On The True Nature Of Christmas
by Ernest L. Norman
This is Eliason; I am most happy to welcome you back to Helianthus. If you recall, I assisted in one or more transmissions in the beginning of this book; and if you so remember, my place is natively here in the number two section of Helianthus; serving in conjunction with the executive departments in the main section of Parhelion, which is devoted largely to the synthesis and the educational systems, and in derivatives
of different types of analysis which would serve mankind best in his own respective dimension.
I am most particularly interested in the children and those youngsters who have passed from the earth in, shall I say, a rather incomplete cycle of reincarnation. They are sometimes brought to this center of Helianthus where they are assisted in gaining their educational background and other facilities of that nature which will enable them to further progress or to reincarnate into some suitable earth plane dimension.
Now that you find yourself sitting in the large park-like area which is immediately in front of the great Temple, we will sit quietly here upon the bench beside this pool while you can become better accustomed to the beauty and brilliance which is about you. Just as in previous explorations, the beautiful vistas of the radiant pulsating Heavens above you are glowing; there is the feeling of warmth and abundance, of security and peace of mind and complacency in all things. We here have been quite busy, may I say, in the last few days — if I can use the term ‘days’ — for we know nothing of the value of time as in your earth dimension; but with the quickening of the Christmas spirit in the terrestrial earth, there is a considerable amount of extra activity which comes into these various Centers of UN.AR.I.U.S., as they are associated in a more personal relationship with numerous individuals who have passed into some position in that planetary aspect. However, it must be borne in mind that we, too, are concerned with several other thousand planets, and that they, too, have their own cycles of spiritual manifestation wherein there are other festive occasions of a somewhat spiritual nature so that by and large, with a moments thought, you will see that we do not have much time here for becoming idle; we are constantly in contact with any number of planets which are engaging at the moment in some form of religious observance.
To the earth dweller, the period of Christmas is one which is more strictly an astrophysical concept, and relates as it does to the passing of the earth through a certain meridian which is known as the winter solstice. This winter solstice is on the 21st day of December; in the concept of pure science, it can be said that the earth passes through a large line of magnetic force on that particular day, so that with the conjunction of this magnetic force with the earth, we are enabled at that time, during the brief period of several earth days to project into the earth much energy of the Radiant nature, which is sometimes called spiritual, which means so much and is of such great value to the dweller in the lower terrestrial dimensions.
It must be borne in mind, however, that the observance of the Christmas season, as the birth of Jesus, is one which is somewhat subject to discussion and debate. The original concept of Christianity and its inception into the world at the time of Paul was one into which was interwoven many cults or religious systems as they existed on the earth at that time. The reason for this being that there must be, by necessity, a large amount of mysticism or esoterical value in such religions which would appeal to the people; as mankind, in general, is rather superstitious by nature, and has, in his more elemental state of living, been somewhat reactionary to the mysterious forces of nature.
The exact birth date of Jesus at the particular time of December the 25th, is merely a parable in itself, and should not be taken as the exact calendrical date which is given in the Gregorian concepts of your time. It refers rather to an advent of the dying of the old year and the beginning of the new year. Such observances of this nature have been in existence among the races of mankind since the beginning of concepts wherein man was enabled to visualize the passing of different seasons and various times so that he had thus instituted in his way of life somewhat of an astrological or astrophysical concept wherein he regulated his days or seasons according to such concepts as existed within his mind, as he witnessed the transmissions of nature about him. Usually, a study of the histories of the earth will acquaint you with the facts that many people who are in existence on the earth today still have similar observances of the period of the winter solstice; just as are in existence concepts which also embody the Easter period, which is sometimes known as the Spring Festival or the Spring Equinox. There is, likewise, the Fall Equinox in September which is also observed by many races of people upon the earth.
I would, also at this time, remind the people that they have somewhat neglected, and rather sadly, the true nature and the true value of the Christmas observance. It has degenerated into a complete debacle of rushing, hurrying and scurrying around in buying and wrapping packages, and in relying too much on whether or not someone is remembering the person and that reciprocation must be entered into. “If someone does not buy me a gift, why should I buy him one?” The idea of gift giving in itself, is one which had its origin in giving the incense and myrrh to the infant Jesus in the story of the New Testament. However, it would be a much greater and better thing if people could give spiritual gifts of love and kindness and observance to each other and to remember each other, not only at the Christmas season, but all the remaining days of the year in a likewise manner and fashion. The Christmas observance, as exists, would be one which could be a reminder for the general populace of mankind to continually reciprocate this Christmas spirit of love and kindness among themselves in their future lives together on their planet.
So that, by and large, and especially in America, Christmas is, of today, commercial or reactionary in nature, and has lost much of its true esoterical value in promulgating or promoting the true spiritual contact within the nature of the individual who believes in the Christian pageantry. I would like to point out, also, that the worship of Jesus is contrary to that which He, Himself set about to teach when He was on the earth. His entire philosophy teaches — not one in which He should be worshiped — but rather, He reminded people to love one another as they loved themselves, and that each should love his God with all his heart and soul. In misinterpreting or implying any sense of personal worship to the man Jesus would be quite contrary to His wishes and one which would also be quite contrary to a true Christian concept. Rather, we should recognize the Christ Consciousness which is within each individual, and that his Christ Consciousness is the true God Self of the individual. This was so strongly pointed out and emphasized by Jesus, that each individual possesses this same embodiment, the same qualities, the same virtues of the God Self, just as He Himself possessed them. It was in living with, and in closer continuity with this contact, that He was able to bring into the world a very high spiritual philosophy. I believe, however, this subject has been rather adequately covered in several other places and in different transmissions.
In general, to this plane of synthesis and inquiry and into the educational values and nature of the world about you, there have been many subjects which we have touched upon, which we believe, by this objectivism, that you can best orient yourself into a more compatible state of life. The numerous pressures of law, order and social structures, as they exist about you in your reactionary world, as it has been so strongly emphasized, have given rise to tremendous pressures which are felt by every individual. We have not yet touched upon some of the other aspects of the life and the world about you, which I will try to do rather briefly before we begin the exploration of the temple, itself, at this time. I wish to take you into the temple and show you the interior, as it is very important that you should know the nature of the observance of Christmas as it is portrayed from these various Centers.
Excerpt from The Voice of Muse, UN.AR.I.U.S., Elysium
Part II coming soon.
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Happy Holidays ! Saturnalia & Sol Invictus !