Project Serpo

Project-Serpo-main-2-postby Piers Morris

Project Serpo is a tale of travel to a planet 39 light years from Earth where twelve fearless and courageous humans lived side-by-side with an alien race for thirteen years.

To understand how the incredible reality came about that humans traveled to a planet that is 240 trillion miles away, we need to go back in time to the end of the Second World War when the threat of alien invasion and takeover of the planet was a genuine fear of the US military.

The USA, as the most powerful nation on Earth after the War, was just settling down to peace time again when its military leaders became aware of a much more serious threat than those posed by terrestrial attack: The possibility of extraterrestrial alien attack utilizing weapons way beyond our technological capability at the time.

The craft that crashed at Roswell was not the first encounter the US military had experienced with anti-gravity crafts which could out-maneuver their fastest and most sophisticated aircraft. However, the Roswell crash raised military fears because it appeared that the craft that crashed had been spying on sensitive military installations, particularly those with a nuclear application, and not least the Roswell Army Air Field at Roswell which was the base of the B-29 squadron that had dropped the atomic bombs on two Japanese cities a mere couple of years previously.

This type of surveillance raised suspicions because, with the information the US military already possessed, it was not a difficult conclusion to reach that aliens might have been seriously planning an invasion of the planet. Any resistance to an invasion would undoubtedly be most likely to occur from America, so it would be natural for aliens to be surveying current US defense and attack capability, and working out what weaponry to negate.

As mentioned earlier, the US military knew about anti-gravity crafts and their superior capability before the 1947 Roswell crash. How did they know this?

Going back to the Nazis and their base in Antarctica during the 1930’s and 1940’s, it was discovered that they had been developing anti-gravity craft that could hover, fly at supersonic speeds and at high altitudes, and change directions instantly. These crafts were superior flying machines and effectively left the Allies defenseless against attack from such crafts.

A Galactic War On Earth

Fantastic though it may sound, it is suggested that Earth may have been used by two warring groups of extraterrestrials as a venue to fight their war against each other. Hitler had teamed up with an alien race which was transferring advanced technology to him. This race of reptilian, lizard-like extraterrestrial beings came from Alpha Draconis and Orion and formed the Draco-Orion/Grey Empire and had their base in a massive underground complex that stretched from Tibet to India. These are said to be the mythical serpent people of Hindu mythology, who were cruel and merciless en-slavers and masters of mind control. These extraterrestrials had been working with the Nazis to transfer specific advanced technology and to perfect a distinctive bell-shaped craft utilizing anti-gravity or electromagnetic propulsion technology unknown on Earth at that time. This craft was called the “Haunebu” which had been manufactured and tested in various increasingly advanced versions for use in battle. Had the War lasted much longer, it appears that the Nazis would have had complete air superiority through the use of this craft.

Lined up against them were their ancient enemies from the humanoid races of Andromeda, Arcturus, Lyra, the Pleiades, and Sirius. This group is sometimes called the Galactic Federation of Light. The so-called Federation races are non-interventionist, believe in freedom and free-will choices and seek to assist in spiritual development. They are said to have bases on Earth under Death Valley and Mount Shasta. They supported the Allies through working with Nikola Tesla, which allowed the Allies to develop radar to counter the advanced technology introduced by the reptilian forces linked with Hitler. It seems that in the end the combined brainpower of Roosevelt and Churchill and the resourcefulness of the thinking and alert Allied soldiers won the war. Whether true or not, the idea that supporters of the concept of free will rather than slavery won through is a comforting thought.

Neuschwabenland – Antarctica

The location of the reptilian Hitler-supporting base was the reason why the Nazis possessed a large territory in Antarctica which they had named ‘Neuschwabenland’ and had established a large city under the ice called ‘Neu Berlin’ where around forty thousand scientists and others lived. It could have been devised as a refuge in the event that the War turned out badly but more likely that the colony established was a base for joint German-alien scientific and technological development for interplanetary travel and conquest. Because of this pact with the reptilians, the Nazis would have been secretly supremely confident of winning the war.

Hitler’s association with such powerful allies, may well have been the reason that he considered himself invincible. Moreover, the colony was intended to preserve and to create a master race. It was reserved for only the purest specimens of the Aryan race, a place from where Hitler’s ‘master race’ could be safely bred. It has been reported that Neuschwabenland had been placed under the control of Heinrich Himmler by mid-1943, and he had selected ten thousand of the “racially most pure” Ukrainian women out of the half-million ethnic German women who were deported from Russia, and sent them to Neu Berlin on the submarines. They were all blond blue-eyed and between the ages of seventeen and twenty four. He also reportedly sent 2,500 battle-hardened Waffen-SS soldiers who had been fighting on the Russian front. At four women to each man, they were expected to breed the Aryan population of the new civilization under the Antarctic ice. Hitler himself may even have ended up there, with his ‘double’ executed in the Berlin bunker rather than him, as the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin is reported to have said “Hitler escaped and no traces of him were found.”

This colony, with its superior weaponry and extraterrestrial friends, was intended to be in a position to take over the world in due course and enslave the “inferior” races on the rest of the planet. Through British intelligence, the Allies came to know of this colony, and allegedly attempted to break it up in the period from the end of the war until early 1947. However, these operations seem to have been a failure, and the anti-gravity discs and other alien-derived weaponry utilized by the Nazis and their alien friends may have been the reason for this failure. This scenario had also been written about by Mattern Friedrich in his 1975 book, UFO’s: Nazi Secret Weapon? Certainly Admiral Byrd made a grave warning to US Naval intelligence in 1947 about what he had discovered in Antarctica, although he did not specify what that threat was.

So in 1947 the most powerful nation in the world was debating in its highest circles how to stop this new flying saucer technology that was being developed in Antarctica and that was threatening to undo the world peace that America had just won at such cost, when an event-changer occurred: The Roswell craft crashed and a solution presented itself.


This is where the Serpo story, the most amazing story of benevolent alien contact, begins.

We know much of the information relating to “Project Serpo” because a former official of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) who had been assigned to this top-secret government project started releasing emails in 2005 onto a website which was set up specifically to receive his revelations. The releases started on November 2, 2005. This was exactly twenty-five years after the final report on the project (then known as Project Crystal Knight) was written. This was the earliest date that the report could be declassified under government policy rules relating to disclosure of secret documents and therefore legally disclosed to interested members of the public. It is not believed that this was a rogue operator who released this information, but more likely was authorised for release at the highest level. This is because of the way the DIA had been set up by President Kennedy, who had wanted to create an agency that was transparent towards the public.

It is reported that two ET spacecraft crashed in July 1947 and the US military was able to collect all the debris, including one alien that had survived the crash. All others died. The alien (a male) lived until 1952 and was named “EBE-1” as he was the first “Extraterrestrial Biological Entity” that it had been possible to communicate with. It transpired that this particular alien was friendly and was able to assist the USA in its desire to receive the transfer of advanced technology that could match or exceed that received by the Nazis. There was a new and more serious war out there that the world knew nothing about, involving technology that the world’s most powerful nation needed to understand and to develop if it was to survive in any impending interplanetary war.

Over the time that EBE-1 was alive, it was discovered that he emanated from the Zeta Reticuli star system, and his race had developed, among many other things, a means of swift travel from one star system in the galaxy to another utilizing ‘space tunnels’ which they knew how to locate. These are also commonly known as ‘wormholes’.

He was able to communicate with his home planet utilizing a communication device in his craft, and it was through this communication device, which US officials learned how to operate, that the idea of an exchange program with their planet was debated. Communication with the “EBENs” (as they were named) was initially difficult as the EBENs didn’t speak English, and spoke with a strange tonal language. The exchange program finally became a reality, however, in 1965. This venture was encouraged by the military to assist technology transfer, and reports suggest this has now been successfully achieved and we have the ability to do many things which have not yet been revealed to the world at large. We could certainly defend ourselves against alien attack in a way not possible in 1947.

Twelve US military men were trained for the mission, and the “EBEN” craft landed on 16 July 1965 to collect the humans for the trip. The landing and boarding of the alien craft can be visualized, as the film “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” (1977) depicted the events almost precisely. The trip itself can also be visualized as the subsequent film “Contact” (1997) depicted the journey and arrival on a foreign planet.

The stay on Planet Serpo lasted thirteen years. The trip was logged in diaries maintained by the crew leader and on no less than 5,419 cassette tapes that contain voice recordings of all aspects of their existence on the planet, ranging from the journey, living conditions, eating, exploration of the planet, death, technology, cloning techniques, star wars with other alien groups and much more. 5,419 tapes lasting 90 minutes each were carried with them to Planet Serpo. It took seven years alone to transcribe them all after their return.

“EBEN” technologies that we allegedly got access to included free energy devices; particle beam weapons; anti-gravity land vehicles; cloning and creation of artificial life-forms; the ability to view/record past events (known as the “yellow book”); interstellar communications; translation devices; and sound weapons.

To read more about Serpo see Project Serpo here.

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