Spirit Attachments

Spirit-Attachments-Types-Of-main-4-postby Carol Macrae

Although science has not yet proven the presence of spirit attachment, there is much evidence to suggest that these can and do exist and can have a strong influence on our lives.

Below is a broad outline of types of attachment to help you understand this phenomenon.

Types Of Attachments

Once medical causes for some of these symptoms have been discarded, other possibilities are to be considered including energies coming from our own subconscious and unconscious minds that can be perceived as having a life of their own. For example – from complexes (a complex arises whenever there is a defeat – Carl G Jung), to our past lives, to earthbound entities, to ‘spiritual beings’. This latter realm can encompass alien forms of consciousness some of which are termed ‘dark energies’ in some quarters.

The things that can affect us can be various in nature and some of these types of attachments are set out below.

  1. Ignorant or earth bound spirits, ghosts, lost souls
  2. Thought forms
  3. Negative energy and psychic attack
  4. Curses, cords, vows and contracts
  5. Past life attachments and ancestral patterns
  6. Inner child fragments and soul retrieval
  7. Satanic influences, dark force entities, demons and the collective unconscious
  8. Programming, mind control programming and implants
  9. Entities and clusters
  10. ET’s and implants
  11. Elementals
  12. Earth energies

1. Ignorant Spirits, Earth Bound Spirits, Ghosts, Lost Souls

DEFINITION OF A GHOST – a soul caught in an incident, most likely their own traumatic death – waiting for someone to come along and help them.

These spirits were once a living person who dies but did not have an ascension. The problem is that they drain the host and the client will have difficulty in separating their needs, wants and desires from those of the entity’s. The purpose of attaching to the client is so that they can fulfill the needs and appetites of the Ignorant Spirit.

At the incident of their death not all of the spirits stay with their body, perhaps if they did there would be a different outcome to becoming stuck on the earth plane. They report being shocked out, too horrified at the sight of their injured body to bear to look, rushing off to get help not realizing that nobody can hear them – simply not realizing they have died.

They hover about and move around in space often not realizing that they are ‘dead’ and that they cannot be heard by the living. They can be attracted by human, animal or earth energy fields thereby becoming ‘attachments’.

A few stuck souls are stuck because of souls that attached to them and they may need to be counseled in just the same way as the first soul. It is my experience that releasing one soul doesn’t automatically reach or release the other, so it is necessary to ask the other soul/souls to leave as well.

Some souls are stuck because they have missed a window and are waiting for another one to open to show them the way to the light.

Earth bound spirits that are trapped often feel confused, lost and afraid. They are sometimes looking for help and are sometimes drawn to living people. If they died in physical or emotional pain, these pains can appear within the person they join and with whom they resonate, feel comfortable with or whom they think might be able to help them. They will reside in a person’s or animal’s energy field, in a house or place that they resonate with in some way. They most likely will cause unintentional problems for those they are linked with or attached to. When told that they are possibly hurting the person, the response is often distress because they don’t understand they are the ones causing problems. Quite often, they don’t actually realize that they are dead.

It can take a good deal of time and sensitivity to help these souls. We ask for help from their ancestors and loved ones so that there is somebody familiar to help them and that can be comforting to their soul. Even if the death has taken place many years ago, the ancestor seems able to manifest in the same time zone, which is further comforting.

2. Thought Forms

“A thought form is a psychic entity that separates from its originator and develops a life of its own. The lowest form is a complex, which is something that modifies your behavior without you being aware of it but it is there all the time in the background. In its strongest form, a thought form could manifest as a poltergeist.” ~ Ric Cuminetti

For example – You have a thought form as a child following a trauma. Mum who is already upset, shouts at you and really loses her temper, perhaps for the first time, because you drew all over the walls in indelible felt pen and screams “you stupid child – you ruin everything – look what you’ve done.” The devastated child thinks – ‘I am stupid – I ruin everything – I am a destroyer’.

When any new task is attempted, the thought form kicks in and the child stops creating, feels miserable and becomes destructive.

The child becomes an adult and has a history of failure and finds learning difficult. He/she does not progress in life. The thought form is now bigger and has a life of its own. The person is destructive but doesn’t understand why. When we locate that same thought form we are able to explain that it is somewhat outdated and offer it the chance to transform, in co-operation with the person’s own Higher Mind, into something helpful and positive.

Another example could be a desire to stay protected and instead of being just a simple protective shield, the Thought Form is too strong, and blocks the person from receiving anything in terms of energy and is so tight and restrictive that it actually hurts. The person is exhausted, depleted and feels cut off. Their own desire for protection has caused them to be in this condition. A simple remote scan will rectify this situation.

We talk with these thought forms also and let them know that there are not being helpful to the person. There is always the possibility of transformation and the client often feels the result of working with a Thought Form instantaneously and often tells us the exact time we were working with them.

There have also been reported cases of the Hawaiian Kahunas deliberately creating thought forms and sending them out to do their bidding. This can be another explanation to the Aboriginal Medicine Man pointing the bone. They also talk of the Kaduchi/Guduchi(?) Man (unknown and unmentioned to most people) who is a dark shadow man sent out to harm others.

3. Negative Energy and Psychic Attack

Much as a thought form can become matter, negative energy can be harnessed, both accidentally and deliberately and can manifest to affect the originator or be used to affect others.

Negative energy is left over in what some term as the lower astral planes of the earth and is also sometimes called the collective unconscious. As humans we have a chequered history of oppression, dictatorships, devil worship, war, pestilence and the souls who died, their perpetrators, the victims, the angry and bereaved at times don’t move on. It is the energy of these souls and their associated thought forms that can be harnessed or drawn in to us. Sometimes these souls are aligned with dark forces and off world entities and used for purposes of harm and destruction.

Of course, through the Law of Attraction we also generate our own misery and we all know what it is like to walk into the energy field of a depressed or angry person. Imagine if those feelings can be ‘sent’ to another with just a thought. Worse still with ritual and intent.

These projections can sometimes be felt as a physical blow and can cause all sorts of misery, depression and illness.

We work with these energies to reverse their effect and wherever possible to help them find peace and resolution. We often find ourselves connecting with large numbers of souls in this work and it is quite remarkable how many of our clients facilitate the healing of many.

Psychic Attack

Psychic attack can be either a deliberate or unintentional ‘attack’ on someone else much as described above. The source is usually a person that is very negative in their attitude and harbors destructive and unpleasant feelings, thoughts and intentions. The energy transmitted can cause a range of problems, such as feeling unwell, problems in relationships and failure to find success and happiness – the list is endless.

In certain societies, nations and cultures it is common practice to employ people who specialize in sending harmful forces to others. People who utilize the lower energy bands to harm others do exist and employ energy workers to attack others who in turn employ energy workers to attack back. Again, we work with these aspects but not to revenge but hopefully to facilitate healing where possible so that the dispute ends. We are sensitive to the laws of freewill and do not make any attempt to interfere except where there is a request from Higher Mind. We leave healing the world to others!

When helping clients under psychic attack or curses, always send the energy to the light, not back to where it has come from, as this can just start a war between opposing forces and then drags your vibration down.

4. Curses, Cords, Vows and Contracts


A curse is something sent or decreed by another, which is often kept in operation by a third party. For example – a ship lands on an unspoiled island that has never seen White Man. The crew who fraternize with the locals bring venereal disease. As the ship sails away, the local wise man/witch doctor sends a curse that the fruit of the loins of the sailors will never thrive. So, you have a family who have a lot of early deaths, history of miscarriages who may feel ‘doomed’ or ‘cursed’. This is but one example and perhaps a little extreme but it does give the reader an idea.

One then becomes a mediator between the parties to explain the amount of lives and time this old hurt has taken up and to encourage letting go. If all parties ‘see’ that nobody really died anyway, it is hard to keep up the feud or curse.

A simpler curse can be an argument at home and the powerful, angry, spiteful thought sent out to the offending family member of ‘I’ll hate you forever’. Here begins a long-standing family feud!


Psychics are sometimes able to psychically ‘see’ a cord from an image during scanning. To follow the cord is to find the person, often a loved one or close friend passed, they are holding on to – sometimes we hold that person to the earth plane not only preventing ourselves from ‘letting go’ but also preventing them from moving on too. To gently untangle the cord with spirit release and perhaps some suggested ways of letting go is to free both parties. Cords can also relate to past lives, old events, sicknesses and alike.

Once a cord is removed, always fill in the spot where it has been removed from with light, otherwise this leaves a weakness in the energy field for another cord or attachment to connect to.


A vow made to a loved one ‘I will never leave you’ – a plea ‘don’t ever go’ can become matter as a thought form and precipitate people living lifetime after lifetime caught up together. This can be mother and daughter, father and son, husband and wife, killer and victim. The vow can be ‘I’ll get you back’ – ‘you’ll pay for this’ etc. Finding and clearing these vows create great freedom for all parties.

These sorts of scenarios are often hidden initially by other attachments and take more than a couple of sessions to uncover but they do get uncovered and there is resolution and the letting go of these unhealthy and destructive traps we get caught in.


Less prevalent than the foregoing but just as powerful are contracts where an agreement has been made, perhaps by people who died together in say the war or an accident, to ‘stay together’ and they will become stuck in the earth plane. Other examples are agreements to get somebody back, to execute a business deal of some kind or simply to continue an old feud. There will sometimes be a bit of paper (contract) involved that needs to be burnt or destroyed to free the people concerned.

5. Past Life Attachments and Ancestral Patterns

Perhaps it is wrong to group these two together but they do all involve the past and where there is unfinished business for the soul, there will be an earthbound spirit too.

Cords, bonds, contracts or agreements as discussed above, can also link you to past experiences, other people or places. They can cause, as we have said, ill health, pain, exhaustion or a feeling that you have blocks to success and happiness in your life. There can be instances of dark force with past lives as well.

We all know people who seem to be living out a life script of “life’s a struggle, I never can win, all men hurt me, love hurts, I’m always being walked over.” Another way of looking at these would be to identify with the archetypes we all play out at times. Through the medium of spirit release, we can have a strong character from a past life who has unfinished business on the earth plane who needs help to move on. The release of this spirit can make a huge difference to one’s happiness.

Ancestral patterns too can run through and destroy families. Finding the ancestor who has been unable to let go can also be a great benefit to those in this generation now.

6. Inner Child Fragments and Soul Retrieval

When we encounter a trauma or accident a part of our energy body may become separated from the whole and frozen in that particular time, emotion or behavioral response. When these fragments are retrieved and reunited with the whole, the healing of issues can often then begin to take place.

We do come across these fragmented parts quite frequently in remote spirit release. It can be incredibly helpful to have the story brought to the forefront through remote work and many clients are able to continue healing these parts without therapeutic assistance. Others may benefit from the services of a trained counselor, preferably locally to the client.

7. Dark Force Entities (DFE’s) and the Collective Unconscious

The term Dark Force Entity is an attempt to clinicalize more familiar names such as demons and devils. Their purpose is quite different from the ignorant spirit. The DFE’s intent is to harm their host, and to interfere with any good the host may want to do in this life. They will try to interfere with the person’s attempts to connect with God, the Light, love and family. Its main tool is to cause fear, so we must be very calm when talking with these entities, and show that we are connected to the light. In the past these entities were removed by exorcism. This of course was through the Church, whose clergy were attempting to “Do Battle” with the entity, which of course is like fighting fire with fire, rather than sending it love and light, which is like fighting fire with water.

Investigation and dialogue usually bring us to the core of the alleged dark force entity where we find a misguided soul who took a path from the light to dark somewhere along the path of life. There may be more than one or they may have joined other aspects. Given time, consideration, respect and a listening ear – these souls can quite quickly decide that their path hasn’t worked for them and that they can make a more positive choice. Some need to be forgiven, to forgive themselves and/or meet their ancestors; others take longer to change their minds.

Some of these dark or demonic forces join with the collective unconscious to gain greater power and greater numbers.

This may strike you as an over-simplified description and indeed, some of the cases that come our way are complicated with many layers of disguise and subterfuge built up over lifetimes. However, we do find that ultimately there is goodness and love in every being and we hold the belief that all beings come from the source and that this source is the power of love, light and healing. Whether you call this source God, Buddha, Quan Yin, Higher Mind, or a Higher Power, it does not matter as we work with no particular religious conviction.

During my work, it is wonderful to experience the joy that souls relate when they are re-connected with Source and find their true nature again.

Dark force entities and alike are often the victims of deceit themselves – they have been told that if they torture, terrorize and make mischief for somebody they will become powerful. They are often told that if they go back to the Light or talk with spirit release workers then a worse fate awaits them. I have sometimes been involved in long dialogues whilst getting their trust that the Light isn’t a bad place but one of peace, love, and healing and spiritual evolution.

It is also effective to call upon Archangels and Ascended Masters to participate in the releasement, and to also call upon one who knew the DFE before their fall, to help them to go towards the Light. I will often call upon Archangel Michael to wrap them in a cloak of light as I do the work in a session with hypnosis clients, and reminding the entity that they were once beings of Light before their fall, and that if they look inside to the deepest, oldest part of who they are they will see the Light. Once they see the Light, remember that what we focus on grows, so they then are drawn to it more.

When removing these entities, it is important not to refer to them as “Dark Force Entities”, as this will focus them on the darkness, rather I call them “Lost One”, and once they have seen the Light within them I call them the “New Found One” before releasing them to the Light.

8. Programming, Mind Control Programming and Implants

An example of a programming we may encounter at times could be from a past life when a person had been a perpetrator at say age 40 and became, for example, a killer. The guilt at the end of the person’s life would have been so great that they instigated a thought form that “if I ever get powerful again, I will destroy myself, lose all my money, etc” and it will be set to go off at age 40. It may be programmed to go off cyclically at other times of impending power too.

Some people are actually programmed by others – let’s call them the implanters – and these programs are difficult and complicated to unravel. Often one to one therapy is more effective in these cases. The benefit of remote release is that this type of program can be identified and the client advised as to the next step.

9. Entities and Clusters

We do encounter entities and clusters of entities, which are generally more powerful than the ones previously discussed. They often have thought forms with them, dark force, and seem to become larger over time. Some travel the universe looking for people who are vulnerable and can control and join several people at once. They often report some kind of destructive purpose and will report to other entities and are also controlled by those other entities so that a string is present.

With such attachments it is important to follow all the chains, which may be 6 or 7 layers deep, and to undo all the commands. These can and often do link to the programming mentioned earlier. Again, if these can be identified by the medium of remote spirit release, a better way forward is often to work in one to one therapy with a therapist to achieve permanent clearing. This is a highly specialized field.

10. ET’s and Implants

The idea that we are not alone in the universe is not a new one and in an analysis of types of attachment, some research suggests that around 15% of attachments are not from our world.

Whether we personally believe in these things or not, we must deal with whatever comes up in our clients, and their belief systems.

I speak not only from my own experiences as a spirit release therapist but from information reported elsewhere and from speaking with other colleagues. Some of what you read may seem bizarre and indeed it is. I can only say that other therapists encounter exactly the same entities when we compare notes on the types of entities and ETs, and I have seen it reported in several books.

There seem to be many other dimensions, worlds and many types of ET. Mostly they attach to us by accident and it is not uncommon to ask an ET how it can to be with someone and to receive a reply of “well I crashed my spacecraft”. We offer assistance and reconnection to their home planet.

Some ETs come to help us, some want to know us, some want to feed on us and/or our energy, some are experimenters, some envy our human form and ability to feel, some are watching us and reporting back, some want to learn, some got lost and are stuck and some want to harm. I have also read that some are reported to use us for breeding purposes (see Close Encounters VI – William Baldwin)

Some ETs actually feed upon our energy and when told that they are breaking the universal laws of free will some will immediately apologize while others express a ‘so-what’ attitude – I’m hungry – munch, munch. In the latter cases we obtain assistance from their dimension and their removal is expedited by their own beings.

Other ETs align with dark force or others and are actively engaged in harming the human race and trying to merge with our DNA. These cases need to be traced back to their source and we have discovered that some of them have been captured by other beings/entities and have been programmed against their free will to harm humans. They are glad to be released but then we have to deal with their controllers to ensure permanent clearance. They often use cyclic implants set to go off at certain ages, in certain situations and, worryingly, into the future. This latter work is sometimes better done in session rather than remotely also.

Some ET attachments can take a long time to recover from but happily these are not as prevalent as the simpler types.

11. Elementals

An elemental is a mythological being first appearing in the alchemical works of Paracelsus.

Traditionally, there are four types:

  • gnomes- earth elementals
  • undines – water elementals
  • sylphs – air elementals
  • salamanders – fire elementals

Elementals live in a parallel world but we are unable to ‘see’ them, possibly because they are vibrating at such a different rate to us.

The elementals we tend to encounter in spirit release are ones upset by the client because work has been done to ‘their’ garden and they have been uprooted and had their homes destroyed. These same elementals become angry and will attach to us to get revenge and become stuck in our dense energy.

Other elementals attach to us because they like us want to know us better and wonder what we are about. Our energetic density ensures that they stick and their distress can be discomforting for us.

We are asked at times to work for people who want our help in learning about the elementals in their gardens, farms, and homes so that to co-operate with these elementals in our gardens is to live in harmony. There is one corner of our garden that we simply are not permitted to mow the lawn in to cite such a case.

With the amount of building work, road works and decimation of woodlands and countryside, the elemental population are suffering acutely and we do recommend that if you are doing work in your own house and garden, that you consider the other world folk living there and perhaps consult workers like us to mediate! It may be that a small water feature is the answer to harmonious living following disturbance but it is worth finding out.

I do not claim to be expert in this field and only a small proportion of attachments seem to be from this dimension but I have had 100% success when working with these energies. It is enriching to be in touch with this magical and enchanting realm.

12. Earth Energies

In much the same way as elementals are affected by our activities and can become angry if disrupted, earth energies react in the same way. Some healers have done much work in homes above or crossing ley lines, where there is a tear in the fabric of the earth and where earth creatures are disturbed. Again, this work has been 100% successful and places where people have been ill, feeling uncomfortable and experience dis-ease – areas become settled and happy again.

We also come across the effects of earth energies that have, in past times, merged with the darker side of human nature. Some have worked with areas in which a piece of ground has been infested with pestilence, disease that this has caused a merging of hate between man and earth which has carried on through the generations, more or less forming an illness or sickness through a family and community resulting in early deaths and dis-ease.

This at first appears to be an ancestral pattern but when investigated is more complex and deadly. It has been possible to effect change and still work remotely as the geography is not always clear for local visits since this can take place in other countries but still operate in this space and time.

Excerpt from Spirit Releasement and Psychic Attack

Part II coming soon.

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