Unariun Wisdom

Rare 1600’s Book Discovered Predicting Extraterrestrial Life

by Redaction Occult Code

Questions about whether or not extraterrestrial life exists are not a matter of our era, they have been present for a long time.

A rare book from the 17th century has been discovered that deals with this enigma, providing more than surprising data, a rare book that predicts extraterrestrial life.

/Jim Spencer said the book was “an out of this world find”/

The book, published in 1698, was found at a free antiquities appraisal event in Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire, by book appraiser Jim Spencer.

Inside, author Christiaan Huygens explores his fascination with the possible existence of extraterrestrial beings.

What Does The Book Predict About Extraterrestrial Life

In the book, extensively titled The Celestial World Discover’dOr, Conjectures Concerning the Inhabitants, Plants and Productions of the Worlds in the Planets, Huygens questions why God would have created other planets “just to be seen” from Earth.

/324 year old book concludes that Alien beings must exist/

He concludes that aliens must have human-like hands and feet due to “convenience”, writing:

“What could we invent or imagine that could fit all designed uses as exactly as hands? Should we give them an elephant proboscis?”

He also suggests that “heavenly beings” must have feet,

“[unless] they have discovered the art of flight on one of those worlds.”

The writer believed that aliens enjoyed astronomy and observation, sailed in ships and listened to music, but also suffered misfortunes, wars, afflictions and poverty,

“because that’s what drives us to invention and progress.”

A Strange Book

/Huygens’s book was written in English and Latin, and the English version was discovered/

The book is considered a rare find.

Spencer said:

“It’s fascinating to think who turned these pages in 1698, what it must have felt like to read these descriptions of life on Jupiter or Saturn before looking up at the night sky.”

He said that the content of the ancient book seemed “almost comical”, but was based on the scientific reasoning of the time.

Spencer added:

“And who knows how our own thoughts on these matters will appear to people looking back 324 years.”

/The book attempts to describe what could intelligent extraterrestrial life look like on other planets/

The book appraiser said flipping through the pages gave him a “feeling of curiosity” because its subject matter pertains to the future or science fiction,

“but the writer speaks to us from the past”…

Spencer added:

“I realized that since then we have explored not only more space, but more of our own planet.”

He said that the author ruled out the possibility of animals much larger than those currently existing on Earth because it was written before humans knew about dinosaurs.

Spencer added:

“I think the theme is so compelling because it makes us laugh at what they didn’t know, as we look up at the sky and realize it’s still a mystery.”

Although it provides a rare glimpse into extraterrestrial life, it is something that can be considered “way ahead of its time”…

/17th Century Scientist Gives First Description of Alien Life/
More on Cosmotheoros from Wikipedia:

Shortly before his death in 1695, Huygens completed Cosmotheoros. At his direction, it was to be published only posthumously by his brother, which Constantijn Jr. did in 1698. In it he speculated on the existence of extraterrestrial life, on other planets, which he imagined was similar to that on Earth. Such speculations were not uncommon at the time, justified by Copernicanism or the plenitude principle. But Huygens went into greater detail, although without the benefit of understanding Newton’s laws of gravitation, or the fact that the atmospheres on other planets are composed of different gases. The work was translated into English in its year of publication and entitled The celestial worlds discover’d.

Huygens wrote that availability of water in liquid form was essential for life and that the properties of water must vary from planet to planet to suit the temperature range. He took his observations of dark and bright spots on the surfaces of Mars and Jupiter to be evidence of water and ice on those planets. He argued that extraterrestrial life is neither confirmed nor denied by the Bible, and questioned why God would create the other planets if they were not to serve a greater purpose than that of being admired from Earth.

Full book download here.