Staying True To Your Inner Pathway
by Ernest L. Norman
The scientist has until quite recently been prone to limit the span of life as it is found upon the earth to something which is relative and indigenous only to this planet despite the fact that through his telescope he sees a small fraction of this Infinite Cosmogony about him.
Nuclear science, too, has propounded for the scientist, new equations in the term of Infinity, yet here again, he is prone to lay down the lines of demarcation and thus stamps himself with the same seal of abysmal ignorance as his contemporaries from the more material realms and dimensions of earth existence. In a true spiritual sense—and realizing the proportions of Infinity as so compounded in the extractions of the Superconsciousness and its conjunctive relationship with the Infinite—man becomes a man only when he realizes his own particular position in respect to this Infinite and when he has destroyed completely the illusion of self from his own particular position to this Infinite.
In this position of self and its false structure of the ego as it is compounded from Freudianism, man has used only the five reactionary senses which were compounded by him from out of past lifetime dispensations. He has not used the most valuable part of his existence and relationship to the Infinite as it is interconnected to him through other channels which are called extrasensory perceptions. Only in extrasensory perceptions can we find the true relationship to the Infinite, the true motivating libido or drive, the so called “Guiding Light”, the necessary virtues, the inspirational values which are so necessary to make the continuance of life through various planes of experience.
The individual who is vitally concerned with his own position in respect to the Infinite, will find many ways in which he can presently equate this position. Looking about him in his present world, he can find numerous ways in which various external manifestations are made in common union with thousands of others who are of like nature and who occupy a similar position. Such external dispensations which are found in political systems, religious orders, cultisms and in social structures, as well as in personal habits can all be considered to be extractions and developments along the pathway of life from previous lifetimes.
When such particular dispensations of life began to form a certain hard core nucleus, or when they can be strong enough in any particular person’s life wherein they are worshiped or idolized, or form a dominant influence in that person’s life to the partial or complete exclusion of all other things, then this person can be considered spiritually and somewhat mentally retarded upon his plane of life. He has temporarily, so far as the surface of consciousness is concerned, stopped in this evolutionary process.
Present-day examples of these past idolatries can be found in numerous dispensations about us. Such common extractions as were formed from previous pantheologies and understandings of so-called mystical forces and elements can be seen in the expression of religious systems and observances in the world about us. The common observances of Christmas, Easter or other religious demonstrations are in themselves, merely extractions and modifications of old paganisms wherein substitutions of deistic or guiding forces have been interwoven into the fabric of these expressionary counterparts. This fact is quite true of the individual who
calls himself a Christian. There is actually nothing Christian in his attitude toward life, either in his day by day actions toward his fellow men or in the common elements wherein he continually judges and reacts according to reactionary values of force, dominance or the will to survive. He will therefore never be what he calls Christian until he can begin to express from the inner self, the true perspectives which are contained in the Infinite Consciousness. The bended knee, the altar, the consecrated services are merely more recent forms of that age-old escape mechanism which has been the common subterfuge of man in all races and in all walks of life since the beginning of his evolution upon the planet earth.
Whenever such particular psychic pressures were built up in the subconscious to a certain point, they were then most necessarily expurgated from the immediate consciousness—at least temporarily—by some particular witch doctor, who later developed into a priest in some specific religious dispensation. In this common escape mechanism, it can be considered that all the various political and religious systems are escape mechanisms, or merely a compromise wherein an individual seeks to escape his own moral responsibility and his position to the Infinite. He has not yet attained the particular position in life when he will shoulder his own moral responsibilities and realize the implications of past lifetime dispensations which were so materialistic and reactionary in nature.
In order to gain absolvency from these reactionary stances, he must adapt within himself and in his daily life, certain relationships which would relate him into higher spiritual planes of consciousness. He cannot do this by resorting to the common subterfuge contained in the daily confessional or the weekly rite (which he believes will purge himself of these various sins by attending some church), no more than can the so-called pagan or infidel accomplish the same results by ringing a temple bell or burning incense upon the altar. The two expressions here, whether paganistic or Christian, are basically and essentially the same. The old cliché of “the pot calling the kettle black”, is applicable in this particular case.
Moreover, it is a common human weakness to continually exploit the pure essences as they were originally contained in such postulations of higher spiritual concepts, into weakened and watered-down versions which contain personal extractions and derivations from these originally pure essences. Altar worship has thus become a substitute (to some extent), for some of the more barbaric or paganistic rituals which often involved human sacrifices but the principles and ramifications involved, so far as they concern human evolution, are basically and essentially the same.
Man has not changed his perspective to the Infinite; he has only substituted for human sacrifice, his own particular identity and expression in his evolutionary flight into the Infinite; for in each successive subjugation to external deifications to such existing systems of idolatries as they are found in the world about us, only mean that the individual has made another one of the personal sacrifices which have been made from the very flesh of his own nature and the tears of recrimination which he will shed for himself in the future will be as the drops of blood from the former sacrifice.
Salvation is attained only when one assumes his own moral responsibility in his position toward the Infinite, his willingness to accept this moral responsibility in gradual attainment and an expansion of consciousness which will relate him to higher planes of relationship to this Infinite. There is no other way, for indeed any other way would be contrary to the Infinite Plan as it has been so conceived by this Infinite Consciousness.
Excerpt from Cosmic Continuum
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