Strange Structures On Mercury
Compilation by Gloria Lynn
Mercury is the smallest and innermost planet in the Solar System. Its orbit around the Sun takes 87.97 days, the shortest of all the planets in the Solar System. It is named after the Greek god Hermes, translated into Latin Mercurius Mercury, god of commerce, messenger of the gods, mediator between gods and mortals. Wikipedia
I found some really cool looking buildings on planet Mercury. The photo really contains an immense amount of evidence that ancient aliens exit there. This purple blue structure is amazing. Its detail and geometry is exactly what humans might build if living off world.
Honestly, if humanity wants to live off world, we should be working no communication to these aliens…sending messages in radio waves, laser, infrared and microwaves…and keep experimenting until they answer. Its a lot easier to ask if we could move in with them, than to create an entire civilization on a foreign planet. ~ Scott C. Waring
Original image here.
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Are glass structures on the moon similar to Mercury? Is this why there is a rainbow effect? Richard Hoagland discusses glass structures on the Moon here:
City-type images and other anomalies:
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Mercury’s Strange Spider Formations
For more information on alien structures throughout our Solar System see here.
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