It might be mentioned at this point that the concept of baptism, being born into the spirit, receiving the holy ghost, and all the familiar Christian cliches can be directly interpreted as part of the true
Now, the problem at the moment is to recognize your position, and, by recognition, I do not mean that you should try to inflate yourself with presuppositions that you are a creature of God, etc. We must realize, at all times, what our position to the Infinite is. There is only one way in which we can
When you arrive at the point where the material world seems to be some kind of an asinine, unrealistic dimension, in which people live a kind of an animal-like existence, then you can reasonably assume you have gone beyond the point of the material dimension. You are then already in a position to incept some of the higher principles and concepts of life; you are then, in a position
In this Infinity, time and the consequence of motion, in any position in regard to time is less than the slightest tick in the consciousness of the Infinite. All of the years of your life are less than the slightest tick, or even all of the thousands of years during which you have evolved back and forth into the planet earth in the numerous lifetimes, would not even make a split fraction of a second in Infinite Consciousness. By the same token in this full realization, you can assume that the future will be quite the same, so far as time is concerned. It means that we can, constructively, place ourselves in consciousness at any given point in our scale of evolution merely by the process of conception. When we have conceived what is at that particular point, then we are in truth and in entirety, an active participating entity of consciousness in that particular dimension. That, in essence, is the long and short of our personal metaphysics.
In your present position upon the earth today, in whatever set of life patterns, problems, or fantasies you are presently involved, you are at this moment, at the exact point at which you have placed yourself in concept, in that great cycle of evolution which can transcend you into Infinity. If you will remember, in the future, that whatever problems you encounter, these are always fantasies from out of the past; they are only presuppositions at which you have arrived, and they can be as
However, at no time must you attempt to remove a reality from your consciousness by assuming that it is not there. You must take an entirely different relationship to this all-important proposition. You can recognize the reality without it being a reality. Now, that may sound strange, but it is exactly right. If you think for a moment, you can envision in consciousness a distant city. That city is, in all sense of the word, a reality; still it is not an element of your consciousness in the various artifacts of your daily life; you are not concerned with that distant city in respect to the fact that you have to consider it when you eat your meals, or go to bed, or do any of the other apparently necessary constituents of your daily life.
Life in the higher worlds is lived in full consciousness. You maintain a full consciousness in these higher spiritual worlds; you will always remember your material lives, and you will remember, in a sense, the various experiences through which you have passed. But they will not maintain that coercive and mandatory expression which they now have over you; as a consequence, you will not suffer from the many repercussions which are involved in the interplay of these dominant subversive characteristics carried from the past into your present. That will be, when you have – as I have said – reconstructed the psychic anatomy in a manner and form which is not subject to the coercive effect of these past experiences. In other words, it will be harmonicall
However, within the first stage or the first antenna coil of the radio and in the antenna itself, there are vibrating all of the other different radio stations which are broadcasting. The same principle holds true in the spiritual worlds. You will have consciousness of all other dimensions through which you have passed, but they will not have that coercive effect upon you, because you will be out of tune with them, to the extent that you will be more positively attuned to a higher dimension of consciousness. They will, in the language of the scientist, be out of phase in your present form of consciousness.
So you see, dear friend, at what ever terminating point of these various constructivisms we may arrive in our analyses, we always come to this inevitable conclusion: if we are going to get anywhere in the spiritual worlds or amount to anything in our evolution, if we are going to get rid of this karma, which we have carried from life to life, then we must do all of these things scientifically. We must have a scientific knowledge of how this is done, and fortunately, you and others who are
No, perhaps you may not become a scientist or a physicist, in the sense that you can quote or write algebra to explain all things; for mathematica in any form – calculus, trigonometry, algebra, etc. – is only a crutch used by mathematicians to arrive at a certain point of that which would otherwise have to be a complete mental function. It is a crutch and never, at any time, does it supplant the true dimension of consciousness at which we must ultimately arrive. For consciousness cannot exist as a mathematical formula; it cannot exist as any of the other age-old subterfuges, symbologies, or various things which have been used by people since the beginning of their evolution. None of us are immune to the principle of life as it is expressed by the Infinite.
Neither the priest, the rabbi, nor the minister can give you these things; they are not contained in
In the future, mental telepathy, clairvoyance, astral flight, and all of the other usually considered, mystical or paranormal functions will be just as natural to you as are the acts of life in present consciousness; and you will not attach any importance to them, to the degree in which you are now presently concerned with them.”
Excerpt from Infinite Perspectus