Someone asked of me today, “Of all the wonders and wisdom of UN.AR.I.U.S., what would you say to be the most important or outstanding, or which will benefit mankind the most?” Well, of course, with such a great, vast and so infinite a message being expressed into the earth especially during the past fifteen years. I would say the fact that it has been distributed into such vast and far-reaching areas and distances, and which now cannot be lost to man as has been done in past eons of times of like expressing, would be a most vital accomplishment. In all previous times, this great Being has left, for the time, his high position as director on the Higher Worlds, to don the body of an earth man to descend into these negative pits called earth world, as has been in the past, after bringing his Message of Truth and Light to the earth world, these teachings have been, most often so distorted and changed, that little resemblance to the Message He brought remains today.
So this entity would think the fact that we have been successful in having the Message in print, the writings
No less, really, in greatness is that He brings not only the know-how, the Science and teachings that the earthean may learn how to free himself from his past—the seemingly endless wheel of karma—but also, the truly singular uniqueness of UN.AR.I.U.S.—ever present with the Word—the Radiant Energy, the Ray Beams, the Light and Power of the very Infinite, the Higher Minds, to help man in his struggle—a struggle which every human must eventually undergo in his evolutionary ascent as he begins his climb from the animal-like homosapien into that of a Spiritual Being—a being which, when his separation process has been achieved, shall not again need to be attracted or pulled back again and again to this your earth world. And comparatively speaking, it is indeed very low on the scale of evolution.
[Yes, these teachings are truly] man’s salvation—the way to save man from himself, from his past, for if he does not change the course of this retrograde, the regressing inclination so presently existing, then surely he shall die. He shall pass on unto oblivion—the abstract—from whence there is no escape. But the opportunity exists for any person. The Unariun Moderator has brought to the earth the wherewithal, the know-how, that man can use this knowledge as a leverage, as a lifesaver to grasp, and that as he conceives, step by step, shall he be brought up from out these pits of the past, of negation, of fear, misery and of suffering into a new world of understanding, a world of Light, where life becomes meaningful and man becomes his own master, no longer a slave to his past. He learns from this vast New Age Science how he, too, can become one of the beacons in the night shining his little light unto others as he learns to oscillate with and relate to the Infinite Intelligence rather than from his past, subconscious, now so expressed.
Moreover, no person need be without this great wisdom; it can be made available for anyone in any walk of life—regardless of his financial circumstances. The choice is yours, today, tomorrow, and always as to which direction you choose to progress; and each one is progressing in one direction or the other! –(forward or reverting). Not only is the know-how furnished to man but the Inner help, the Infinite Rays of Light shall be directed to help and to aid any seeker so endeavoring to learn this higher way of life. Your request for and your study of the teachings does so set in motion this Inner help so directed—help that can and does make Angels from devils and Saints from demons.
*Although this notation is not necessarily relative to the above, yet comes to mind the many persons who quest, “Exactly what does one do to meditate?” and or, “What other preparatory efforts can one express to hasten enlightenment?” May it be said here and now, although the Moderator has voiced it more than once, there is no physical effort or endeavor one can do which serves to aid in this development! Although mention has been made in his earlier writings of meditation, yet He was referring not to the common concept of the word. The best possible effort anyone can put forth is simply to remove one’s thoughts from the existing material and physical; in other words, stop the existing oscillation between the subconscious and conscious mind, which constantly takes place. Any conscious effort stops there. Perhaps with some quiet and restful music may help to bring about relaxation; however, I will state most frankly and factually, this person has never entered into any such efforts!
I have been concerned purely with the teachings as we worked with them—typing, etc., but never have I indulged in any so-called meditative efforts. In fact, truly stating, the many wondrous psychic happenings which I have experienced come completely unaware! For any person to indulge himself in trying to project himself, etc., he is asking for trouble. This is a fine way for lost and lurking entities to latch on—but not so easy for the victim to free himself. Thus, to you who are sincere in your development, spend whatever time you will in effort to study, to learn the Science. Psychic experiences come to us the other way about—from the Inner out—not by conscious effort or direction.
Excerpt from Bridge To Heaven