Seeing “Reality” In Imagination Land

Seeing-Reality-In-Imagination-Land-main-4-postby W. C. Vetsch


Stories surface from time to time of young people – usually girls – kidnapped and held for years by some guy. When we hear these stories, we naturally feel that a great wrong had been done. Someone has lost their right to a potentially happy and fulfilling life because a selfish and greedy person decided to rob them of this opportunity. We feel that the culprit should be punished.

What most do not realize, unfortunately, is that we all live on a “kidnapped planet”. A small group of clever, evil and very selfish people have conspired to rob us of our legitimate right to knowledge of truth. Consequently, we are born and live in a manufactured, degraded and backward culture filled with needless hardships and miseries so that this tiny group can feel the “thrill” of capturing Souls and holding them prisoner.


“What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.”

When you have been actively deceiving locally for over a hundred years and globally for perhaps thousands of years the “tangled web”, as you might guess, is tremendous. So is the cost. You wonder why the government feels it needs to intercept every electronic communication everywhere on the planet all of the time [“Total Information Awareness”]. Society, although severely handicapped by propaganda, has reached a stage of development where things hidden for years keep resurfacing. Every time they do, spooks from the government have to immediately detect this and do whatever is needed to protect the illusion they have worked so hard to create.

They spy on everyone and everything. There is a cute story from the American Movie Classics channel from years ago. A commentator gives brief remarks before each movie. This fiction movie featured a time machine. The commentator casually remarked that the writer’s original script had to be changed because government agents learned of the script and believed his fictional time machine could actually work. Obviously, the only way they could know this would be if they already had a time machine and so knew what worked and what did not. Anyway, government spooks went to see the writer and persuaded him to let them redact his script so that his machine could not possibly actually function. Obviously, he complied. Otherwise we would have never heard of him or his film because everything would have “disappeared”.

There are literally thousands of suppressed inventions which would, if known, catapult humanity into a new age. There are suppressed cures for essentially every known disease that, if known, would guarantee health and long life to everyone. Dedicated individuals, falsely believing that the powers that be wish the fate of humanity to be improved, are constantly rediscovering these things. Therefore, government agents are constantly detecting them, hunting them down and doing whatever is needed to silence them. It is a daily event. A group known as “FBI Division 5” goes out and kills hundreds of people every day because they know too much and might speak out. It is a routine, ongoing purge. That is why they spy on everyone. The people they are looking for are well meaning souls who believe sincerely in helping humankind. Generally, they see no reason to hide. They are unaware that the rulers do not want humanity uplifted. They want things to stay exactly the way they are. Many times this costs them their lives.

When too many people begin to discover a suppressed secret, the government resorts to “begging”. For example, there is enough public knowledge available now for students of physics to correctly guess the secret of cold fusion. Since they have not agreed to accept a security clearance, they can’t be legally prosecuted. And, you would not want to kill off all the bright young physicists. This has resulted in government agents gathering up these people and begging them to please not make what they know public.

As global communication becomes commonplace, it is increasingly difficult to keep the lid on all of the thousands of things the elite have kept hidden from the masses. However, they do not want to give up. They are willing to dedicate incredible money and resources to continue to suppress key facts which would allow humanity to advance. All you have to do is to look at the complexity and cost of surveiling everyone on the planet all the time. However, the elite obviously feel that any expense is justified when the unthinkable alternative of an enlightened general population operating on a level playing field with them would be the cost of failure.


The world you have come to know is not real. The ground is really there and there are plants and animals. However, there are many things you can’t see and most of what you do see and, in fact, are encouraged to see, is a choreographed illusion.


You may never have heard of LIBOR. It stands for London Interbank Offered Rate. It is an imaginary number created during a telephone conference call between a select few high level bankers. Basically, they just make it up. Once published, this rate affects interest rates and money transactions all over the world. Yet, it has no solid basis. It is the collective opinion of a small group of bankers who create financial “reality” in Imagination Land.

The money market as well as all other markets such as oil, gas and commodities are heavily manipulated. The planet Earth produces enough food to feed three planets the same size. However, because of manipulation, people starve and die and sometimes entire populations are wiped out. The masters of manipulation watch these things. They could easily correct events and prevent disasters. However, they will not. Their motivation, in a word, is simply greed. It rules their lives. They think of nothing else. Simple truths, if known, would end all this. Knowledge of free energy devices, for example, would collapse the energy market. That is why it is so important to make sure no one ever learns the truth. It would spell the end of Imagination Land.


Most people believe the only way to get money is to earn it somehow. However, there are other ways. Governments simply print money when they need it. Banks have the power to create money from nothing.

Money is an imaginary force. It actually does not exist except in your imagination. However, once implanted in your imagination, this force can crush sovereign nations. John Perkins [of “Economic Hitman” fame] was trained by the US NSA to go into unsuspecting countries and essentially “conquer them” using nothing but clever money manipulation tricks. The Latin American countries he was assigned to conquer were totally crushed. Similar methods are now being used in Europe. Greece has now been conquered by clever money manipulation. To pay debts created by imaginary money, Greece has surrendered its physical country. Now, its pristine beaches will be privatized and the once happy citizens will find themselves on the now private beaches working as slaves to serve rich tourists from other countries.

However, it does not always work out that way. When the bankers went to Iceland armed with their calculators and ordered the country to surrender its land to them to pay imaginary debts, the country simply threw them out. The crooked banks failed. There was a tough period for the country, however today it is stronger than ever and the crooked money manipulators are either vanquished or locked away in prison. For details search using “Iceland defeated bankers”.

Unfortunately, most countries have submitted to these scam artists. However, the example of Iceland should be a beacon to the world that you do not have to surrender to Imagination Land. You have the power to refuse if you will only realize it and use it.

Foreign Affairs

The general public is bombarded constantly with a sort of foreign affairs soap opera. This country hates that country. The US feels threatened by “whoever”. Terrorists are everywhere. It never stops. Apparently, none of this crap is really true. It’s just another part of “Imagination Land”. Let’s look at a couple of examples:

IRAN – a terrible country which hates us and we hate them. They have a secret crock pot somewhere cooking up a batch of uranium to make a bomb to blow us up but we don’t know where it is. The “secret” diplomatic cables called the previous President of Iran “Satan”. Sure sounds bad!

Now, let’s try some reality: In Washington, D.C., there are a group of men called “International Police”. Actually, they work for the US. They have an official uniform but most do not wear it because they do covert activities. Cuba used to have the contract to supply the international police. When the US had a falling out with Cuba, however, they rounded up all the Cuban international police and killed them. Then they gave the contract to Iran which holds it to this day. So, the moral of this story is: If Iran is such a threat, why do we import Iranians, make them police and give them guns in, of all places, Washington, D.C.?

USSR – the “Russian Bear” – during the so-called “cold war” period: Terrible, awful people who actually had nuclear bombs – quite good bombs, actually – who would vaporize the US “any day now” – so “duck and cover”. However, the reality is that, during this period, the US was shipping tons of food aid – grains – to the USSR because they were having a food shortage. So, why would you want to feed the people who were supposedly plotting to blow you off the map?

THE CONCLUSION we need to accept and understand is that everything the general public is told about foreign affairs is fake. It is all choreographed propaganda and it is just another component of “Imagination Land”.

Quality of Life

Many years ago some European aristocrats were looking at all the poor people. They said, look at these pitiful people. We should take some of our money and give these people clean water, good food and decent shelter. So, they did. Then, as time passed, they noticed that what they had done just stimulated the poor to make more poor who, logically, wanted more clean water, more good food and more housing. What a mistake! We don’t even need these “people”. How could we have been so stupid. So they decided to cut off the food, clean water and shelter assistance to correct their “mistake”. You see, just as today, the elite only view the poor as some subhuman type of “service animal”. Unless they need them for slave labor, they see no logical reason why they should exist.

Today, things are accomplished more subtly. First, you tell the poor that they have “equal rights”. Then, you quietly give them processed food poisoned with dangerous additives, water poisoned with fluoride and housing they can’t actually afford which will soon be taken back by the banks and leave them homeless.

Consequently, the quality of life is seriously degraded. Once you add epidemics of preventable diseases and unending fear-mongering propaganda predicting every conceivable disaster, you sweeten the mix to the point that the poor will accept that they will always be poor and miserable and will “abandon all hope”. Now, you have them just where you want them.

Of course, their plight, which they accept as reality, is just another part of Imagination Land. There is actually plenty of food. People suffer from disease because the cures are classified. The predictions of disaster are imaginary. The elite don’t have any of these concerns. Their only worries are things like what country to pick for holiday and what orgy party would be best for the evening. Real hard decisions!

Off World Events

In a world where incredible amounts of information are available, it is difficult to filter everything so as to redact anything which might give ordinary people a glimpse of the truth. The desired party line that Earth is the only planet anywhere with life is finally starting to lose credibility. To make things worse, now that probes on Mars send back pictures, the censors sometimes make mistakes and overlook events. If you search youtube using the phrase “live animals on Mars”, you can see some of the pictures the censors failed to redact. Creatures clearly move from one location to another and even leave tracks – footprints – in the sandy soil. Some creatures look like ducks and others like rabbits. The Mars probes are for public propaganda purposes. Like the public space program, these projects are designed to reinforce classic misconceptions about space and time. The government has real space ships and can go to Mars whenever it pleases. There are no mysteries there which have not been discovered. However, only the select elite have access to this knowledge.

Why do we maintain Imagination Land. Why do we dedicate billions of dollars to create and sustain a false reality. Perhaps the best answer comes from an interview between two men cited by The Disclosure Project. Dr. Steven Greer is talking to a military guy about UFO’s. Both men know the truth and so they do not even try to lie to each other. The military officer justifies all the secrecy and cover ups by saying, essentially, “It is the same as when a dog marks its territory”. So, his justification is that the ruling elite consider this planet to be “their territory” and don’t intend to allow any other “dogs” [aliens, free thinkers. truth tellers, etc.] to enter. In other words, they do not want to share. They do not want anything – alien or domestic – that would loosen their grip on humanity. And, they intend to hold onto power by any means necessary as long as they can.

Seeing-Reality-In-Imagination-Land-dividerENEMY OF THE STATE

Now that everyone knows the government is listening to their phone calls, watching everything they do on the internet and recording every place they visit with GPS, it is common to hear the response, “Well, I am not doing anything wrong so why should I be concerned that government spies are always watching me?”

The problem is that the general public simply does not understand what the government considers to be “wrong”. Consequently, they have no idea that they may be considered an “enemy of the state”. To get a grasp on the government’s viewpoint, you need to understand their brand of “double-think”. You see, to them, “good” is actually “bad” and “bad” is actually “good”. Anything which genuinely helps people and uplifts humanity is, in their opinion, “bad” because it upsets the status-quo. However, things which hurt and terrify people are considered “good” because those things keep the general population – or “the herd” as they like to call them – under control.

Therefore, if you are involved in any activity which is likely to improve the plight of the average citizen, you will be considered a potential threat. If whatever you are doing appears to be succeeding, you may be “disappeared”.

The government’s criteria for determining who gets “disappeared” is: Anyone who is capable of influencing a large number of people and whose views are in opposition to the official party line of the United States.

Now, let’s look at some examples:

John Lennon

John Lennon was clearly not a terrorist. He never harmed anyone. His message, “Give peace a chance“, however, was a direct threat to the US economy which is based upon perpetual war. Because he was known and respected internationally, he fit the profile for an enemy of the state. Consequently, a Manchurian candidate was programmed and dispatched to kill him.

President Kennedy

Mr. Kennedy upset many people. However, there are a couple of events which stand out. It is important to understand these events.

One event was his Executive Order 11110. This order authorized the US treasury to switch to real money backed by silver. The US was using imaginary “fiat” money which is backed by nothing. This policy would have effectively destroyed the big banks. Reportedly, the Rockefeller banking family had requested that Mr. Kennedy be killed to protect their interests. Of course, this executive order was canceled after Mr. Kennedy’s death.

The second event that you should familiarize yourself with was President Kennedy’s last speech also known as “President Kennedy’s secret society speech”. You can watch it on youtube here. Mr. Kennedy was, perhaps, a bit naive. He spoke of a world controlled from behind the scenes by secret groups and how he intended to initiate a new age of truth and openness where such groups could not operate. Obviously, if he had lived to fulfill this pledge, the world today would be completely different.

Unfortunately, the world and the United States are run by secret societies. The United States was created by the Masons and Mr. Kennedy was surrounded by Masons. Essentially everyone in the CIA [which Mr. Kennedy had threatened to dissolve and “scatter to the four winds”] as well as the NSA are Masons. The NSA has the secret authority to order a sitting US president killed. And, that is exactly what they did. William Cooper, a secretary to a US general at the time, stated he saw the secret order from the NSA certifying President Kennedy “a threat to the national security”.

None of the Kennedys were Masons. The could not be Masons because they were Catholic and the Catholic church excommunicates Masons. So, basically everyone surrounding Mr. Kennedy who was a Mason knew he would be killed. The Kennedys, however, were clueless because the Masons communicate with secret signs, symbols and codes that only other Masons can understand.

Hugo Chavez

Hugo Chavez, as president of Venezuela, made the serious mistake of trying to improve the lives of ordinary people. He used some of the profits from the big US based oil companies, who were basically taking his country’s oil for next to nothing, to provide housing, food and medical care to his country’s disadvantaged. The people loved him. However, the oil companies wanted to keep all the money for themselves and their executives. They have no sympathy for poor people. So, Mr. Chavez was killed using one of the secret cancer causing agents. The people of Venezuela rejected the US backed puppet and instead elected Nicolas Maduro to replace Mr. Chavez. Since Mr. Maduro shares Mr. Chavez’s philosophy, you can bet plans are in the works to assassinate him too. The US will not rest until an obedient puppet is installed.

ML King & Malcom X

ML King and Malcolm X were both ordered killed by the US. The code name for killing Malcolm X was “Project X”. Both men met the standard to justify assassination because they had large followings and were influencing those followings in ways which were considered to be against US interests. Such things cannot be tolerated. The absolute power of the empire must be maintained. Dissent must be crushed.

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is an early example of someone who threatened the established order and was put to death as a result. A simple fact has generally escaped the mainstream discussion of this man. To recognize that someone is such a serious threat that you need to kill them to silence them, you first have to be able to comprehend and understand their message. For example, you could probably attract a crowd in some public place by talking about, say, “flying pink elephants”. However, no one would consider you a serious threat. If the messages Jesus delivered were previously unknown truths they would have sounded so strange to the established leaders that he would have most likely been ignored as some harmless kook. The fact that they felt threatened shows that they already knew what he was talking about. He was giving out secrets of the so-called “mystery schools” to the general public. Today, we would call him a whistleblower. Knowledge of other dimensions has been known for many thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians knew all this stuff. It has been secretly passed down for countless generations. Jesus’s crime was that he “crossed the line” and tried to enlighten ordinary people. He would have suffered the same fate today.

Excerpt from Anatomy Of Evil

To continue reading see full essay here.

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