Spiritual Development Through The Races Of Man
Four score and seven years ago, our fathers conceived a new nation. Greetings, loved ones. I (Abraham Lincoln) have come for this occasion
from a distant neighboring planet of Clarion, one that is more properly known to the earth and to some of the people as Vulcan. Vulcan, as you have been given the information, is the planet of a spiritual nature which is of a somewhat higher rate of vibration – using the language of the scientist – wherein the black man makes a certain spiritual evolution. In leaving the planet earth, if the black person – and if I can pause for a moment to explain this cycle situation – who has a dark skin may have advanced spiritually to a point where he feels there are certain elements, certain factors of progression or integration, or he may have felt in some way the quickening of the spirit, so he will wish to further this evolution of his soul consciousness, then he shall come to the planet Vulcan. It is in this dimension and on this planet he will find such suitable companionship and environment which will be most helpful for his future development. I would say, too, the black man is primarily
– as far as the basic and elementary tribes of jungle people who have existed on the earth and who have been oppressed into slavery are concerned – a creature of a comparatively primitive state of development. While there is a certain line of demarcation where we might say there is the infusion of the God force, or the God Intelligence into every human, yet, it must be remembered this God Force does not come in one lifetime or in one generation. This life force must be the gradual development of consciousness within the individual through numerous evolutions. We say that the black man, primarily, as you know him in the early stages of his development on the planet earth, as he was first found in the jungles, was a creature who had evolved through certain integrations of evolutions from some of the lower structures.
As man comes into the domain or the dimension in which the newly born human could actually be called man, this point in his evolution was the place in which the actual contact of the superconsciousness entered into his development; so he begins his climb through the various terrestrial and astral spheres and dimensions. Always with each succeeding regeneration and rebirth he becomes quickened so that there is much more of that contact with the Higher Self.
The planet Vulcan, itself, serves – in the capacity for the black man as far as his environment is concerned in this state of his development – just as the planet Venus serves for the white man. He is not immune to the planet earth; there are many other terrestrial planets where the man who has a darkened skin may reside although he does not always, by necessity, have to have a dark skin. You might be interested to know that on one planet there are actually albino black men; that is to say, these people all maintain the same racial characteristics; they are in the same comparative stage of spiritual development or evolution. The prime purpose of conveying to you some of the descriptions of these people is one which has a two-fold meaning; one which is, of course, the most important, is the fact that we are conveying to you the idea of spiritual development through the races of mankind. In such development, man must become aware that whatever the color or texture of his skin or body may be does in no way set him apart and make him different in the sight of God. He is still that same man who is developing and evolving through the countless dimensions which will enable him to make a closer contact with that God-Self, or Higher Self.
On the planet Vulcan we find certain picturizations of environment quite similar in some respects to the various astral worlds which you have visited. There you will find the same radiant structures as you found on the planet Venus. The differences here will be, of course, the manner in which these various buildings, cities, and dwelling places are so constructed, as they will be more suitable to the way in which the black man has found his development on some terrestrial planet. Yes, you might find even the thatched huts, just as they were in the jungles; the differences here are in the fact that the black man has built these thatched huts from the radiant energies with which he is surrounded because even the very nature of the plants, the grasses, and the trees with which he is surrounded is of that same radiant energy nature. While he may gather the grasses of the field or the swamp to thatch this hut, yet, they are not the grasses of the field or the swamp which he might gather in the jungle. So with this difference before him at all times, he becomes gradually quickened of the spirit. You will find other stages of development on this planet Vulcan which are quite similar in these respects of divisional dimensions, just as you would find on Venus.
In the higher dimensions you will find the black man functioning much the same as he would function on your planet earth. You will find him associated in laboratories, in hospitals, in clinics, in libraries, and in other highly developed Centers of learning just as he would on the planet earth or even much more so.
There are certain cities or places of development on the planet Vulcan which are very much more advanced than those on the earth; it is in such environments that the black man will be enabled, in the future, to develop to a point in his mentality where he can appear in a terrestrial dimension such as the earth. He will no longer have the black skin because he has developed to a point where he has removed much coloration from his skin. The fanciful story of Cain and Abel, as portrayed in the Old Testament of the Bible, is a sad dereliction of truth which originally was conveyed in a parabolistic form, but has lost even the semblance to its own original portrayal or meaning. The problem of skin coloration, or shall I say subcutaneous pigmentation as it has been called by the scientist in the terrestrial dimension, is a protective layer against the highly actinic rays of the sun. This would however, be very necessary on the planet Vulcan if the black man were in physical form. Man does not live on the planet Vulcan in the physical form.
Now, I can hear people firing all kinds of questions when they read these lines. What makes a man black, and what is the purpose of this particular state of evolution, or is it necessary for everyone to become black at some one time, and numerous other questions. These inquiries can all be answered by remembering the individual concept, and as he so conceived in his own mind through the lower orders into the higher orders, that the basic idea of skin coloration is one which was developed primarily through the processes of protection. It is also quite obvious that a person who wishes to enter into the terrestrial world through the doorway of the womb is not always of such a spiritual nature that he is able to determine who or what his parents are. Many people who enter the doorway or into this lower order of their evolution find themselves as black. Others, too, may purposely evolve into this race for the purpose of leadership or to such other benefits as their own mentality or spiritual growth may have entitled them to this form of leadership.
These problems, in themselves, are all very diverse and are subject to innumerable interpretations. No one is impelled to take on the evolution wherein he becomes a person who has black skin. It must be remembered, that in the abstract consciousness, as a person resides in the spiritual dimension, these concepts do not take on the proportions which they are given in the terrestrial dimensions. They do not assume the same consequence. They do not have the same importance, nor do they appear to be even a factor or a principle of any importance in many cases.
However, I must not dwell too lengthily upon this topic as it is certainly one which is rather touchy in nature, not only to the white man but to the black person as well, and one in which every individual must, through his own proper reasoning faculties, find some sort of an answer. It would require many hours of discussion to fully reveal to you all of the facts and ramifications which are pertinent to these interpretations.
I would dwell a few moments, if I may, upon the future racial integration, as it will exist in the coming America. As you have watched the black man in his own environment in the cities and in the countries about you, you have noticed that there has been a tremendous amount of inter-marriage between both whites and blacks as well as other yellow races from across the Pacific Ocean. America can be considered to be something like a huge melting pot of humanity wherein these various and numerous races of the world are being intermixed as we would mix some huge batter for a cake. Many people are too much concerned with this problem. They have not the proper perspective of spiritual values which are contained in the evolution of man. They should be more primarily concerned with the levels of mentality and to the amount of integration which can be achieved by breaking down the various barriers which exist between the different races. The great racial differences stem, not primarily from skin coloration, but from evolutionary principles of which man is unaware.
In the future of America the people will achieve much of that unity and harmony between the various races of people; even much more than has already been achieved.
Going completely into the future years, you will find mankind not so much concerned with the color of his skin, but more interested in the capacity of his service to humanity and to the mental level from which he exists. He will also be judged according to the spiritual values of his nature. The older orders of racial hatreds and separations will no longer exist. I would say also, in conclusion, that although my life was rather violently terminated by an assassin, and also that I have been criticized many times for what are considered some mistakes in policies, yet, always these deeds were done with the utmost thought and consideration. These things were also done with what I believed was from Divine guidance. So, it will be in the future with others. I will most humbly serve, not only my country but all the purposes, all the fulfillments and all the attainments which will be possible for man to achieve; and I will serve him as best I can to attain and to achieve all of these things. My God bless you and America! ~ Abe Lincoln
Excerpt from The Voice of UN.AR.I.U.S.
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