Our Psychic Self
by Ernest L. Norman
Again we come to you with our love from Venus. Yes, it is quite true our sister, Ruth, has discovered in her own way through her vision, that we are Shamballa—or should we more correctly say, part of Shamballa. We here in Azure are one of seven such cities and places.
Each one of these cities is directly related to your earth plane in a certain separated type of spiritual service. We, in Azure, function with those who have passed on from the flesh in some form of maladjustment, such as the soldier boys and sailors, the suicides and murderers, and their victims. The other cities relate their activities to equally well defined fields of spiritual and physical therapies. It is my plan to go into these different cities and just as we have done here in Azure, make an exploration and find out more fully their own particular capacity.
You must remember these seven cities are all on the same relative plane of spiritual concept and are not to be confused with our brothers in the lower orders of Venus. Sufficient at this time, however, of this particular subject. While this transmission is worthy of everyone’s attention, it is directed particularly to all earth doctors, and their allied and associated sciences. You have in the past hundred years made many noteworthy and commendable advances in the field of medical science, as it is related to mankind. However there is still much to be done. There are many very apparent gaps in your sciences and philosophies. There is still a host of unconquered diseases. I could mention a few of these such as cancer, epilepsy, Berger’s disease, multiple sclerosis, dystrophy, etc. Any doctor could add a long list to these. I may say to you truthfully that none of the conditions will ever be conquered from the physical side of life. You, who are medical men, have as yet limited yourselves entirely to the physical body and material mind.
You have not yet realized that man is Spiritual and that his physical body and mind are only outward expressions of the spiritual self. I will create for you an allegorical equation. If you had been, long since birth, in some obscure remote corner of the globe and were entirely unfamiliar with the civilized world, and could not speak its language, if you were then transported to some city and set down in front of a television set, you would quite naturally assume that the pictures came from inside the box. You would have no way of understanding the concept of transmission of electrical impulses from the transmitter. You would quite likely, in your curiosity, try to tear the box to pieces to see where the pictures came from. This is exactly your present position. Just like the uneducated person, you are still hoping to find the solution for the unconquered conditions in the human body within its own physical structure. You will keep on looking until the end of time and you will not find the answer in the body. As I have said, the condition so incurred is reflected from the spiritual or psychic mind and body.
Picture if you will, the lawn in front of your home, which has a sprinkler system. When you turn the valve, the water spurts up through nozzles at regular spaced intervals. This is the life blood of your lawn and it would quickly die if it did not have it. So it is with the physical body.
Each tiny atom that is the basic substructure, for every cell depends on its energy source, not from the food consumed into the body but from the psychic self. This psychic self is, as I have explained, the sum total of all man’s many lifetimes. Each person or patient must thus be viewed and diagnosed; not as the sum total of this life time, but from all the life times. I know this is hard for you to visualize, but so were the pictures in the box, for he who did not understand. Because you have no measurements or instruments which can determine a psychic self, does not mean it does not exist. It means that you are merely ignorant of the fact. I have explained in previous transmissions that the psychic body, existing, as it does, in another dimension is not subject, in a common sense, to some of the predetermined relationships which you have established. You cannot see it or sense it because, in your lack of concept, you have not developed the sensitivity.
Roughly speaking the psychic body contains all of the experiences, the negative and positive conditions, and all the other sundry happenings, which have occurred in the individual’s life for perhaps many thousands of years. These experiences and happenings are contained as millions of tiny wave forms which revolve in miniature vortices which in turn compose, in a similar equation, what you might term the molecular structure of the psychic body. As you have all agreed that, generally speaking, all incurable disease conditions that reside outside the contagious pathogenic realm, are incurred from wrong thought habits, as the mind is only an outwardly reflected concept of the sum total of all experiences.
It is therefore logical that such cures must come from within the psychic body. The psychic body is linked to the physical body, not only through the mind, but similar to your sprinkler system. You have a number of psychic centers or contacts in your physical body which directly transfer the life-giving energies which come from, and through, the psychic self. These centers are located in the solar plexus, and in the center of the forehead or pituitary, the extreme ends of the spine, the soles of the feet, and the palms of the hands, etc. These psychic centers reflect energy directly into the atomic substructures. This energy is the glue which holds the atom in an adhesive intelligent pattern. The atom, in turn, is a miniature counterpart of the numerous vortexes of wave forms which are in the psychic self, except, of course, that in the physical body, the atom is in a physical dimension. You have a basic understanding of what you term psychosomatic medicine. You believe that many of the small negative fears incurred in childhood become the nucleus for a big neurosis as an adult. This is quite true as far as it goes; it just doesn’t go far enough.
Each individual must, in your diagnosis, include any and all previous lives. As you know, often in discussions with patients if a certain negative happening of childhood has been recalled, a partial and sometimes a complete cure is effected. This happens to only about fifty percent of the patients. If you could recall to the patients the negative happenings in his previous lives, you would get at least a 98 percent average of cures.
The therapeutic action which revolves around such a cure from a mental disturbance has, as its basis, a very fundamental concept. Picture if you will, a circle, and that this is the life cycle of the individual, and that at a particular point the negation was incurred; if it can be relived or recalled, in a mental way, at another particular point of this cycle, it will bring into play certain opposing dynamic forces which will cancel the negative quotient of the experience.
The two different points of occurrence and dissipation may be widely separated in the evaluation of your earth-time, such cures, or dissipations, being more effective at certain relative points. These are, of course, factors of harmonic relationship.
Now I know that up to this time no earth science of medicine or psychiatry has developed a doctor who can so diagnose a person’s life. Heretofore such a practice has been confined to a relatively few and in an occult sense. You have one outstanding demonstrator of clairvoyant diagnosis, who lived until quite recently, in your modern world. His name was Edgar Cayce. For your own benefit you would do well to read some of his many case histories. Here again however, as he was practically alone in his understanding, there has been as yet no developed or general understanding in the medical profession, either of his work or any others who have so expressed themselves. Let me say at this time that, just as hundreds of years ago, comparatively little or nothing was known of your modern techniques, so in the future when the ultimate solution and cure of men’s illnesses is found, no longer shall practices be confined to the physical realm, but shall be an integrated concept of physical therapy and mental clairvoyance. T
he future doctor will not only be able to diagnose the superficial physical manifestations but will also be able to relate them to all of the patient’s previous earth-experiences which have happened in his many evolutions and lives.
I am touched somewhat with a feeling of gladness for my brother who is about to make an ascension, and it is a sacred and holy occasion, one which we do not distemper with sadness. Soon now you shall enter in with us to help us in the ceremony where he will depart for a higher realm, but until then, rest in Peace.
Mal Var
Excerpt from The Voice Of Venus
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