Unariun Wisdom

Temple Lectures

[This letter to students from Uriel (Ioshanna at the time) was received by a student who has since made her transition. She gave me a number of files that contain some of these letters prior to her passing which I hope to post in future articles. Attached at the bottom is a pdf scan of the original. Estimated date of this letter is about 1970 or 1971. Enjoy! – Editor]

Dear Unariun Friend – Our greetings to you!

As always, in our contacts with you, the student, we extend to you our wishes for your continued and sincere interest in your personal development, study, and progress.

In our researching here, such as is expressed, we are ever watchful for any new and otherwise important writings, books, etc., that the Unariun may find of interest or which may be somewhat similar to the UN.AR.I.U.S. Science.

Just recently, an offset book was located titled “Temple Lectures”, by Olney H. Richmond, written in 1892. It is felt that any student would find this book of great interest. It is very simply put, easily understood and we would recommend its reading to you. It is always a joy to find any semblance of this great UN.AR.I.U.S. Science that has been brought to the earthman – either recently or from some past ages.

Of course, the vast and complete Creative Science of the Infinite is not new. The interdimensional principles, atomic or otherwise, have always existed (and always shall), but very little factual truth of these creative principles has been given to the earthman (before UN.AR.I.U.S.), as he has not been ready to accept or to conceive, and to effectively apply this knowledge. Thus, it is a joy to find even a small segment of these creative principles set down by others who are likewise aware and so informed.

“Temple Lectures” has not created the great excitement as did the “True Life of Jesus” book, yet it is most gratifying to see that others have known these vital principles in the past. It lends strength. Thus, we obtained some copies for your use. Although you’ll no doubt find “nothing new” – aside from UN.AR.I.U.S. – yet the reading of this book could better help one understand UN.AR.I.U.S. further. I do recommend it, and we’ll be most interested in hearing your comments after the reading! …

And while you are writing to us for a copy, if there are those to whom you would give, say, for the Holidays ahead, a copy of the wondrous “True Life of Jesus” book, we are offering them at a greatly reduced price in order to make space for the new edition …

Surely, every student could appoint himself to “serve his cause” in this helpful manner! Both the ones receiving the book and we here too shall greatly appreciate your cooperation and serving.

We are herewith too, as is always the case, taking this opportunity of oscillating to you the higher frequencies from the Inner to better aid you in your forward motion.

May the radiance of the Infinite ever surround you as you continue to walk with us this illumined pathway.

We Normans (Ioshanna)

Original letter in pdf format here.

Temple Lectures by Olney H. Richmond can be downloaded as a pdf here.