The Adept called “The Conqueror” has the most strongly developed will power of all the Great Ones interested in governmental affairs. When a nation needs to arouse its capacity for self-defense or self-preservation, this Adept becomes the hidden power behind the country’s transition. At present the Conqueror is over-shadowing China, due to the necessity for this nation to overcome its lethargy. India will be awakened from inertia by the same Director.
A peculiar duty is that of the Master Azabar who is in charge of monetary and credit systems throughout this world. Thus far, all mediums of exchange are of experimental origin. This adept plans to inspire a system of exchange that will not engender the dangers of selfishness and monopoly of former systems. His plan cannot be executed until humanity admits a need for an improved method of exchange.
The best known Masters dedicated to the field of education are the Master Djwal Kul (also called The Tibetan), the Master Kuthumi, and the Master Elision. The Tibetan has charge of “organized thought,” or established wisdoms
On the path of religion are the Lord Christ Jesus, the Promised Prince, the Master John, and the Master Quan Yin.
The youthful Promised Prince, when seen, appears much like an artist’s dream of the Boy Christ. This remarkable Adept has a merciful assignment—that of bringing about Divine intervention wherever it is merited. He is frequently felt, if not inwardly perceived, in those communities, cities or homes where tragedy stalks. When Adepts cannot avert wars, pestilence or violence caused by humanity’s overpowering destructive thoughts, They influence us during the readjustments that follow chaos. The Promised Prince gives vision, courage, peace and gratitude to those whom His aura touches. In His presence children are happier, sweeter and more affectionate. We wonder what cause prompted this Adept to “spend His heaven doing good on Earth”. Our world is better for His ministry, and richer too, in spiritual contentment.
A great similarity exists between the Lord Christ and His beloved disciple, who is now an Adept, the Master John.
The Master John accepts earnest seekers of reality as candidates to be prepared for world service. The progress of the neophyte causes them to be a probationer, then a disciple, and later a pupil of Masters. During these stages of inner advancement, the aspirant may experience one or several spiritual illuminations, after which he is not only a conscious servant of Adepts, but also an initiate progressing toward Mastership. “The Holy One,” as the Master John is sometimes called, educates every sincere seeker in the science of spiritual self-mastery. This Adept emphasizes that character development is is the fir
The improvement of the aspirant’s efforts, realizations, and successes fits them for the more difficult feats of inner unfoldment, which the Master John discloses to those worthy of further tuition. The Master John teaches that we are not in full possession of all our God-given senses. In the right season we are led to learn of the sixth and seventh senses which have their center in the realm of our spiritual being. The sixth sense records impressions that belong to octaves of light, sound and being beyond the third dimensional existence. The Great One believes “intuition,” “clairvoyance” and “clairaudience” are terms that have been profaned by improper use, yet when truly understood, they are functions of humanity’s innate sixth sense. The seventh sense is the fac
The Master John is but one of numerous Adepts who accept pupils. Others taking religious pupils, who are best known, are the Masters Lao-Tse, Amiel, Dratzel, Athena, Mohammed and the late Rama Krishna. The Adepts teach those under Their charge the principles which all Masters give to those who are sincere seekers. Yet, it must be remembered that all these spiritual conquerors are united by one endeavor—that of disseminating the radiance and principles of the Christ Spirit. This does not mean the doctrine the Christ Jesus gave in Palestine. The principles of the Lord Christ are far greater, vaster and deeper than those recorded in the Bible. To the fullness of the Christ message are these learned Masters avowed.
Excerpt from Natives of Eternity