Retinal Flashes of Light In Space – Mystery Solved
“There is one other aspect in space travel which has been discovered in the four journeys to the moon. This is in relationship to bright objects floating about the spacecraft and lights which seem to flash across the inside of the retina of the astronauts’ eyes. On the first flight to the moon, astronauts mentioned there were bright objects or lights floating about the ship at about the halfway point to the moon. In successive journeys astronauts have seen tiny bright white specks of light which seem to float across the inside of their eyes. In the last (#15) flight, experiments were conducted and the astronauts deliberately blindfolded themselves, and again saw these bright specks of light which they believed were on the inside of the retina of their eyes. This, of course, is a fallacy. What actually happened in any of these dispensations or phenomena as they manifested themselves, either as white lights floating around the cabin, or as bright specks floating across the eye, is easily explained. It should be considered that none of these experiments have been conducted purposely here on Earth by the astronauts, or the same people who are involved in these experiments. And if they had, and had they been conducted under totally darkened conditions, there is no doubt they would have seen bright lights floating around the room and bright specks which seemed to be on the inside of their eyes.
Now let us consider the conditions under which astronauts travel through space. And as was previously mentioned, in such travel and as the ship is some 100,000 to 200,000 miles away from the intense electromagnetic fields of the Earth which are all directly involved in the various processes of hysteresis and other different transpositions which make life possible here on Earth, that it could be surmised that there was indeed a tremendous and intense electromagnetic plasma – if it can be called as such. Sunlight itself, or as it is manifested as light and heat – the energy from the sun in the process of hysteresis can be considered to be a very strong plasmic force, and as it is so converted through hysteresis, could conceivably be a force which was very disruptive to the transmission of certain energy formations and phenomena from adjacent dimensions. It should be considered that there are many layers or astral worlds which are more or less directly associated through frequency, with life here on Earth, and in particular, to the people who live here, either past, present, or even to the future, and that such relationships have to be carried on in ways and manners which involve frequency transmissions, just as it is with sight, sound, radio, television, et cetera, and these frequency transmissions, by necessity, must be somewhere within the band of the in-between worlds. If this were not so, transmissions would be impossible. Telepathy or ESP, as it is more commonly known, is carried on through the different adjacent astral dimensions and this is one reason why there is little success in the direct application of ESP with the majority of people on the Earth; simply because they are not cognizant of the fact that they must have minds which are specifically trained to oscillate or regenerate with the psychic anatomy in bands or frequencies which are considerably higher than
those which are the normal bands of frequencies in Earth life transmissions.
When astronauts or men are in a spacecraft out in the “vacuous” void of space, some of these very strong frequencies or electromagnetic fields are very greatly diminished or are completely absent, and under these conditions the astronauts can then be considered to be in sort of a cataleptic or trance state; they do not have the same normal relationship with all factors which are viable or in control of the reactionary factions of their life.
It is much the same proposition of the spiritualist medium who sits in a totally dark room and succeeds, to some degree, in temporarily suspending the very strong life force oscillations between the conscious mind and the psychic anatomy in conjunction with outside factors, such as lights, radiations, sight, and hearing. The same is true with the astronauts. In space there are no reflective surfaces from air and from countless terrestrial objects about them. Sunlight is absent except for a single ball of light which is the sun but which has no reflective surfaces from air and from countless terrestrial objects about them. Sunlight is absent except for a single ball of light which is the sun but which has no reflective surfaces in the total environment around them, outside of the spacecraft. And practically none is reflective on the inside, except under very controlled incandescent lights which do no radiate the same spectral intensities as does solar light. Under these conditions then, it is quite conceivable that the astronaut is in somewhat of a similar position to the spiritualist medium in the darkened room. Certain very strong earth-like oscillations between consciousness, the outside world, and the psychic anatomy are to some degree suspended. There is not the same relationship with the very strong electromagnetic fields as there was on Earth. This, then, is kind of a trance or cataleptic state and is proven by the fact that these men will have to readjust themselves, reorient themselves, when getting back to Earth. They find a considerable degree of disorientation after landing on Earth.
It is the same with the spiritualist medium on emerging from the trance room; it takes several hours for the medium to assume a more natural and normal position to his daily life. So far as the bright lights, and as they were called cosmic rays by the scientists, this is entirely a misconception; they are not cosmic rays but are actually the more or less focused intensities of frequency radiations which are emanated by spiritual bodies from another world. They do not appear on the retina of the eye or on the inside of the eye but rather, in inner consciousness of the psychic anatomy and are oscillated back into consciousness where, in passing through the brain cells in the cortical layer, they again, as energy wave forms, superimpose in the facsimiles of wave forms, the image of a light speck. They are not really light specks, for if they could be seen consciously as they are reflected into the psychic anatomy by the spiritual being, or person, or the entity, they would be seen to be as a living embodiment of energy, perhaps formless as far as earth forms are concerned but, nevertheless, they are energy bodies which are living and very definitely personalities in a spiritual world.
So these misconceptions on the part of our modern-day scientists are doubly intensified when only one-half of the experiment is performed. Should they have been scientifically minded, they would have performed the same experiment here on Earth under simulated space conditions, that is, in a totally darkened room and, as much as possible, the participants in the experiment would have to be trained in the functions of the mind to the point where they could temporarily suspend these very strong, chain-like Earth oscillations which concern them in their daily lives.
That is one of the facets in training to be a spiritualist medium; that they very often sit in a totally darkened room. Even before their mediumship seems to open up, they purposely try to suspend the ever-present oscillations of the present earth life to the degree where they can incept the oscillations or vibrations from the spiritual world which will convey the message, the personage, or whatever picture it is which is being projected to them, or to which they can attune themselves, whichever the proposition is.”
Excerpt from Tempus Interludium, Vol. I
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