The Assessment
Robert O. Dean has been engaged in the field of UFO research for the last 40 years. He began this research on active duty in the US ARMY where he served for 27 years. He retired as Command Sergeant Major from the Army in 1976 as a highly decorated combat veteran after having served as an Infantry Unit Commander in combat in Korea and Vietnam. He also served in Intelligence Field Operations in Laos, Cambodia and North Vietnam.
Additionally, from 1963 to 1967 he served at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), NATO as an intelligence analyst with a Cosmic Top Secret clearance. While on this assignment, he helped move the headquarters to the new site in Belgium. Dean worked in the Operations Division and was a member of the inner Command Staff thereby working with and seeing the SACEUR (Supreme Allied Commander Europe) almost every day.
It was while he was stationed at SHAPE that Robert’s interest in UFOs first started. One night, while on duty, Robert removed a file from SHAPE’s security vault called “The Assessment” – An Evaluation of Possible Military Threat to Allied Forces in Europe”.
This file was given the highest security classification, COSMIC TOP SECRET. It retains that security classification to this day. The contents of this file opened Robert’s eyes to the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence. After reading “The Assessment”, he dedicated his life to one goal: Bringing to light the true facts surrounding the UFO phenomenon and contact with extraterrestrial intelligence.
With this Robert’s projects were also directed toward gaining immunity for ex-military personnel (who shed some light on the UFO issue), enabling them to testify before a Congressional Hearing without fear of losing their pensions or of prosecution.
The NATO UFO Assessment with Robert Dean
The assessment, subtitled “An Evaluation of a Possible Military Threat to Allied Forces” was ordered by Air Marshall Thomas Pike (Royal Air Force), Deputy of the SACEUR for General Lyman Lemnitzer, his superior and later Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff. The three conclusions submitted by the report, which included descriptions and photographic records of crashed UFOs and retrieved bodies and material, were:
• The Earth has been spied upon by several extraterrestrial civilizations, possibly for thousands of years.
• These civilizations appear to be peaceful since they are so advanced that they could easily have taken our planet, had they wished to.
• The visitors are increasing contact as part of the gradual unfolding of a plan, by which they will eventually interact with us.
by Come Carpentier De Gourdon
An increasingly weighty, well-established and widely coordinated body of hard evidence forces us to admit that not only are we not alone in this local world but that we are not even the dominant power on “our” own planet. There are many things and beings above and beside us. Religions have taught this fact of life but in the modern age their messages have generally been regarded as solely mystical and moral musings or as instructions devoid of provable, factual certainty and even scientific relevance.
A few government-commissioned studies that have established the reality of an alien presence are the 1953 Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA’s) Robertson Panel Report and the 1960 Brookings Institute Report. Both recommended keeping the evidence secret, in order not to trigger a global panic, by invoking the rather questionable justification that unidentified flying objects (UFOs) did not pose a threat to national security. Yet the United States (US) Firefighter’s Manual includes instructions on precautions to be taken with UFOs to avoid radiation, burns and other hazardous effects of close proximity. Other significant documents are the OSS World War Two Foo Fighters Reports, the April 9, 1947 CIG Intelligence Report on “ghost rockets” seen in Sweden by military personnel and the July 29, 1952 memorandum from Deputy Director for Intelligence, Robert Amory Junior to Ralph L. Clark, Acting Assistant Director of the Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI) attesting to the formation of the Special Study Group by the CIA, linked to both the OSI and the Office of Current Intelligence. The United States Air Force (USAF) Project Saucer (later re-baptized Project Sign) also concluded that an extraterrestrial origin of UFOs was likely. With regard to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the most significant piece of evidence is the 127-page report provided in 1991 to Cosmonaut Pavel Popovich by General Major Nikolai Sham, then Director of the KGB. The “Blue Files” compiled by the official joint investigative commission set up by the Soviet Union were reportedly sold for a pittance to a Western buyer in the troubled 1990s.
Some of the articles in this issue detail many of the undeniable records of non-human, possibly extraterrestrial or “alter-universal” presence and activities and techniques of communication—successful or still enigmatic—with members of our species. This essay draws some conclusions and succinctly spells out implications of the demonstrated state of affairs with regard to the comprehension of our origins and history and a view of our likely or possible future, moving from the most obvious to the less provable assumptions.
I) The technological sophistication demonstrated by “alien” visitors (this widely used, universally accepted designation is kept, as it is free of favorable or negative prejudices that might betray a particular position) is manifestly so superior to ours that it denotes a much higher degree in the ladder of intellectual and “civilizational” evolution. Specifically, the ability of their flying crafts to reach tremendous speeds in the air, sea or space and to break through the speed of light barrier implies the faculty to manipulate space-time in ways that we can only begin to comprehend. This in turn entails mastery of matter-energy that constitutes reality. Much of that prowess still lies in the realm of the “supernatural” as far as we are concerned and it puts the visitors in the same category as gods and other prodigious beings described in the mythologies of ancient cultures who are often invoked by the Occult Sciences such as Astrology, Alchemy, Magic and other esoteric disciplines. Our modern “rationalistic” worldview must, in the light of this realization, be drastically reviewed.
II) Any direct public contact between human leaders and governments and aliens is fraught with problems and perils, especially due to the earlier induction. The rationale, psychology, motivations, desires and goals of much higher life forms may be inscrutable or least logically inadmissible from the human standpoint. It is also possible, though less likely, that our own interests, goals and fears will be enigmatic to them (at least to those who have not been observing us for long) despite the general principle that “the superior encompasses the inferior”, because what is too different may not have any language or even notion in common with us. This fear of subjection or even annihilation explains the prevalent attitude in military and national security circles, which remain to this day mainly interested in learning about alien technology to meet the visitors and if need be fight them on an equal level, or at least with a chance of success. Until then, according to this line of reasoning, contact with the visitors should be discouraged or even banned outside specialized military agencies. The Joint Army Navy Air Protocol-146 (JANAP 146) Regulation is meant for this purpose.
III) This leads to the third induction from the vast numbers and varieties of alien crafts and beings that have been observed in the course of several decades by multiple reliable witnesses, often supported by hard proof (official cross-checked reports, material traces and debris, authenticated photographs and films, radar and theodolite trackings, et al). A wide variety of intelligent species have been visiting the Earth (or our space-time continuum), regularly or occasionally and interacting with its animal and human denizens in diverse manners (close approaches, collection of organic samples, abductions, anatomic and genetic tests, exchange of signs and symbols, triggering visual, auditory and psychic phenomena, injecting subcutaneous implants, resorting to remote interventions on our behavior and physiology, etc). Certain sources from within the Pentagon claim that more than fifty different “species” of intelligent life forms have been recorded by certain specialized services of the American Government, comprising the CIA, the National Security Agency (NSA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the National Reconnaissance office (NRO) and other more shadowy agencies, reportedly under the aegis of the elusive Majestic Special Study Group. Some aliens, like the Nordics look similar to homo sapiens to the point of mingling with us undetected. Three possible explanations can be given for this:
- The human form is widespread or at least exists in various parts of the galaxy and/or universe, having appeared and evolved independently along parallel or convergent lines, in keeping with certain natural laws. Hence, homo sapiens are members of a larger closely related family
- Those “people” are genetically akin to humans, either because the latter came from another planet (or galaxy/universe) or because we have spread to other areas of the cosmos in the past, by our own devices or “transplanted” by others.
- We are being harvested and seeded into other planets, as fetuses, children or adults or through cloning or hybrid insemination (mixing human and alien genes). In this regard, the scientific hypothesis that the human gene sequence could have been artificially engineered or modified is looking plausible.
Researchers Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf have published a paper entitled “Vernetzte Intelligenz” quoted by Mary Rodwell (The Canadian, July 30, 2008) in which they argue that the “human DNA is a biological internet” which can be influenced and reprogrammed through words and specific electromagnetic frequencies. It is a data storage and communication system and the genetic code is regulated like all human languages while chromosomes are compared to holographic computers using endogenous deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) laser radiations to operate.
Other aliens look quite different from us though they have the same general body structure. The commonly observed “grays” (also known as “slants” or “zetas”), the “great whites” and the various kinds of “reptilians” belong to this general category of more exotic creatures. Among the grays, multiple testimonies describe some as being cybernetic clones or “cyborgs” (sophisticated organic computers) while others are fully alive, biological beings that either genetically modified themselves or were “re-engineered” by another intelligent life form for various possible reasons, such as life extension and adaptation to long or permanent existence in artificial environments in space. They fit our definition of “androids”. Credible sources, such as the late, legendary Colonel Philip J Corso, who served on the US National Security Council and in various other highly sensitive positions (in charge of “foreign technologies” at the Pentagon, under General Arthur Trudeau) assert that grays are so closely related and connected to their spacecrafts that they actually exist in symbiosis with them.
The “saucers” and other vehicles are biologically grown, not built like our machines and are attuned to the mental field of their crews so that they can be operated without any external mechanical control and guidance system. Similar properties characterize the clothes and other implements which seem to be organic, “intelligent”, almost indestructible and yet biodegradable. A major branch of modern technology is developing along these lines, beginning with the silicon chip, which is “grown” like a living cell and extending into futuristic, intelligent, self-maintaining, self-repairing clothes and machines that are already on the drawing board of certain research laboratories. Many of these advances are evidently inspired by alien technologies recovered and analyzed by military related research teams in the US and other countries.
IV) The issue of alien technology and its potential for the material upliftment of mankind is becoming ever more important, as new confirmations are found for the thesis that special departments, or corporations, usually associated undercover with the US Government or at least the military-industrial complex, have been working on certain aspects of it for at least half a century. It appears that even before World War Two the Axis powers—Germany and Italy—were attempting to understand and duplicate the propulsion technology of UFO crafts, which were then often alluded to as Martians. Various reports on German secret research groups like Thule and Vrill and their alleged contacts with extra-planetary entities are at the origin of the long-standing legends, which make flying saucers the vehicles of survivors of the Third Reich hiding in underground bases located in Antarctica and South America. Though such stories seem unproven and implausible, they reflect the belief that there was an “exopolitical” awareness within certain ruling Nazi circles.
A debate is raging on whether the bits and pieces retrieved over the last decades were stolen or covertly gifted by their owners. It may be argued that—like Robinson Crusoe on his desert island, who finds himself the beneficiary of an unexpected cargo left by an unknown ship—we may never know if these precious goods were indeed intended to fall into our hands by their original possessors. The question is whether we are abandoned on our island planet or simply marooned and secretly assisted by someone out at sea who for some mysterious reason, may be more interested in us than we suspect.
To continue reading see full transcript here.
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