Unariun Wisdom



Saucerama-main-2-postby Frank E. Stranges, Ph.D.


For many hundreds of years the planet earth has been under constant observation. Unknown forces have been responsible for producing strange aerial phenomena. Many objects have been seen with the naked eye as well as tracked by military radar. These objects have taken on unusual shapes, sizes and colors. Some have appeared fuzzy or blurred, while others have been as bright as a star. Still others were self-luminous or dull, reflecting or even transparent at will.

A great number of opinions concerning their shapes have been reported, such as round, square, triangular, saucer-shaped, or bell-shaped. Many objects have been accompanied by fire of various colors, depending on the speed of the Unidentified Flying Object. Viewings have taken place in every nation under the sun. They have been sighted both day and night as they traveled at above supersonic speed, while others moved slowly, deliberately and mysteriously across the horizon.

Much speculation and mere guesswork have been employed to explain the origin and mission of these unknown objects; also several people have attempted to “spiritualize” the Unidentified Flying Object. In this book (see link below) I would like to explain and illuminate what has previously been shrouded in the darkness of mystery, fear, and plain superstition.

Man naturally fears that which he does not understand. However, if we can intelligently inform the public by the use of facts and reason, always supported by the sacred Scriptures, my purpose will have been accomplished.

The term “flying saucers” is not unknown to many today. During the past ten years, I have carefully studied and investigated the mystery with an open mind. After conversing with such men as Major Donald E. Keyhoe, Director of The National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena; Leonard H. Stringfield, UFO researcher; August C. Roberts, researcher and photographer, and many others, I have indeed gathered a wealth of valuable knowledge. It is my intention to publish the truth. The people of this planet ought not to be kept in darkness.

This is a subject full of mysteries and perplexities. Dozens of books have already been written about it, and nobody knows just how many hundreds more are now being written. Numerous individuals have claimed contact with space people; others have stated that they have been alerted for space travel.

A leading author has estimated that 20,000 sightings have been reported. A military expert has declared that no agency in this country or in Russia is able to duplicate at this time the speeds which these objects are able to achieve, and there are signs that a superior intelligence directs them.

Government officials report many unsolved cases but furnish scant information to clarify the mystery. Security requirements may account for some reluctance by officials to share facts with the taxpayer, but despite censorship much documentary evidence is now on the public record.

Hundreds of detailed reports of the so-called “flying saucers” have been published in newspapers, magazines and books. These reports have come not only from the rank and file of men and women but also from technically trained pilots, professional and amateur astronomers, radar men, engineers, and other fully qualified observers. Anyone may examine the evidence.

A candid survey of this evidence proves that the flying saucer problem is a serious one. Reports indicate that men have been killed chasing saucers, while others have disappeared completely–plane, crew and all. Terrifying near collisions have been reported.

Documentary color movies of flying saucers have been widely exhibited in theaters, further accentuating the reality of the problem and the need to know the facts.

If the thousands who declare they have seen UFOs are mistaken, the reason should be made known. The nation should be aroused to the possibilities of danger, if nothing more. Deliberate deception should be exposed.

On the other hand, if “intelligent beings” from other planets are visiting earth, we ought to become acquainted with them. Is it too much to expect that “intelligent beings” on earth can solve this mystery? What steps can be taken toward solving the riddle?

Confronted with a problem of this nature, many are indifferent. Others resent threats to their way of life. Some think it is morally wrong to look beyond orthodox science and religion. A few search diligently and sincerely for authentic information.

The history of progress proves that dedicated minorities often change history itself.

Men believed for centuries that the earth was flat. Later, Galileo and others concluded the earth was round; but men refused to accept this premise until Columbus set foot on the shores of the New World. Madame Curie postulated tremendous potentialities in the atom, but it took years and billions of dollars before her theories were proved objectively.

In the Bible we find Pilate asking: “What is truth?” as Jesus stood before him. Pilate listened to the evidence–at least that much can be said in his favor! Jesus had lived the truth before men openly; and finally, Pilate had to answer his own question: “I find no fault in this man.”

There is no fault in truth, and there is no fault in seeking truth. Jesus said, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”

Excerpt from Saucerama

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