist who will locate their life books for them and assist them in finding the information they need.

Animal Caretakers

Animals do have souls – all the animals that we have great love for on earth as companions – dogs, cats, birds, etc. However, animals live in their own sphere of spiritual existence – they don’t share the same space as human souls do. What is the pet lover to do? When I get to the afterlife, seeing a cherished animal companion is at the top of my list (before some humans, I might add). Souls who want to reconnect with the energy of an animal companion they loved on Earth will call in an Animal Caretaker. I would imagine that this is one soul specialty in constant demand in the afterlife. An Animal Caretaker is specially trained to cross into the sphere of animal soul energy, locate the spark of energy that represented your beloved dog and return that energy to visit you in the afterlife. Apparently, pets must come to us with the guide of the caretaker; we can’t visit them directly. Also, sadly, they can’t stay permanently. While they visit with us, however, they become our animal companion again, with all of the love, recognition and memories of our time together. Our animal companions love to visit us and reconnect. When it is time for them to return to their own sphere of existence, the Animal Caretaker escorts them home again. On the surface, this may seem somewhat sad that they can’t live with us permanently, but they’ve got their own soul development to do. In a spirit world without time, however, there are no limits to how often they can visit and the bonds do truly last forever.

Musical Directors

Music has been called ‘The Language of the Soul’ and for good reason. The energy and vibrations of music is deeply intertwined in the spirit world. All souls have the capacity to be musical, even if you can’t even carry a tune here on earth. You can naturally play any instrument you can conjure up and your singing voice is, of course, perfect. While spirits can all engage in all forms of art, music is not only beautiful but essential for creation. Impossibly perfect carving of stone in ancient times was done with a form of sound – a technique that is lost to us today. Musical Directors have a more difficult job in the spirit world, directing thousands of spirit singers who have ranges that far exceed even our earthly hearing. They organize all sorts of events around music, as well as assisting souls returning to Earth with their musical pursuits. What is music except for the harmonizing of vibrations of energy? The foundation of spirit energy is energy vibrations, so in many ways, music is our connection with the spirit world here on earth and a primary way we can understand energy symbolically.


This is an unusual spiritual profession that involves training young souls to recognize energy and travel inter-dimensionally through the use of certain games. I would imagine the ‘Gamekeeper’ portion of the specialty is just an outgrowth of the larger specialty of ‘Explorer’. Although this profession is part Explorer and part teacher, it is vital in order to train new souls who will become adept at exploring new worlds, universes and dimensions. To be an explorer, a soul needs to be adventurous and courageous.


Explorer Souls are those adventurous individuals who travel to a variety of physical and mental worlds beyond our general spiritual plane. They may visit these worlds in order to explore new places for souls to incarnate, or to find new places for recreation. Possibly, meeting different types of life forms is a part of the expansion of consciousness and, like a diplomat or an anthropologist, an Explorer soul may be those ambassadors that study other systems to increase the knowledge we can gain about the diverse multiverse we reside in. Explorer souls need to have the ability to blend their energy into various types of physical and mental worlds without becoming disoriented or lost, as well as being unobtrusive to the native beings who live there.


Ethicists work “with the moral codes of intelligent beings”. Ethicists work to enhance moral behavior in humans and other intelligent beings by assisting the development of tolerance, compassion and the avoidance of conflict. Humans are, by nature, individual and self-serving. It is part of our species development to learn how to rise above that in order to work collaboratively with others for the greater good. Ethicists work both on Earth and in the Spirit world to assist in that process. Part of the responsibility of the Ethicist is to teach souls how to balance the energy of the soul with the body of the human in order to balance the need for personal survival with the opportunity for kindness and generosity toward others. In many cases, a soul can become ‘absorbed’ by the human energy and tend toward selfishness and aggression. When Ethicists are successful, more humans on earth learn to balance these behaviors in order to benefit the entire planet.


This is a broad category of souls with many sub-specialties. Harmonizers on earth can incarnate as “statesmen, prophets, inspirational messengers, negotiators, artists, musicians and writers.” In the spirit world, they work on healing the earth from a broad prospective where large-scale events affect many people. They attempt to heal discordant energy on earth as well as attempt to neutralize large amounts of negative energy. In the aftermath of a catastrophe, for example, Harmonizers may assist with human recovery. These souls have varied functions, but they all seem to work on a global scale, modifying energy and assisting human progress through difficult challenges.

Masters of Design

The masters of design and designer souls work with both energy and with the physical and mental systems that make up our multiverse. A designer may work with reproductions of physical objects from earth, for example, helping to build an exquisite house from memory, complete with all the knickknacks or assisting in the building of a new community theater. Other designer souls work with planetary systems, assisting in the formation of atmospheres and weather, including creating cells that will grow into new life forms. A designer might envision a new type of flower, for example, then work to build the cell that will grow into that new species. Designer souls also work with the forces and particles that make up what we know as quantum physics. They study, maintain and help create the various worlds and systems in both the physical, spiritual and mental worlds. Obviously, scientists such as physicists, astronomers, biologists, and architects are also analogous to this type of work, and designer souls are always in demand to maintain the structure of the spirit world, recreation areas and new planetary systems.

Time Masters

Time masters are an interesting group of advanced souls. They keep track of timelines on Earth — both in the past and in the probable future. When a soul decides it is time to reincarnate on Earth, they visit time masters to view the bodies and environment they are deciding on for the future. Time masters can also help a soul look at his or her own past and visit alternate timelines to see how a different decision might have worked out differently.

Excerpt from Destiny of Souls