Ten Reasons Why Life (Alien Or Not) Exists Out There
1) DNA May Appear Spontaneously From A Universal Quantum Wave Anywhere Or Any Place In The Universe
The DNA molecule is obviously essential to any scientific understanding of life and how it forms. One strand of DNA from a single cell contains enough information to clone an entire organism.
The new science tells us that DNA begins as a wave, not a molecule. This wave exists as a pattern within space and time and is written throughout the entire universe. In this new model, we are constantly surrounded by pulsating waves of invisible genetic information–much like satellite TV, radio waves, and cell phone and broadband Internet signals. Each of these tiny DNA-forming waves creates gravitional forces, on a microscopic scale, that pull in atoms and molecules from their surroundings to construct DNA. If we could develop instruments to see the, each of these waves would be an exact energetic replica of the DNA molecules they will eventually form. The atoms naturally “fall” into the right places as they are pulled into the wave–much like rocks naturally roll into the bottom of a mountain stream once they are swept into the current. After single DNA molecules have been built, these same microgravitational forces cause them to cluster together so they can begin integrating and creating larger forms of life.
One scientist who caught these microgravitational forces in action is Dr. Sergey Leikin. In 2008, Leikin put various types of DNA in ordinary salt water and tagged each type with a different fluorescent color. The color-coded DNA molecules were scattered like confetti throughout the water. Much to Leikin’s surprise, matching DNA molecules traveled the equivalent of thousands of miles, within their own tiny universe, to find each other. Before long, he saw the entire clusters of DNA molecules had gathered together. Each cluster was made of DNA molecules with the same fluorescent color. What could possibly be attracting them together over such vast distances? Leikin thinks this phenomenon may be cause by electrical charges. [However] gravity becomes the most likely answer within the existing energy fields known to modern science.
In 2011, Nobel Prize winner Dr. Luc Montagnier demonstrated that DNA can be spontaneously formed out of hydrogen and oxygen molecules–nothing more. Montagnier started out with a hermetically sealed tube of pure sterilized water. He then placed another sealed test tube next it–but this tube had small amounts of DNA floating in the water. Montagnier then electrified both tubes with a weak, seven-hertz electromagnetic field and waited. Eighteen hours later, little pieces of DNA had grown in the original tube–out of nothing but pure sterilized water. Let’s not forget that water is H2O, hydrogen and oxygen. How could DNA–which is made of much more complex molecules–form out of such simple elements? This is one of the most significant discoveries in the history of science–by a Nobel laureate biologist, no less–and although it did get a small amount of publicity in the media, it was almost completely ignored.
This new science tells us that the universe is constantly conspiring to make biological life, wherever and however it can–even in the most utterly inhospitable places. In any given area of the universe, these hidden micro-gravitational waves will begin gathering atoms and molecules together that make DNA. The waves build whatever life-forms will naturally thrive in that area, beginning with single-cell organisms. Amazingly, British astrnomers Sir Fred Hoyle and Dr. Nalin Chandra Wickramasinghe found that 99.9 percent of all the dust floating around in our galaxy is freeze-dried bacteria. Sir Fred Hoyle revealed the full implications of these new discoveries in a lecture on April 15, 1980–fully thirty-three years ago at the time of this writing–and yet his surprising breakthroughs have still not reached the level of mainstream thought.
— The Synchronicity Key: The Hidden Intelligence Guiding the Universe and You by David Wilcock
2) Water, Water, Everywhere
In the past we tended to imagine that water was a scarce and precious resource. But as we learn more about our place in the Universe, we are becoming ever more aware that water is everywhere.
Around 75% of all atoms in our galaxy are hydrogen, and it is the most common element in the Universe. Oxygen is the third most common element in space, albeit making up only about 1% of the total sum of all the atoms that are out there.
Water (H2O) is made of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. So it should be no surprise that water is everywhere, nor that it played a key role in the formation and evolution of not only our planetary system but many others.
As NASA missions explore our solar system and search for new worlds, they are finding water in surprising places. Water is but one piece of our search for habitable planets and life beyond Earth, yet it links many seemingly unrelated worlds in surprising ways.
Earth isn’t the only ocean world in our solar system. Oceans could exist in diverse forms on moons and dwarf planets, offering clues in the quest to discover life beyond earth.
The chemical elements in water, hydrogen and oxygen, are some of the most abundant elements in the universe. Astronomers see the signature of water in giant molecular clouds between the stars, in disks of material that represent newborn planetary systems, and in the atmospheres of giant planets orbiting other stars.
There are several worlds thought to possess liquid water beneath their surfaces, and many more that have water in the form of ice or vapor. Water is found in primitive bodies like comets and asteroids, and dwarf planets like Ceres. The atmospheres and interiors of the four giant planets — Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune — are thought to contain enormous quantities of the wet stuff, and their moons and rings have substantial water ice.
Perhaps the most surprising water worlds are the five icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn that show strong evidence of oceans beneath their surfaces: Ganymede, Europa and Callisto at Jupiter, and Enceladus,Titan, and Mimas at Saturn, and Triton at Neptune.
Now Pluto has joined this ever-growing list of planets, moons, dwarf planets and exoplanets in our solar system to have oceans of liquid water.
If our own Solar system tells us anything, it is that our universe is drenched in water. Quite literally, there’s water everywhere. Maybe, just maybe, that’s a hint that we are not alone.
3) The Sun Is Not Hot But Provides Each Planet With Its Needs
“Over one hundred years ago … the eminent astronomer Sir William Herschel suggested that the Sun may be inhabited and that the inhabitants may no more suffer from the intense heat than those who live in the tropical regions of Earth! He believed the Sun to be cool body, not a hot, flaming gas ball.” –Dr. George Hunt Williamson
The sun is really cold, contrary to what official science says.
As actual proof, the outer space exposed to sun rays without any blockage from atmosphere is really extremely cold to approximately 3ºK (-273ºC), water freezes approximately at 4ºC. Why is it not then extremely hot? Heat is caused by a reaction between sun rays and the electromagnetic planetary aura, the Van Allen lines or the morphogenetic fields of matter as taught in ancient wisdom and as is now taught by UN.AR.I.U.S..
Q & A Regarding the Sun
Q – Are we to understand that you said the sun is not actually hot?
A – Yes, that is what I was showing you a moment ago. You need not necessarily take my word for it. The fact the sun is not hot has been expressed by these higher minds and by advanced thinkers of this time; by Churchward in his books, and those who carved the hieroglyphics in the temples and pyramids, and in many other places have repeatedly portrayed that the sun is not hot. The sun is a radiating source of energy and that energy, as a pure form as it resides and comes from the sun, is neither heat nor light. Instead, it has to be changed by magnetic and gravitational structures and by various polarities which are involved because these polarities come through this great central universe.
Q – Do we get heat from the resistance in the air?
A – No, you do not get all of heat and light through resistance of light through the air. Most of the heat comes through an interchange of energy through the magnetic structures. It is called hysteresis. We get hysteresis in a transformer; if we pass energy through a coil of wire which is wrapped around a core of iron, we get hysteresis in the iron, thus producing heat. The iron becomes red hot if we get enough current going through the wire.
Q – Then is the energy from the sun warm because of hysteresis?
A – Certainly, because there you are then coming in direct contact with the source of energy. As it is reflected down, you not only have hysteresis in the atmosphere and the molecules and atoms in the air, but also hysteresis and interchange of energy through the magnetic structures which you call gravity or which is called polarity, or positive and negative.
— The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation (ICCC)
More on the sun from ICCC:
“The scientist is likewise mixed up on what is considered heat. There are ninety-three million miles of space between here and the sun. There is no medium in this space which would transport heat or conduct heat from the sun to the Earth. Therefore, in the absolute consensus of energy releasements as they were concerned with two hydrogen atoms, any conductivity through this third dimensional space between the sun and the Earth must be done in an entirely different way. Therefore, this energy is not heat and the twenty-five million degree (supposed) temperature on the surface of the photosphere of the sun is really nonexistent; it merely resides in the mind of the scientist or on his papers as a figurative consensus of energy which is being released and is not really heat; for in a pure and abstract sense, heat is nonexistent. It is merely the measurement of certain energy wave forms which, due to their specific size, can be quantitatively assayed to have a certain resistive factor when they pass through certain solid particles which comprise our third dimensional atomic constituents.
“In other words, an energy wave form passing through any given mass meets with a certain resistance; and this resistance is the sum and total of another form of energy which is released, which the scientist calls heat. If the wave form passes through our skin and our flesh, and providing the wave form called heat is of sufficient intensity, then we shall be burned because the cells in our tissue structures must absorb this “heat” because they are resistive to it. And in absorbing this heat they will explode and be destroyed, therefore, you would be burned. Smaller amounts of these heat wave forms can pass into the tissues and create a sensation of comfort as the body is normally maintained at about 98 degrees Fahrenheit.”
When these concepts are understood then we will begin to see that the planets in this hysteresis process don’t depend on how far or how close they are to the sun but whichdepends upon this interchange of this energy particular to each planet’s needs. Some planets don’t exist on the same dimensional level as Earth and will therefore seemingly present themselves as being uninhabited when in fact life exists but on another dimensional level such as the planet Venus.
― Ernest L. Norman
4) The Drake Equation
“The universe is a pretty big place. If it’s just us, seems like an awful waste of space.”
― Carl Sagan

Exoplanets—worlds outside our solar system—are everywhere.
Already, astronomers have discovered thousands. As of New Year’s Day 2018, NASA has confirmed the existence of 3,572 exoplanets, with 5,078 more awaiting final verification.
But scientists say they’ve barely begun. And the number of exoworlds they estimate is astounding.
“There are hundreds of billions of planets in the Milky Way galaxy,” says Jean-Luc Margot, professor and chair of UCLA’s Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences department.
To put that in perspective: imagine counting them all, at the rate of one per second. That task, says Margot, would take “about 3,000 years” to finish.
Virtually all astronomers now say the vast majority of stars, maybe almost all, have at least a few planets around them.
They once thought the opposite. Exoplanets were believed nearly nonexistent. Our solar system, with eight major worlds, was presumed a quirk.
Then the Kepler Space Telescope, launched by NASA in 2009, stared at a patch of sky between constellations Cygnus and Lyra—and saw exoplanets all over the place.
“The game has really changed since Kepler,” says Margot. “It revolutionized astronomy.”
To calculate a more specific estimate on the number of exoplanets in the galaxy, researchers start with the number of stars.
Problem is, no one’s certain about that either. But at least 100 billion stars are in the Milky Way, scientists say—maybe up to 400 billion.
Says Guillem Anglada-Escude, an astrophysicist at Queen Mary University of London, and part of the team that discovered Proxima b, Earth’s closest exoplanet: “100 billion is a reasonable number.”
So take 100 billion stars, assume three planets per star, and multiply: that’s 300 billion planets in the galaxy.
Presume more stars—200 billion? 300 billion?—and “you’re looking at close to a trillion planets,” says David Kipping, astronomy professor at Columbia University and the head of its Cool Worlds laboratory.
“That’s as good as any guess right now. It could be a trillion, it could be more than that.”
A bit trickier: figuring out how many of those planets might orbit within the habitable zone.
That’s the place in a star system where a world’s surface temperature is moderate, where liquid water might flow, where life has a chance.
Scientists generally agree a significant fraction of exoplanets reside in the zone, perhaps anywhere from five to fifteen percent.
“That’s tens of billions of planets in the galaxy with some potential for life,” says Margot.
Astronomers, exceedingly precise on almost everything else, aren’t particularly bothered by the broad range of approximations. When it comes to exoplanets, what counts is this: all the numbers are big. Really big.
“As humans, we can’t even conceive what billions and billions are,” says Sara Seager, astrophysicist and planetary scientist at MIT.
“But they’re all huge numbers, right? We can agree on that.”
And that’s just the neighborhood, says Margot. Beyond the Milky Way loom “two trillion galaxies in the observable universe,” each with incalculable billions of stars.
And that’s how many planets?
For this one, Margot doesn’t suggest a number.
“It’s comparable,” he says, “to the number of grains of dry sand on all the beaches on Earth.” Imagine counting that.
— Bill Retherford
6) The Universe Is Infinite
“It’s likely the universe extends forever in space and will go on forever in time. Our results are consistent with an infinite universe.”
— David Schlegel
After analyzing more than three years of continuous observations from one of the world’s widest-angle telescopes in New Mexico, astrophysicists have compiled the most accurate map ever of the universe. Spanning a distance of over six billion light years, the new map plots the location of 1.2 million galaxies with an accuracy of 99%. This means that the distance between galaxies on the map is accurate to within 1% of the actual distance — an astonishing feat when you consider that we’re doing the measuring from a single point of space and observing tiny specks of light that are trillions of miles away. The new map provides some of the best evidence that the universe is flat, and that it’s “likely” the universe is infinite, extending forever into space and time.
This new map was created from the BOSS — Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey — which is one of the projects being carried out by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III on a 2.5-meter wide-angle reflector telescope at the Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico.
— Brookhaven National Laboratory
7) The Multiverse
The universe we live in may not be the only one out there. In fact, our universe could be just one of an infinite number of universes making up a “multiverse.”
Though the concept may stretch credulity, there’s good physics behind it. And there’s not just one way to get to a multiverse — numerous physics theories independently point to such a conclusion. In fact, some experts think the existence of hidden universes is more likely than not.
Here are just a few more plausible scientific theories suggesting we live in a multiverse:
Infinite Universe
Scientists can’t be sure what the shape of space-time is, but most likely, it’s flat (as opposed to spherical or even donut-shape) and stretches out infinitely (as confirmed above). But if space-time goes on forever, then it must start repeating at some point, because there are a finite number of ways particles can be arranged in space and time.
Parallel Universes
Another idea that arises from string theory is the notion of “braneworlds” — parallel universes that hover just out of reach of our own, proposed by Princeton University’s Paul Steinhardt and Neil Turok of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Ontario, Canada. The idea comes from the possibility of many more dimensions to our world than the three of space and one of time that we know. In addition to our own three-dimensional “brane” of space, other three-dimensional branes may float in a higher-dimensional space. Our universe may live in one bubble that is sitting in a network of bubble universes in space.
Columbia University physicist Brian Greene describes the idea as the notion that “our universe is one of potentially numerous ‘slabs’ floating in a higher-dimensional space, much like a slice of bread within a grander cosmic loaf,” in his book “The Hidden Reality” (Vintage Books, 2011).
The theory of quantum mechanics, which reigns over the tiny world of subatomic particles, suggests another way multiple universes might arise. Quantum mechanics describes the world in terms of probabilities, rather than definite outcomes. And the mathematics of this theory might suggest that all possible outcomes of a situation do occur — in their own separate universes. For example, if you reach a crossroads where you can go right or left, the present universe gives rise to two daughter universes: one in which you go right, and one in which you go left.
“And in each universe, there’s a copy of you witnessing one or the other outcome, thinking — incorrectly — that your reality is the only reality,” Greene wrote in “The Hidden Reality.”
If there should be one simple concept which I would like to completely introduce into the sciences of this world as it exists today, it would be the proposition that the Earth is not a singular planet in the entire universe; singular in respect that it is the only planet which bears life or that life itself, as it concerns this planet, is singular. It is an expressionary form which comes from the interdimensional cosmos. In the parallel configurations of positive and negative oscillations as they concern all appearances in this third dimensional world, the mechanics of understanding these creative processes must be more clearly formulated by the Earth scientist of the future if he is ever to solve the riddle of the amino acid molecule or the riddle of his own life. There is no spontaneous creation, whether it is an atom, a molecule, a planet, a solar system, a galaxy or a universe. All of this which is visible to the third dimensional eye is the result of a vast, complex interdimensional system of oscillating energies. And even our universe, in turn, becomes merely a microscopic speck, a tiny eddy-current in a much greater, a much more vast infinity; and this in turn becomes one more microscopic speck in a super-infinity. — Ernest L. Norman
8) Ancient Astronaut Theory
According to ancient alien theorists, most of whom have researched the topic for decades, extraterrestrials with superior knowledge of science and engineering landed on Earth thousands of years ago, sharing their expertise with early civilizations and forever changing the course of human history. To this day researchers look for evidence to support this theory.
Ancient alien theory grew out of the centuries-old idea that life exists on other planets, and that humans and extraterrestrials have crossed paths before. The theme of human-alien interaction was thrust into the spotlight in the 1960s, driven by a wave of UFO sightings and popular films like 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968). The space program played no small part in this as well … if mankind could travel to other planets, why couldn’t extraterrestrials visit Earth?
Also in 1968, Swiss researcher and author Erich von Daniken published Chariots of the Gods, which became an immediate bestseller. In it, he put forth his hypothesis that, the technologies and religions of many ancient civilizations were given to them by space travelers who were welcomed as gods. He is regarded by many as the father of ancient alien theory, also known as the ancient astronaut theory.
The types of evidence von Daniken cites can be categorized as follows:
The existence of structures and artifacts have been found which represent higher technological knowledge than is presumed to have existed at the times they were manufactured. Daniken maintains that these artifacts were produced either by extraterrestrial visitors or by humans who learned the necessary knowledge from them.
These artifacts include:
- Moai of Easter Island
- Egyptian Pyramids
- Stonehenge
- Submerged Cities thousands of years old
- The medieval map known as the Piri Reis Map allegedly shows the Earth as it is seen from space
- Nazca Lines of Peru which von Daniken believes was a landing strips or airfield
- In China we find theories about an alien race called the Dropa who left behind fascinating discs.
- Petroglyphs found on cave and mountain walls in many parts of the world, imply that ancient aliens may have visited the planet
- Mayan Calendar
- Vimanas
Various interpretations of ancient artwork as depictions of astronauts, air and space vehicles, extraterrestrials, and complex technology exist throughout the world. Daniken also describes elements that he believes are similar in art of unrelated cultures.
Explanations for the origins of religions as reactions to contact with an alien race, including interpretations of the Old Testament of the Bible. According to von Daniken, humans considered the technology of the aliens to be supernatural and the aliens themselves to be gods. Daniken asks if the oral and literal traditions of most religions contain references to visitors from stars and vehicles traveling through air and space.
These, he says, should be interpreted as literal descriptions which have changed during the passage of time and become more obscure. Examples such as: Ezekiel’s revelation in Old Testament, which he interprets as a detailed description of a landing spacecraft with angels in the likeness of man. Moses and the directions ‘God’ gave him to construct the Ark of the Covenant, which is assumed to be a communication device with an alien race. Lot and his extended family being ordered by human like ‘angels’ to go to the mountains, due to the destruction of the city of Sodom by God. His wife looked back at the possible nuclear explosion, and falling “dead on the spot”. Daniken attempts to draw an analogy with the “cargo cults” that formed during and after World War II, when once-isolated tribes in the South Pacific mistook the advanced American and Japanese soldiers for gods.”
The Mayan – Popol Vuh, states:
“Men came from the stars, knowing everything, and they examined the four corners of the sky and the Earth’s round surface.”
One has to wonder where the ancient Maya got their advanced knowledge in astronomy, mathematics, and other physical sciences.
The Mayan Chilam Balaam texts stated: “Beings descended from the sky in flying vessels…white men in flying rings, who can touch the sky.”
— Crystalinks

Ultimately, perhaps the best sign that alien life exists out there and has been visiting us for many years is the absolute plethora of reported sightings, landings, and other physical evidence that continues on to this day.
These witnesses come from across a broad spectrum of humanity covering all nations of the world.
Posted in Life On Other Worlds, Science For The New Age, UFOswith 2 comments.
Truly I love respect and am ever grateful to Dr Ernest L and Visionary Ruth E Norman for founding and sharing with us the “UNARIUS Academy of Science”☺
Originally, Dr. Norman called it the ‘Science of Life’. It was never meant to be a UFO cult.