Every human, therefore, who has ever lived or is living, has extracted his values of life by comparing
Therefore, in his present comparative system of symbologies, all things, in these comparisons, become reactive against each other. It is in this reaction that we find the destructive or constructive content which people call evil and good; whereas, within the pure dimension of understanding the Infinite, evil and good attain a functional integration which is independent of any reactive comparisons.
The Infinite resides in consciousness as a complete wholeness in everything. It cannot be
Therefore, any human who is still, in essence, a third dimensional creature, who wishes to aspire to a higher way of life, must begin to understand the Infinite in the most logical manner which will enable him to do so. This he does by beginning to understand third dimensional forms as they exist as part of the Infinite, not as symbolic forms, but as constructive entities of expression which are part of the whole.
Mass, therefore, must be resolved into tiny solar systems of energy called atoms. These, in turn, are relinked, through their respective vortexes, harmonically interplaying with certain forces of cosmic
This interdimensional concept does not require symbols for proper understanding, for when such understanding is acquired by any human, he will not, by that time, be living in a third or reactive dimension. Instead, as an entity of consciousness, he will be living in the interplay of Infinite Creative Function which is vastly different than the third dimensional reactionary systems. Such an interdimensional understanding, however, is far beyond the understanding of any human presently living.
Most people, however, have a vague sense of an underlying consciousness of this great Infinite. It is the problem of UN.AR.I.U.S. to approach the more advanced and preconditioned element of humanity
UN.AR.I.U.S. must, by necessity, therefore exist in its first stages as a symbology. It must to a certain degree or extent, represent form as it exists in present consciousness, for it is understandable that any person would instinctively rebel against any unknown elements with which he may be confronted.
However, it must be ultimately resolved by the aspirant who is studying the works of UN.AR.I.U.S., that all symbologies must be dissolved in his consciousness as reactive elements of life; and instead a much more expanded degree of consciousness will subsequently reunite these various reactive elements into functional harmony with the Infinite.
UN.AR.I.U.S., too, will reoccupy a new position, not symbolically, but as an amalgamated representation of this same participating consciousness with Infinity wherein, individually speaking, each person assumes an integrated function with the Infinite and can, in this position, live within the pure dimension of consciousness. So far as I, individually or personally, am so concerned, I do not wish to become a symbol as did Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, or any others who have given something
In fact, I do not even claim to be a teacher, for in expressing the concepts and principles with which I am familiar, they, in themselves, as forms of consciousness with the Infinite, will transform any person who succeeds in integrating them into his consciousness. For who can say he is a teacher when even as he teaches he is being taught and which, when it is all summed up, merely means that I, as a human being, would like to be subtracted as an ego form or element from these works. For only in this subtraction can any aspirant hope to wean himself from dependency in such personal representation which I might assume to him.
In other words, the cause of UN.AR.I.U.S. would be lost to any person who transfers his quest and pursuit of Infinite knowledge from the dimension of pure absolute impersonal consciousness and focuses
This then, dear ones, is the way of life, such as any human will learn if he succeeds in attaining evolutionary continuity into Infinity; conversely he will destroy himself. This is not a problem of personal relationships which may exist between us, but rather it is a personal problem where, individually speaking, we attain a more correlative existence with the Infinite.
It is my wish, therefore, in the future that any whispering or doubt which may come to you shall not subtract from your purpose which might occur if you personify UN.AR.I.U.S. through me. Rather, UN.AR.I.U.S. should represent to you – the Infinite and a way and means in which you will achieve immortality and a Higher Way.
Personally, our relationship should assume a brothership wherein we become united in Principle,
May you never again be subtracted from a higher destiny; may your sincere dedication always reside upon the highest niche of your altar of life and out of reach of the dirty fingers of the underworld.”
Excerpt from Tempus Procedium