Spiritual Therapy On The Inner Planes
by Ernest L. Norman
. . . we are about to go into this large room I might say that it concerns part of the previous book which was given you on the planet Venus, and at which time was omitted, although this therapy work is necessarily a function performed in conjunction with the planet Venus. We refer to the part which relates to people who have become mentally disarranged, and have various mental aberrations of such nature that it is necessary to have certain special types of treatment before the proper rest and convalescence; thus spiritual therapy is applied. The corrective therapy is applied through various scientific apparatus of a very highly evolved nature, of which the earth planet scientist knows little or nothing. I believe that in your past few years of experience, you have had some inkling of the nature of these types of apparatus and of the nature of the things which they can do. I shall attempt at this point, before we are through with this ward, to go into the relative values of a science which has, at different times, been practiced rather loosely on your earth planet.
The problem was that of casting out evil adherences or, as it has been called, exorcism. The Master Jesus was well versed in these sciences; in fact he took much of His training in this very ward. The casting out of evil spirits is a science, which would be of great advantage for the earth psychiatrist to learn. Many of the people who are incarcerated in various mental institutions would be almost instantaneously liberated, could such proper mental therapy be applied. I say to the scientists of the earth who are confining their therapies to the mind, that there is no condition or mental aberration or whatever you may call such a condition, which is not in some way, directly or indirectly, related to such possessive mental adherences, called obsessions. There are, in the lower orders of spiritual existences, such types of
distorted mental phenomenon which pass all belief. Some of the descriptions of these things have been rather loosely called demons, devils, ogres, and other such names. It is the type of mentality which has been switched from the constructive and the super-normal into the subnormal regions, which you call the sub-astral planes. We regret that at the present time the earth scientist has little use for such beliefs, in spite of the great work which was done by the Avatar Jesus, and many others in ages past. The New Testament, as well as other portions of your Bible, not to mention many pages of historical evidence, support the entire truth of this wonderful and badly neglected science on your earth plane. It is one of the phases of spiritual progression which the earth man must relearn and reenter before he attains his peaceful state of evolution.
Now let us pass through the doorway into this large ward; as you see, it is similar to the ones which you saw on Venus. Stretching out into the distance are numerous rows of cot-like beds, in which people seem to be sleeping. This ward is devoted primarily to a more convalescent type of therapy, after the mental adhesions have been removed or as called in your Bible, ‘cast out the devils.’
(Image courtesy of Robert Maxxim – rgaetan.com)
If you so desire, although I do not recommend it, you may go with us into the lower realms where we remove, at different times, some of these cases of mentally obsessed people, who are passing in so-called death from the various mental institutions of your country. However, such an experience will not be pleasant and I would not recommend it unless you think you are thoroughly fortified, for it may leave you in a very completely muddled state of mind.
We shall stroll about for a few moments, and as you see, there are people of all types and all ages here,-people who have broken down under the various pressures from the ways of the civilized world; people who have broken down through fear and ignorance and of the various psychosomatic neuroses which were incurred through mistreatment and malpractice in infancy. Some of these people brought over their mental conditions from a previous evolution and relived them again on your earth plane. It is needless to say, they were thoroughly misunderstood and badly abused, and little if anything was done for them. So it is up to us, and with
the help of the prayers of their relatives and friends, and with the help of those who are in spiritual work and who can pray for them, these energies are so used and directed, that they become catalytic agents to use the supreme energy of the God Force in directing the reconstruction of these badly warped and distorted bodies. Since you know something of the construction of the psychic bodies by now, I shall not attempt to go into more detailed explanation. As you will notice, the color of many of these people will present very peculiar conditions; for instance, here is one who seems to be a dull purplish-black color. This person was at one time a violently insane person who died in an earth ward hospital in a straight-jacket. There are other conditions, each one presenting its own individual case and its own individual heartbreaking story of humanity, tossed into a sea of materialism, which had little understanding and much less pity for their condition. You are seeing but one of these many wards of convalescence covering many acres of ground, if I can put the measurement into dimensions of the earth.
Literally countless thousands of these mental cases, which have passed on in this condition require this special type of therapy before they can be transferred to other places for further treatment. Mental conditions, especially those which are incurred through adhesions or obsession, are particularly difficult to reconstruct, because this correction takes place in a dimension and in a plane which is unrelated to the place in which it was first incurred. If a person on the earth plane could reenact in similar conditions, such a time and place in a psychic way that would be conducive to mental therapy, many of these cases could, of course, be instantaneously healed; as was the case of the Master Jesus, who went about and liberated many of the diseased or obsessed conditions. However, after a person passes from the plane in which these conditions were incurred, healing is very difficult, because we do not have the voluntary cooperation of the patient; and likewise we do not have the intelligence or the cooperation of those who are more directly concerned and who revolve about him in his own native vibration. However, I believe that you are becoming just a little tired of my rapid-fire conversation; so for the time being, we shall temporarily suspend our narration and our exploration, and may we send you a special ray of love.
Excerpt from The Voice of Eros
See Part II here.
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